Because the skill level required for PvE is becoming inexistent, which decreases the prices of the gear, artifacts and other valuables looted from the bosses. Thus cutting off the legit ways of earning AD besides ZEN selling (yeah I know you're interested in money income but the game might die because of that greed rush) Gosh... just imagine that gap the new players and the veterans have now, it's just an Abyss.
My suggestion is, how about we have some cosmetic set of boons for upcoming modules? I don't know, maybe glowing eyes, some unique animations or ability to customize our companions? about we have some cosmetic set of boons for upcoming modules? I don't know, maybe glowing eyes, some unique animations or ability to customize our companions?
I mostly disagree with the OP comment, except for the part I've quoted above; @Cryptic please add more transmutes, fashion, intoeresting visuals and whatnot for the "GEAR TAB (not the Fashion Tab) - that we can earn, grind for, craft, trade, whatever. I actually purchased a Bahamut Adventurer's pack NOT for the account-wide Priestess companion (I have too many account companions already) - but actually (believe it or not) for the Account-Wide *TRANSMUTES* that come with it.
Are you listening Cryptic Marketing People? Hmmm? Huh? Are you?
//Sorry if my comment is a bit off-topic as per the thread title, but hey...
(And the Priestess companion is actually quite good, BTW, just saying buying decision was transmutes.)
The skill required for PvE isn't inexistent, it's just that the majority of the high GS players are gating entry into lower content, ultimately blocking lower GS people who would face a challenge and just keeping the grind to themselves.
For example, I used to get kicked 90% of the parties I got into in castle never back when I had a 10k GS, yet I was often the most skilled player in the group (Mobility-Glass cannon GWF) and found myself regular groups to run it with. It's both challenging and rewarding because you'll get a gearscore boost spike when you're rewarded from fighting more challenging PvE content. That's why I'd always move onto the next instance once I got my piece of gear, instead of constantly grinding the some old instances that became too easy to run.
Just today I unlocked lair of lostmauth since I never really felt like trying it out. Ran it straight up in Epic mode, came in mid-run, didn't fall once and ended up being 2nd top damage dealer after a cleric, against two 18k CW's. I'm still a 14k mobility glass cannon GWF at this point, instead of being your generic useless tank GWF I actually dodge things, sacrificing tankiness for more power.
It's not that the PvE content doesn't require skill, it's that everybody always wants things to go so easily that they go into lower instances when they're overgeared to compensate for their lack of skill.
For example, I used to get kicked 90% of the parties I got into in castle never back when I had a 10k GS, yet I was often the most skilled player in the group (Mobility-Glass cannon GWF)
Well you joined pug CN groups. The skill bar isn't exactly high to say the least
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
My suggestion is, how about we have some cosmetic set of boons for upcoming modules? I don't know, maybe glowing eyes, some unique animations or ability to customize our companions?
I would also love to see unique looking armor skins and dye colors drop from bosses, or special effects that you could slot over your armor or weapon in place of the other enchantments.
I've been saying for over a year now that Crytpic is really missing the boat when it comes to cosmetics and character customization. And that boat is filled with $texas.
Well you joined pug CN groups. The skill bar isn't exactly high to say the least
Then the skill bar isn't very high in the majority of the community then. Even with my 14k GWF I'm outdpsing other GWF's from all gearscores up to 19k on average. Just now in my second lostmauth run I went around with 1.4million more damage than an 18k GWF who had 1k power over me. That's the kind of stuff I'm talking about. Even overgeared for certain instances the majority of people don't even come close to a skilled player that's much lower in gearscore/stats. If there weren't so many wallet warriors maybe the game would be a bit more challenging. The problem is people pay their way into the endgame content and then whine that it's not hard enough. So much merit for spending hundreds of dollars simply to have high numbers, all resulting in crappy performances getting carried by their bought gear. It's not normal a 14k GWF is topping the charts in 90% of instances over 16-18k players. And that's both in PUGs and premades.
Then the skill bar isn't very high in the majority of the community then. Even with my 14k GWF I'm outdpsing other GWF's from all gearscores up to 19k on average. Just now in my second lostmauth run I went around with 1.4million more damage than an 18k GWF who had 1k power over me. That's the kind of stuff I'm talking about. Even overgeared for certain instances the majority of people don't even come close to a skilled player that's much lower in gearscore/stats. If there weren't so many wallet warriors maybe the game would be a bit more challenging. The problem is people pay their way into the endgame content and then whine that it's not hard enough. So much merit for spending hundreds of dollars simply to have high numbers, all resulting in crappy performances getting carried by their bought gear. It's not normal a 14k GWF is topping the charts in 90% of instances over 16-18k players. And that's both in PUGs and premades.
First, let's not turn this thread into "Whales vs orca" disscussion, this won't end good. 2nd some people have a family, job, an universary to plan so why not boost their progress with money which would help them enjoy the game (and you too).
You think you're good, fine, but what I am going to say is there is also some certain group that has both gear (by that I imply at least rank 7s/greaters/all boons) and skill to do the content. The PvE challenge for such groups is just inexistent, if not worse. The game has too much power creep, we need more challenging content and LESS tools (boons in our case) to help us smoothen it.
Okay just tell me, when was the last time you disscussed strategy for boss or, I dare to ask, monster encounter with your party? Even in PUGs noone wants to do that. I believe I only see some attempts before VT or CN boss but that happens very rarely.
Okay just tell me, when was the last time you disscussed strategy for boss or, I dare to ask, monster encounter with your party? Even in PUGs noone wants to do that. I believe I only see some attempts before VT or CN boss but that very rarely.
Everytime I'd try a new instance I would look up information on it, especially about the boss fights. If the party is playing like **** then I usually just end up walking them through the instance even if it's my first time. I'd usually discuss strategies a lot because I'd often be undergeared and needed to perform flawlessly.
Don't be complaining that people aren't discussing strategies when they're at 20k gearscore still running castle never when it should be ran by 10-11k GS. It's simply hilarious that you people are complaining about PvE content difficulty when you kick anyone who would actually have a challenge in the instance. This 17-18k+ eLoL, valindra and castle never stuff is hilarious to watch.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited December 2014
Maybe future boons could be more about fun and utility instead of straight stats and combat effects. For instance:
1. Immediately remove any injury you sustain, (cooldown of X number of hours).
2. Reclaimable weapon or armor enchantment effect suppressor, which hides the graphical effect of any weapon or armor enchant for the item it is applied to.
3. Potion fusion skill - unlocks a special version of the refinement window, which allows you to combine 3 like-potions into 1 potion of the next higher tier, (has no effect on top-tier potions).
4. Companion dye kit - Allows you to change the color scheme of a single companion.
5. Mount dye kit - Allows you to change the color of a single mount.
6. A flat increase to your total stamina meter.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Btw, 6th, IMO it's a power creep too. Too many dodges, too much sprint is not good too. Especially for pvp
Hmm... good point. Maybe something like a significant boost to out of combat run speed or something.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
micky1p00Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,594Arc User
edited December 2014
Completely agree that the game need harder stuff to do (and stopping the power creep is part of it) and yet there should be rewarding progress.
And like ironzerg said, there is a lot of potential in customizations / emotes / and fashion. There are whole games that have their main income from visual customizations (dota2 is a good example).
I'm all for unlock-able (and something i can slot in or out or activate deactivate after unlocking) attack animations (specially dailies / encounters) / walk / run stances, special emotes / emote packs.
I would like to see skill animation, especially, imo, CW has a lot of things to work with, like a giant flaming skull instead of a shard for example (I will even kill my rotation and use shard just for that ).
Even custom 'execute' animation while more fitting to the PvP campaign or zen store but still nice thing to have (the PvP one when you press 'f' on someone to end him with your leg).
Perhaps some 1-per-day ability like the option to change appearance for 60 minutes once per day, can be entertaining and encourage people actually try appearances and by the zen token later.
Or one resurrection per day like the scrolls (if there will something that can actually make people wipe).
Maybe practical QoL stuff, like unlocking additional bag slots (empty without the bags), have maxed bank space and have all bags slotted, can use more especially when you need to hoard useless stuff for the hope of double refine.
GS can be manipulated/optimized without being added, so for example a 'boon' that will allow me to take 250 score from one stat I choose and put into another of my choice. Total remains the same but now can optimize better or use gear i would not earlier. Yes it will add to the power creep but not as much as blindly adding 250 per boon.
Everytime I'd try a new instance I would look up information on it, especially about the boss fights. If the party is playing like **** then I usually just end up walking them through the instance even if it's my first time. I'd usually discuss strategies a lot because I'd often be undergeared and needed to perform flawlessly.
Don't be complaining that people aren't discussing strategies when they're at 20k gearscore still running castle never when it should be ran by 10-11k GS. It's simply hilarious that you people are complaining about PvE content difficulty when you kick anyone who would actually have a challenge in the instance. This 17-18k+ eLoL, valindra and castle never stuff is hilarious to watch.
Who are those "you people" you bring allegation against ?
Bring me one person that I kicked over GS from a party !
I got it, you are a skillful, can out-damage 30k insert-any-class-here, what is the point of that statement ?
You yourself stating that with your lower gear you can do any dungeon, so what challenge left for you ?
Now add 5k GS in boons and ask again if you still have a challenge, even if you had one before.
I'm playing from release, I don't have all orange stuff, finished everything the game has to offer PvE wise, and have absolutely nothing to do in the game in PvE. Yes, I complain about the lack of content that fit and I'm not bothering with the ToD books / boons.
They can keep increasing power creep, if they add harder gated content. IWD as an example has harder mobs than dread ring and was gated so that you needed to be at it's minimum. Essentially they need to add T3 and T4 content that requires the power creep. Every mmo has power creep and it's fought by the expansions being progressively harder so that you need the creep to get thru them.
elewyndylMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Because the skill level required for PvE is becoming inexistent, which decreases the prices of the gear, artifacts and other valuables looted from the bosses. Thus cutting off the legit ways of earning AD besides ZEN selling (yeah I know you're interested in money income but the game might die because of that greed rush) Gosh... just imagine that gap the new players and the veterans have now, it's just an Abyss.
My suggestion is, how about we have some cosmetic set of boons for upcoming modules? I don't know, maybe glowing eyes, some unique animations or ability to customize our companions?
Screw this idea.
I can agree somewhat that boon GRINDING should be reduced. At least if you create a new character it is possible to take first 3 boons in 4th expansion before max level which is a good thing. 5th expansion adds some very hard to get boons only. 4th expansion 4 and 5 boon are hard to get.
That said what you represent is the rare EXTREME ELITE. I know because I have read your posts for a while. You are the player with Rank 10 enchantments and at least 3 legendary artifacts. You want the game to become gear only and not boon thing I see.
Before you mock me saying that I am some poor dude in real life I am landlord and I rent 3 apartments to other people. No I am not millionaire in real life, but fairly wealthy.
That said in this game I am hardcore player and so far free player. I hate anything cosmetic a la Guild Wars 2 style. There should be boons and rewards, but the amount of boons and the amount of grind to do them in expansions could be reduced.
Finally my real life friend is casual free player and the best enchantments he has are rank 7. I don't have a single rank 10 enchantment at least yet my best are rank 9.
I can agree on reduce amount of boons in future expansions, but I never want a 100% cosmetic expansion with only cosmetic boons. Finally getting those boons could be easier the last boons in 4th and 5th expansion seem extremely hard to get.
I mostly disagree with the OP comment, except for the part I've quoted above; @Cryptic please add more transmutes, fashion, intoeresting visuals and whatnot for the "GEAR TAB (not the Fashion Tab) - that we can earn, grind for, craft, trade, whatever. I actually purchased a Bahamut Adventurer's pack NOT for the account-wide Priestess companion (I have too many account companions already) - but actually (believe it or not) for the Account-Wide *TRANSMUTES* that come with it.
Are you listening Cryptic Marketing People? Hmmm? Huh? Are you?
//Sorry if my comment is a bit off-topic as per the thread title, but hey...
(And the Priestess companion is actually quite good, BTW, just saying buying decision was transmutes.)
For example, I used to get kicked 90% of the parties I got into in castle never back when I had a 10k GS, yet I was often the most skilled player in the group (Mobility-Glass cannon GWF) and found myself regular groups to run it with. It's both challenging and rewarding because you'll get a gearscore boost spike when you're rewarded from fighting more challenging PvE content. That's why I'd always move onto the next instance once I got my piece of gear, instead of constantly grinding the some old instances that became too easy to run.
Just today I unlocked lair of lostmauth since I never really felt like trying it out. Ran it straight up in Epic mode, came in mid-run, didn't fall once and ended up being 2nd top damage dealer after a cleric, against two 18k CW's. I'm still a 14k mobility glass cannon GWF at this point, instead of being your generic useless tank GWF I actually dodge things, sacrificing tankiness for more power.
It's not that the PvE content doesn't require skill, it's that everybody always wants things to go so easily that they go into lower instances when they're overgeared to compensate for their lack of skill.
Well you joined pug CN groups. The skill bar isn't exactly high to say the least
I would also love to see unique looking armor skins and dye colors drop from bosses, or special effects that you could slot over your armor or weapon in place of the other enchantments.
I've been saying for over a year now that Crytpic is really missing the boat when it comes to cosmetics and character customization. And that boat is filled with $texas.
Then the skill bar isn't very high in the majority of the community then. Even with my 14k GWF I'm outdpsing other GWF's from all gearscores up to 19k on average. Just now in my second lostmauth run I went around with 1.4million more damage than an 18k GWF who had 1k power over me. That's the kind of stuff I'm talking about. Even overgeared for certain instances the majority of people don't even come close to a skilled player that's much lower in gearscore/stats. If there weren't so many wallet warriors maybe the game would be a bit more challenging. The problem is people pay their way into the endgame content and then whine that it's not hard enough. So much merit for spending hundreds of dollars simply to have high numbers, all resulting in crappy performances getting carried by their bought gear. It's not normal a 14k GWF is topping the charts in 90% of instances over 16-18k players. And that's both in PUGs and premades.
You think you're good, fine, but what I am going to say is there is also some certain group that has both gear (by that I imply at least rank 7s/greaters/all boons) and skill to do the content. The PvE challenge for such groups is just inexistent, if not worse. The game has too much power creep, we need more challenging content and LESS tools (boons in our case) to help us smoothen it.
Okay just tell me, when was the last time you disscussed strategy for boss or, I dare to ask, monster encounter with your party? Even in PUGs noone wants to do that. I believe I only see some attempts before VT or CN boss but that happens very rarely.
WTB Class Reroll please
Everytime I'd try a new instance I would look up information on it, especially about the boss fights. If the party is playing like **** then I usually just end up walking them through the instance even if it's my first time. I'd usually discuss strategies a lot because I'd often be undergeared and needed to perform flawlessly.
Don't be complaining that people aren't discussing strategies when they're at 20k gearscore still running castle never when it should be ran by 10-11k GS. It's simply hilarious that you people are complaining about PvE content difficulty when you kick anyone who would actually have a challenge in the instance. This 17-18k+ eLoL, valindra and castle never stuff is hilarious to watch.
1. Immediately remove any injury you sustain, (cooldown of X number of hours).
2. Reclaimable weapon or armor enchantment effect suppressor, which hides the graphical effect of any weapon or armor enchant for the item it is applied to.
3. Potion fusion skill - unlocks a special version of the refinement window, which allows you to combine 3 like-potions into 1 potion of the next higher tier, (has no effect on top-tier potions).
4. Companion dye kit - Allows you to change the color scheme of a single companion.
5. Mount dye kit - Allows you to change the color of a single mount.
6. A flat increase to your total stamina meter.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Btw, 6th, IMO it's a power creep too. Too many dodges, too much sprint is not good too. Especially for pvp
WTB Class Reroll please
Hmm... good point. Maybe something like a significant boost to out of combat run speed or something.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
And like ironzerg said, there is a lot of potential in customizations / emotes / and fashion. There are whole games that have their main income from visual customizations (dota2 is a good example).
I'm all for unlock-able (and something i can slot in or out or activate deactivate after unlocking) attack animations (specially dailies / encounters) / walk / run stances, special emotes / emote packs.
I would like to see skill animation, especially, imo, CW has a lot of things to work with, like a giant flaming skull instead of a shard for example (I will even kill my rotation and use shard just for that
Even custom 'execute' animation while more fitting to the PvP campaign or zen store but still nice thing to have (the PvP one when you press 'f' on someone to end him with your leg).
Perhaps some 1-per-day ability like the option to change appearance for 60 minutes once per day, can be entertaining and encourage people actually try appearances and by the zen token later.
Or one resurrection per day like the scrolls (if there will something that can actually make people wipe).
Maybe practical QoL stuff, like unlocking additional bag slots (empty without the bags), have maxed bank space and have all bags slotted, can use more especially when you need to hoard useless stuff for the hope of double refine.
GS can be manipulated/optimized without being added, so for example a 'boon' that will allow me to take 250 score from one stat I choose and put into another of my choice. Total remains the same but now can optimize better or use gear i would not earlier. Yes it will add to the power creep but not as much as blindly adding 250 per boon.
Who are those "you people" you bring allegation against ?
Bring me one person that I kicked over GS from a party !
I got it, you are a skillful, can out-damage 30k insert-any-class-here, what is the point of that statement ?
You yourself stating that with your lower gear you can do any dungeon, so what challenge left for you ?
Now add 5k GS in boons and ask again if you still have a challenge, even if you had one before.
I'm playing from release, I don't have all orange stuff, finished everything the game has to offer PvE wise, and have absolutely nothing to do in the game in PvE. Yes, I complain about the lack of content that fit and I'm not bothering with the ToD books / boons.
I can agree somewhat that boon GRINDING should be reduced. At least if you create a new character it is possible to take first 3 boons in 4th expansion before max level which is a good thing. 5th expansion adds some very hard to get boons only. 4th expansion 4 and 5 boon are hard to get.
That said what you represent is the rare EXTREME ELITE. I know because I have read your posts for a while. You are the player with Rank 10 enchantments and at least 3 legendary artifacts. You want the game to become gear only and not boon thing I see.
Before you mock me saying that I am some poor dude in real life I am landlord and I rent 3 apartments to other people. No I am not millionaire in real life, but fairly wealthy.
That said in this game I am hardcore player and so far free player. I hate anything cosmetic a la Guild Wars 2 style. There should be boons and rewards, but the amount of boons and the amount of grind to do them in expansions could be reduced.
Finally my real life friend is casual free player and the best enchantments he has are rank 7. I don't have a single rank 10 enchantment at least yet my best are rank 9.
I can agree on reduce amount of boons in future expansions, but I never want a 100% cosmetic expansion with only cosmetic boons. Finally getting those boons could be easier the last boons in 4th and 5th expansion seem extremely hard to get.