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Questions about PvP in Mod 5

raist724raist724 Member Posts: 46
edited November 2014 in The Temple
Anyone want to share on what they are doing in PvP? Since there is no advocate maybe some input here could be picked up by moderators.

Is spamming a play style? Anyone not spamming entire time in PvP? Anyone found a build that works and allows movement?

Also after gift of faith is nerfed, what heals if any should be used for your group?
Wake | Halfling | DC
Raist Torilrocker | Dwarf | DCWaterdeep Dungeon & Salvage LLC
Post edited by raist724 on


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    raist724raist724 Member Posts: 46
    edited November 2014
    There is another thread made after this one so post there.

    Wake | Halfling | DC
    Raist Torilrocker | Dwarf | DCWaterdeep Dungeon & Salvage LLC
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    herundrionherundrion Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    I'll post here just my experience in PvP, since you asked.
    I'm running Con+Wis based Virutous AC and having a lot of success with it.

    Main things that drive my build are:
    -Empowered Astral Shield:
    It seems buggy (and has been reported) that it blocks a LOT of damage. However, it works pretty well in PvP as you do not build up empowered stacks that fast and you are controlled a lot of times. So, the trade of for getting a bit of immunity is having to wait for all the empowered stacks to build up. So it might be OP in PvE, but in PvP it's actually in a good spot - powerful, but not gamebreaking.

    -Miracle Healer 4p bonus:
    It seems to be interacting with all the HoTs a lot, so it provides basically insta-full heals. Most top-tier DCs use it now and I think it will get nerfed.

    -Divine Break The Spirit can be a life-saver in 1v1s with CW. It's spammable and has a long stun if you have high Wisdom.

    -The other power I like is Exaltation. It does not have the immunity from before, but it provides a great DR boost along with normal AS (if you can't build up the empowered stacks fast enough)

    Faitful build is not really that useful in PvP as it takes a lot of healing to build up the stack and with all the CC going on - you'll never get there.

    I can tank most people. Perma-daze TRs and CWs pose the biggest threat. Everyone else has little chance (especially HRs). So, I think DCs are in a powerful position at the moment. They require good teamwork to disable (much like GWFs and HRs previously), but they have a really hard time killing anyone. Kind of like perma-stealth TRs used to be.

    My DC is well geared - so my perspective is from a higher-end PvP (I'm in single digit pages).
    Co-Founder of -Valor-
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    arcticmedicarcticmedic Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2014
    what do you use for enchantments in your offensive slots? I'm currently at 30% recovery, crit isnt too high, and power only at 3.3K
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    herundrionherundrion Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I slot radiants everywhere. I got enough Recovery with 16 Cha. Besides, I don't find it as crucial as it was before. Besides, most DCs have too much anyway.
    Co-Founder of -Valor-
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