Hi guys, I had to recreate my character because of a bug ingame, so decided to go for something ranged, as my TR was getting destroyed the second i got mobbed within melee range.
For Enchantments, I use a lesser flaming enchantment (I'm not too rich at the mo') In my weapon slot, radiants or azures in my offensive slots, and darks in my defensive slots.
I figure this is my best bet for a Scourge Warlock based on Lifesteal (Still in love with the lifesteal in this game).
My question is, do any of you pro's out there have any tips on anything to help.
I hope to be fully PvE based, possibly with good AoE damage aswell as the ability to show off and nuke bosses, while healing a tonne. <--- I may be asking too much of a build here, but feel free to tell me i'm being stupid about it.
Is the Soulbinder paragon path the best lifesteal build? I heard about Soul Sparks and god, they sound amazing.
Which encounters should I use? So far (level 20 so far) I use 2 i don't care about, and the huge green/blue/purple LAZOR which seems to be my favorite so far, mobility, damage, debuffs and AoE all in 1.
Which Feats and Passives should I use? I don't care too much as the only ones i've unlocked don't seem to useful to what i'd love to use end-game.
Which stats should I look for on my gear, and which enchantments should I put on them if i'm using the wrong ones already (A mix or radiant and azure in offensive, and dark in defensive).
If you read or post on this, thank-you for taking the time to view my post, any help will be greatly appreciated as i'm still new to most of the game.
Your aims for having both good Aoe and single target damage while having solid life steal is pretty achievable on a warlock, those are the three strength of the class really.
I’m not a pro per say but I can tell you what I use to get the job done:
This is all end game so use what you have available as you level obviously
Encounters: for Aoe I use Dreadtheft (amazing lazer of doom!), Fiery Bolt and Warlock Bargain. For single target I use the same but replace Fiery Bolt with Killing Flames. Harrowstorm and Blades of Vanquished Armies are also good situational.
At wills: I use: Hand of Blight and Dark Spiral Aura
Dailies: Get Tyrannical Threat, it is amazing. The others are all so so, Flames of Phlegathose or Brood Hador are my go-to for single target.
Passives are going to be paragon path dependant. I don’t have much experience with the SoulBinder path. It looks to have more survivability but you loose a bit of consistent damage with it over Hellbringer. Soulbider looks like good choice if you don’t want to be too squishy. If you do go Soulbinder you will want to use the Essence Defiler at will and the encounter Soul Scorch in place of some of the ones mentioned above.
For Hellbringer passives I use No Pity No Mercy which is excellent and Flames of Empowerment. For Soul Binder I would use Dawn till Dusk and not sure about the second, maybe Barrowed Time. Shadow Walk works well with any build for more mobility.
From you post I’m not sure where you want to go featwise. You mention wanting lots of lifesteal but I can’t tell if you mean for personal healing or party healing. If you want go for the best damage and good healing go the Fury path, if you want to heal the rest of you party in a dungeon run go the Temptation path. I have linked a couple of guides at the end that have suggested feat layouts for those paths.
For gear you will want to get a hold of the Accursed Diabolist set from the t2 dungeons after hitting lv 60. Before that wear whatever drops. The set bonuses is great boost to dps which means more healing from life steal and it has solid stats as well.
For enchantment slots its not a huge issue till lv 60, and what is best will depend on the other stats on your gear. You will want to get up to 24% resistance ignored (remember to add you intelligence modifier to you Armor penetration rating) so darks in offence is good, also you will want a decent amount of life steal but I have not found that hard to build on warlocks through gear but you can use darks there as well. Other than that radiant is good in ether offence or defence. And azures are better in defence, since crit after a certain point is fairly overrated if you don’t use some big expensive vorpal.
I think that covers everything, hope it helps. Have a look at these links for more ideas as well
Harro! It's nice to see people on this forum have the decency to reply with such depth, thanks!
For healing, I'd preferably like to go full selfishness, all me, no party.
I've bookmarked this page now so I can come back at any point if I need a reminder on what to build. I didn't want to seem like I just wanted to steal someone elses "OP" build, don't get me wrong I love making my own, personalized build for my characters and such, but to get a good mix of stats, feats, dailies, and encounters, while combo-ing them together can be such a nuisance to figure out.
Thanks a tonne for the help again, and good luck in Neverwinter >:D
Your aims for having both good Aoe and single target damage while having solid life steal is pretty achievable on a warlock, those are the three strength of the class really.
I’m not a pro per say but I can tell you what I use to get the job done:
This is all end game so use what you have available as you level obviously
Encounters: for Aoe I use Dreadtheft (amazing lazer of doom!), Fiery Bolt and Warlock Bargain. For single target I use the same but replace Fiery Bolt with Killing Flames. Harrowstorm and Blades of Vanquished Armies are also good situational.
At wills: I use: Hand of Blight and Dark Spiral Aura
Dailies: Get Tyrannical Threat, it is amazing. The others are all so so, Flames of Phlegathose or Brood Hador are my go-to for single target.
Passives are going to be paragon path dependant. I don’t have much experience with the SoulBinder path. It looks to have more survivability but you loose a bit of consistent damage with it over Hellbringer. Soulbider looks like good choice if you don’t want to be too squishy. If you do go Soulbinder you will want to use the Essence Defiler at will and the encounter Soul Scorch in place of some of the ones mentioned above.
For Hellbringer passives I use No Pity No Mercy which is excellent and Flames of Empowerment. For Soul Binder I would use Dawn till Dusk and not sure about the second, maybe Barrowed Time. Shadow Walk works well with any build for more mobility.
From you post I’m not sure where you want to go featwise. You mention wanting lots of lifesteal but I can’t tell if you mean for personal healing or party healing. If you want go for the best damage and good healing go the Fury path, if you want to heal the rest of you party in a dungeon run go the Temptation path. I have linked a couple of guides at the end that have suggested feat layouts for those paths.
For gear you will want to get a hold of the Accursed Diabolist set from the t2 dungeons after hitting lv 60. Before that wear whatever drops. The set bonuses is great boost to dps which means more healing from life steal and it has solid stats as well.
For enchantment slots its not a huge issue till lv 60, and what is best will depend on the other stats on your gear. You will want to get up to 24% resistance ignored (remember to add you intelligence modifier to you Armor penetration rating) so darks in offence is good, also you will want a decent amount of life steal but I have not found that hard to build on warlocks through gear but you can use darks there as well. Other than that radiant is good in ether offence or defence. And azures are better in defence, since crit after a certain point is fairly overrated if you don’t use some big expensive vorpal.
I think that covers everything, hope it helps. Have a look at these links for more ideas as well
Axios Guild Officer,
For healing, I'd preferably like to go full selfishness, all me, no party.
I've bookmarked this page now so I can come back at any point if I need a reminder on what to build. I didn't want to seem like I just wanted to steal someone elses "OP" build, don't get me wrong I love making my own, personalized build for my characters and such, but to get a good mix of stats, feats, dailies, and encounters, while combo-ing them together can be such a nuisance to figure out.
Thanks a tonne for the help again, and good luck in Neverwinter >:D