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Some problems of PVP from my perspective

marko531marko531 Member Posts: 32
edited November 2014 in PvE Discussion
I apologize for my English in advance.

As we all here know PVP is in really bad state in mod 4 and after checking out and testing new content on preview shard, there is no reason to think its getting better in mod 5. Personally i think its getting even worse with all the new arti gear that is coming.

Yeah i know everyone thinks that matchmaking system (+ some class balance) is the biggest problem of pvp and it is, but we'r not getting new one. At least not in close future. So lets see what can be done with pvp and lets look into some problems in "shadow".

1. Most of new and veteran, especially PVE oriented (daily quest) players dont know the rules of Domination pvp.

2. Kill/death/assist drama.

3. Leaderboard.

4. lack of easy communication between (que, random party) players.


1. Make a tutorial quest that everyone has to go through before entering PVP domination for first time. This quest has to include some simulation of domination PVP not just text. Everyone skip text part of the quest we all know that.

2. I'm sure a lot of us (PVP players) had wins in 4 vs 5 situations, i even 3 vs 5. For those who didnt know, yeah its possible. But u have to give all u got and forget about you'r kill/death thing and play domination. Suggestion is, remove the kill/death/assist count on board (default x) and make its score based. Players should get score based on their performance in capturing/defending nodes. This will prevent that players who capture good end up being last on board just because they care more about wining (playing domination) than kill/death/assist drama (that belong to deathmatch).

3. Leaderboard was a bad idea in my book, its best to be removed, but if thats not an option, than again like in problem 2 make it only score based + win lose ratio. Leave kill death assist thing for the deathmatch mode in the future)

4. Communication is a big problem, Its really hard to communicate with teammates trough chat (not everyone has the option of voice chat), its slow, not visible enough, and it requires you to stop playing for a period just to make some heads up for you'r teammates. It would be great if we could communicate trough some type of shortcut keys like F1, F2, F3... for example : by pressing F1 the message "enemy on node 1" in red color will be shown in top of the screen, or by pressing F7 the message "thank you" (lot of ppl type thank you in chat after being revived, and moments after that they get killed lol) in bright green color will be shown in the top of the screen. Things like this will make PVP much easyer to play and it will prevent some of unnecessary insults. Guide to these shortcut commands should be included in tutorial quest that i mentioned above.

There, i hope people will support these suggestions and make some pressure on devs. These changes are not a big deal as matchmaking system and class balance, but they could improve PVP aspect of this game by mile :cool: Cheers.
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  • nazghul22nazghul22 Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Mod5_DC wrote:
    My record is 5 players killed with one cast! No balance has been achieved.

    Forget about TR or HR or SW, here comes the new monster class in pvp: the DC
    ToD = ..........
    Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
  • helpimblindinrlhelpimblindinrl Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    One thing they could do is reduce the amount of points you get on your scorecard the more people are on the node when its captured. You see some really dumb moves like 3 people capping a point while they watch 4 dudes pile on to the guy solo in mid because everyone wants their 300 points. If it was like 50 they might be more inclined to go help their buddy.
  • asterotgasterotg Member Posts: 1,742 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    One thing they could do is reduce the amount of points you get on your scorecard the more people are on the node when its captured. You see some really dumb moves like 3 people capping a point while they watch 4 dudes pile on to the guy solo in mid because everyone wants their 300 points. If it was like 50 they might be more inclined to go help their buddy.

    This and give ppl points depending on time spent on the node. This way you wont have 4 **** players deserting two nodes, whenever the other node is about to get turned.
    Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
  • hoofithoofit Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I think the main problems in pvp are:
    Unfair matchmaking I've seen very low gs go against team of 20ks makes for a very very dull game indeed, we need gs related matchmaking this would be more fair than the system in place at the current time if any does really exist.

    Perma this is ruining games in pvp needs to go, high level perma can hide on point and when he is visable is resistant to any dmg then hides again its a joke.

    Pocket health potions need to go to make it more fun lets just use the ones provided.

    Soul forge should also bee gone in pvp.

    Healers need different pvp goals than dmg to get there pvp boons, at the moment the pvp boons are for dmg classes it doesn't seem fair to healers.

    Above anything else the matchmaking needs to work and to make fair sides, the more equal the sides are the more fun the game is at its current state its not working. Lets not see any more 20kgs vs low level gs stick them in there own leagues. The pvp leader board is flawed because of such high divides in gs its not a real show of who's the best just who has high gs and slaughters low gs its flawed.

    These are just a few problems but ones that need to be sorted to make games in pvp fun. You also need to improve ways to find exploiters in pvp to.
  • pilipino93pilipino93 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I like your communicate suggestions. It reminds me a lot of some steam games like L4d2 and TF2 where you can choose a pre-typed text to your teammates in a single second instead of stopping and typing, jumbling your own words because you need to get to next node.

    Would be fun to have some preset macros that say ''Help!'' (not when you're incap'd), or "On my way" etc etc. But most people don't really know how to maneuver neverwinter's pvp, just run, kill, cap. Have to actually grab their attention and explain it to them xD
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    Just goes to show how ridiculously easy the PVE content is at the moment (although they do balance it with the low RNG drop-rate) that it requires no communication
  • thedemienthedemien Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    marko531 wrote: »

    3. Leaderboard was a bad idea in my book, its best to be removed, but if thats not an option, than again like in problem 2 make it only score based + win lose ratio. Leave kill death assist thing for the deathmatch mode in the future)

    Major issue with good pvp game comes from this. There was numerous situation where game is getting ruined case somebody leaves. Issue may not be in leaderboard itself - more in how people leave match to keep their score good. Just to ilustrate how reducilous it becomes

    In this match the whole opponent premade team left. I was playing with pug team. Im not kidding - whole 5 people from same guild left at once. Only reason for this - leaderbord. Another issue - 21k GWF with like 10 elixirse on him leaves opponent team after my team (SW not OP HR) ) manages to kill him 3 time in row. Before not sure we could win - that guy owned 1 vs 2 all team. Yet when 4 people on him - dead . Now after he left - 100% win. People become to much obsessed with score on leaderboard. Rather then having good play.

    Also leaderboard is effected by death in pve. so really to be top - one of the best stratagies is to have your premade vs pug.
    Leads to more premade vs pugs rather then premade vs premade. Yes this is whole system defect too - you can not "choose" your opponents or at least their score. Yes there is "balancing rating" in leaderboard - yet it does not work as intended.

    2nd major issue I see in whole system - we can not get premades 2 vs 2 or so on. Leads to the point where people get kicked from pug by leader cause premades that think of themself to much and so - why don't you kick all other 3 people and have perfectly organized match against opponents you picked - so they can loose you as example.

    There are other issues. Yet having leaderboard as it is now - is a pure mistake. People need championships for class, for 2 vs 2, for teams 5 vs 5. There should be more penalties if you leave your game by "leave party" not disconnect. Yes there will be issues with "disconected" people yet leaver is way bigger problem now. Same thing - one should not be allowed to kick people in pug teams.
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