From the moment I unlocked the skirmishes from ToD campaign, it's been a month since I started to farm for artifact items..
But during that long time of farming I've only had a glimpse of 1 losmauth artifact (eLoL) and 1 artifact belt (eSoT) and no more. I didn't even get any of them just a chance to need on them.. ROFL
Are there any or had worst luck than I have? It's just that drop rate is way too low, maybe like 0.000000000000000luck%?
If the RNG drives you nuts, why play with it? I don't. I Don't even have the dungeons unlocked and have 3 belts through farming AD.
It would be nice to have reasonable drop rates, but I am not sure how we appeal to get those, we have been trying a long time.
Lol and here I thought I was crazy for not running them, and in all honesty I don't think I will ever run those 2 contents.
I mean think about it, I ran dailies for 18-20 days to unlock the dungeon, and skirmish, then you have to do 100s of runs to get a belt, say I got lucky and get the belt, how in the hell am I going to get the most out of it?
Personally to me it not worth it, I play casually for fun, and if that fun wants to transform to a job I will kindly say no.
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The dailies give rough AD and has a cap of 25k per day. Over a month, the most you can get is 750k AD, barely enough to buy the the most useless Sash of Charisma but the other belts like the INT one costs more than 4 times that much.
You also fail to take into account the cost associated with levelling each leadership up to 20