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Mod 5 DC PVP

arcticmedicarcticmedic Member Posts: 40
edited January 2015 in The Temple
So, I've been reading through a lot of posts when it comes to the changes for the DC. My DC is pure PvP. With all the discussions I've read, I'm kinda confused on what our position is in the PVP arena. I just hit 60, and have built myself as a kinda tanky healer (mainly just trying to draw fire on points to keep the opposite team distracted as well as helping keep team mates alive). Is this still a thing in Mod 5? I prefer playing that style, but am I going to have to look at becoming more of a DPS'r (which seems difficult with this whole stacking thing)? Now that I hit 60, I want to start acquiring my PVP gear, but now at a total loss of what might be my prime role and stats now.

Can anyone who has some good PVP experience on the test server throw me some tidbits of what I should expect, and if my role is even viable anymore?

Appreciate any input someone throws in.

One last note, I'm a very part time player, so mistakes now in preparation can take me a month to fix after release. I'm not looking for a full guide, just some nudges in he right direction. Thanks!
Post edited by arcticmedic on


  • herundrionherundrion Member Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm having good time running tanky Con/Wis Faithful AC.
    She's not totally geared yet (42k HP, 45% DR, 26% deflect), but performs well.
    The loadout I use is Exaltation, HW and BoH/SB/BtS depending on situation.
    At the moment there's 2 things that will change how to play tanky: will they fix empowered AShield, and will the fix Faithful capstone (it still can heal for 160+k).
    You will never kill anyone with that, but most people will not kill you either. I've had HRs, CWs and TRs (all higher GS than me) pound on me for extended periods of time without much progress.
    So, in short, being a tanky DC will be even more possible. You'll still die in seconds if CC chained by competent teams, but 1v1 and 2v1 stalemating capability is definitely there.

    I have not tried DPS in PvP, because that will require a totally different build and I don't have the time/gear to completely overhaul my DC atm. However, I would suggest trying out BtS, SB, FF combos - stun/slow chain is great. I know people love their Daunting Light, but I just don't see it ever hitting anyone except for a GF.
    Co-Founder of -Valor-
  • arcticmedicarcticmedic Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2014
    Thanks for the input Heru, really appreciate it!
  • plaviaplavia Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    we have to wait and see the live version
    looks like both crit DPS cleric and healer tank might be ok

    control will be hard at mod 5 and I am not sure if will do good in pvp. but I hope will do better then today
  • bvirabvira Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I've done several dom matches on preview server, and many 1v1 testing against different classes. Here's my opinion about each tree:

    Virtuous: Best for healing because of the feats Purity and Shield of the Divine.

    Faithful: Agent of the Divine (capstone) is bugged, and even if it wasn't bugged it's pretty bad because you sacrifice a lot of heal for something that might never proc, and when your HP is low you'd have very hard time healing back up quickly. Not to mention Gift of Faith expires right after combat.

    Righteous: Can do some insane damage, has nice debuff for teammates, but you heal would suck very badly. You need to rely so heavily on Empowered Astral Shield to stay tanky. Skilled players (esp. CW) would most likely kill you before you kill them.

    I've tested mostly with Virtuous tree, the classes that could kill you most easily atm are CW > TR > GF/GWF. SW, HR and DPS DC would have very little chance of killing you.
  • arcticmedicarcticmedic Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2014
    So, I've been PvPing for a little while now, and I've tried the tank/support role and the dps/support role, and the straight up heal role, and I don't seem to be doing well at any of them now. I watch some clerics get pounded on by multi enemies and hardly break a sweat. I spend all of my time running for my life so I spend more time healing myself than my team and/or debuffing/buffing. I will admit, I only have a 12.3K GS right now, with health at a little over 31K, but, I still feel like I'm not optimal in any task. I've tried so many encounter combinations, and still, I feel like I'm holding the team back instead of being a boon to the team. I don't want to spec DPS, so if anyone can give some advice on what they found works well for survivability while still being an asset to the team, I'd appreciate any feedback (encounters, dailies, class traits, feats, etc).
  • elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    bvira wrote: »
    I've done several dom matches on preview server, and many 1v1 testing against different classes. Here's my opinion about each tree:

    Virtuous: Best for healing because of the feats Purity and Shield of the Divine.

    Faithful: Agent of the Divine (capstone) is bugged, and even if it wasn't bugged it's pretty bad because you sacrifice a lot of heal for something that might never proc, and when your HP is low you'd have very hard time healing back up quickly. Not to mention Gift of Faith expires right after combat.

    Righteous: Can do some insane damage, has nice debuff for teammates, but you heal would suck very badly. You need to rely so heavily on Empowered Astral Shield to stay tanky. Skilled players (esp. CW) would most likely kill you before you kill them.

    I've tested mostly with Virtuous tree, the classes that could kill you most easily atm are CW > TR > GF/GWF. SW, HR and DPS DC would have very little chance of killing you.
    Empowevered Astral Shield lol. It would need insane amount of Divine mana... I seem never able to cast any spells empovered with my current build(though I do plan to make new build after there are good Cleric guides for 5th module).

    I get the 3 blue ones marking it is empovered but when I should cast it in empovered no divinity mana left and then it disappears if I use other spells. Unless I am mistaken I never cast spells empovered.

    Finally dude Astral Shield is NOT the main heal anymore it is damage protection. Astral Shield in Divinity mode sucks after 5th mode. I am Righteous and I have no problems healing without your lol empovered Astral Shield.
  • plaviaplavia Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I took the DPS righteous path

    DC are deadly.

    3 stack empower astral shield is a must

    as for the 2 other encounters, feel free to test them
    I m happy with sun burst (non divine) and chains
    but I tried FF and break the spirit and its ok
    i guess daunting light will be cool, but its hard to give up the empower astral shield

    try to slot divine fortune if u need divinity
  • grabmooregrabmoore Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    elewyndyl wrote: »
    Empowevered Astral Shield lol. It would need insane amount of Divine mana... I seem never able to cast any spells empovered with my current build(though I do plan to make new build after there are good Cleric guides for 5th module).

    I get the 3 blue ones marking it is empovered but when I should cast it in empovered no divinity mana left and then it disappears if I use other spells. Unless I am mistaken I never cast spells empovered.

    Finally dude Astral Shield is NOT the main heal anymore it is damage protection. Astral Shield in Divinity mode sucks after 5th mode. I am Righteous and I have no problems healing without your lol empovered Astral Shield.
    Please learn about the new class features and do tests before posting again. Thanks bro ;)

    OT: I tested Faithful and Righteous for weeks now. I do prefer PvE, that's why I went Righteous.
    In PvP I had most success with Break the Spirit, Sunburst and Astral Shield. My hardest issue was getting overconfident running into 4 men.
    As long as you can dodge the Iceknife, CW are no real threat. TRs can kill us, but if we have Soulforged they are dead afterwards. Other classes are our kills :) I encountered only one BiS GWF so far, who was a threat.

    Imo Heal DCs are most viable in PvP still. I didn't test Virtuous, but it reads very good. DPS DCs are very fun to play (you get triple kills for the campain in no time ;) ), but generally inferior to skilled BiS players.

    Heroes of Darkness

    Retired since 02/15
    My opinions are my own. Please do not judge my friends nor guild for my statements.
  • leftyy13leftyy13 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm AC righteous and spend most of my time in PVP, I think I ended my day on page 4 of the leaderboards yesterday. I think whether you go the dps route or healing route, we aren't the doormats like we have been for a long time. I've been running a tank healer since the game practically came out, so I wanted to try something different with the new dps feats. If you strictly pug like I do, you can have some fun with dps even if you get on a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> team that has no interest in contesting nodes. I've done enough PVP since the mod has come out where I've come across a number of top pvp'ers.

    Some of my thoughts after ~50 matches (500+ kills, ~200 deaths) this last week:

    Non-pvp specced, low HP opponents you will beat with regularity now and that includes DC, GF,GWF,CW,SW,TR, and HR. On pugs, rarely anyone goes and back caps so I end up doing it and so I have gotten into a lot of situations where i'm in 1 v 1 situations as they come to get me from their spawn.

    Top end TR, HR, CW can take you down and easily still if they get their cc on you. If you get some good hits on the TR and CW you got a shot unlike before. Some of these TRs and combat HRs are just ridiculous, you stand no chance. Top GWFs and GFs as long as they have big HP can take you down. The well geared ones that don't quite have the HP usually end up losing to me.

    No matter what path you take, I think the DC is still in a support role regardless, and if it is played that way that will be the best way to really help the team. Except for now instead of doing a lot of healing, I only do a little bit but do more buffing,debuffing as well as damage. If you need a litte more DR, astral shield is a good encounter. I prefer to use sunburst, along with divine glow, and break the spirt. I've used daunting light with a lot of success against a team with a lot of non-stealth melee. Its fun to use DL when you have GWFs and GFs up in your grill. FF is not too bad either, but other than applying another DoT it doesn't do much for me. I've seen opposing DCs make good use of chains as well.

    I don't play anything but my DC (other than dabbling with a few alts on very rare occasion) so this is the most fun I've had i since the pre-tenacity age.
  • elewyndylelewyndyl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    grabmoore wrote: »
    Please learn about the new class features and do tests before posting again. Thanks bro ;)

    OT: I tested Faithful and Righteous for weeks now. I do prefer PvE, that's why I went Righteous.
    In PvP I had most success with Break the Spirit, Sunburst and Astral Shield.
    Ok fine now I know HOW TO cast Empowevered. You cast 3 Divine and then when you cast normal you get Empowevered.

    That said why do you not look in the mirror. Sunburst lol;)! Sunburst is old! Fine use that, but I will laugh at all people in PvP that use Sunburst. Exactly what to use instead? Well what you want, but Sunburst is not good anymore.

    I guess you also think that if you play TR class then you need high INT? INT for TR is not good anymore!
  • norisman1norisman1 Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Please Refer to and Review:
    Kaelac's Module 5 Devoted Cleric Guide
    5.4 DPS build (Divine Oracle)
    Finally DCs can DPS again if they want to.
    5/5 Astral Fury (more personal DPS)
    5/5 Righteous Suffering (more personal DPS)
    5/5 Bear Your Sins (more party DPS)
    5/5 Fire of the Gods (more personal DPS)
    1/1 Avatar of the Divine
    For utility/Damage reduction
    5/5 Resounding Beliefs (better healing)
    5/5 Benefit of Foresight (better damage mitigation)
    For Max DPS
    5/5 Condemnation Gaze (more party DPS)
    5/5 Furious Intervention (more AP gain, makes up for not slotting Holy Fervor)
    At-wills: Sacred Flame (fast divinity), Brand of the Sun (more DPS, divinity gain over time, proc Bear your Sins)
    Encounter: Chains of Blazing Light (fast to cast, decent DPS and control), Daunting Light (your go to nuke), Divine Glow (damage, heal, DPS and buff/debuff)
    Class Features: Terrifying Insight (more personal damage), Holy Fervor (AP gain) or Foresight (party mitigation, especially if feated)
    Daily: Hallowed Ground, Flamestrike
    Firstly you are a bit more vulnerable as a DPSer, least of which is because you don't really heal youself anymore. For your stats you still want 2k+ defense and 25k max HP. I would get more lifesteal than usual (like 1k) as well as regeneration. Your ArP should be 2k, your crit chance should be above 33%. Recovery should be around 1800 minimum and only then worry about power.

    You probably want to start your rotation with Chains or Divine Glow depending on who leads then once the party used their knocks use Daunting Light. If you use DG first the party is not in position for everyone to be buffed, and if you use DL first Roar/ Frontline surge may knock them out of the AoE. For divine encounters you can spend on all 3 skills- chains is fast damage+cc, DL is fast damage, DG is damage plus buffs. For empowerment you probably want to save it for Daunting Light, even if it is going to be hard to land. Always try to target DL on toughest boss, and predict their movements. Work out who have aggro and adjust accordingly. You want to BoTS tag all the tough mobs for free divinity and DPS and proccing your feats. The rest is all about gaining and spending divinity well. Use High Prophet set for more personal and party DPS. If you want to use overload slots then corrupt black ice/draconic/templar are also good candidates. If you are getting the hang of divinity and want to spend less time on at wills then Divine Fortune can help you with that.

    You'll find you don't have very good ways of dealing with threat or many adds due to target limits. Stick with the party and fight on Icy Terrain where you can, and let the tanks pull. Buff yourself and the top DPSers with DG. Burning Guidance and Rousing Warmth feats can help you DPS but also remember you have to heal to procs them too. Basically you're not the gung ho DPSer, but rather one who works with the party to buff and DPS at the same time.

    Apart form BoTS, divine Sunburst is a good power to put DoTs on, but in party situation it's going to be hard not to get into other's ways knocking all over the place. Use it only if you know what you're doing.

    I don't recommend DPS build for AC. They'll do fine, but losing BoTS and Terrifying Insight takes away the DPS edge, you are more tanky and can help the party be more tanky however so it's up to you.
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