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Remove kick/vote kick after last campfire at dungeon/skirmish

szaoszao Member Posts: 22 Arc User
edited November 2014 in PvE Discussion
Today was in epic SoT, with 2 gwf, 2cw ans my dc. The gwfs constantly killed any1 with their russian roulette play style at boss, but oh well, any1 wants to finish this .... A cw get bores and left, and another dc came -> Im out of the party !!!

**** idiotic system which allow this, almost left NWO asap. This, and the future RP farm with farm restriction (CD on 1% enchant, no drop/exp for fast kills)
Start to feel im getting more headache than enjoy
Post edited by szao on


  • chestnut13chestnut13 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    szao wrote: »
    Today was in epic SoT, with 2 gwf, 2cw ans my dc. The gwfs constantly killed any1 with their russian roulette play style at boss, but oh well, any1 wants to finish this .... A cw get bores and left, and another dc came -> Im out of the party !!!

    **** idiotic system which allow this, almost left NWO asap. This, and the future RP farm with farm restriction (CD on 1% enchant, no drop/exp for fast kills)
    Start to feel im getting more headache than enjoy

    It's too bad but this only falls on deaf ears. I was kicked from pvp yesterday for criticizing a campfire quitter. He happended to be party leader and kicked me without a vote (through a
    you-know-what that cannot be named) and I had to take the 1/2 hour penalty. He just laughed and taunted me thru PMs.

    This is an easy fix that totally destroys people's gameplay experience. But no matter the complaints, we are forced to take these risks everytime we play. Nothing happens to fix it. Do what I do ... don't play much. There is clearly no interest from the PTB (powers that be) to protect good customers from exploiters ... oops, I said it .... exploiters. They win everytime. And we suck hind you know what.
  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    it's not a terrible idea, we should consider this proposal seriously.
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    I think something should be done about kicking in PVP. Absolutely no justification to kick there.

    If someone DCs, nobody replaces that player anyway.
  • iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Join the NW legit channel and make parties in that channel , you usually won't be kicked and if you are kicked from a legit party at least you can call the kicker out on the channel.
  • chestnut13chestnut13 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    iambecks1 wrote: »
    Join the NW legit channel and make parties in that channel , you usually won't be kicked and if you are kicked from a legit party at least you can call the kicker out on the channel.

    Frankly, I am not interested in a player devised work-around. (Not that the legit channel is bad, it's great.) We should all be interested in a company that takes our money in exchange for "legit" gameplay, not a legit channel. This is one of the many areas that the devs need to take ownership of and fix! There's no excuse for not doing so. They should be embarrassed.
  • wolhaiksong332wolhaiksong332 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 107
    edited October 2014
    Vote/kick is a neccessary feature, that's all there is to say about that.
  • trouncedtrounced Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Totally agree.
    I joined VT epic for the first time today and entered the dungeon at the last campfire so obviously the party had wiped a few times before I arrived.
    Bear in mind I've never been there before, I'm primarily a PvP player but I like to do a bit of PvE from time to time.

    I could tell from previous dungeons what the game mechanic was.
    The party wasn't quick enough so her adds were spawning but I was kiting them away and taking care of them ( I'm a CW ) whilst the rest of the party took care of the boss.
    Anyway after I had already saved other members from her grip using my ice knife saved just for that purpose, they failed to save me and all eventually wipe....
    So guess who gets kicked...., even though I know my game play was spot on and it was their slow reaction to her grip which caused me to die and then they wiped.

    I then proceeded to keep joining the queue and **** it up for them until they quit.
    Childish of me?, yes probably but its the only form of recourse against those sorts of people as they haven't got the balls to shout it out over PM's
  • grac3n77grac3n77 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Vote/kick is a neccessary feature, that's all there is to say about that.

    Necessary? Do you know how frustrating to be kick at the end when you do dungeon for 2 hours and the boss drops epic item and suddenly you are out of the game same in PVP they will kick you when they know they cant win. How the hell they can manipulate this?
  • wolhaiksong332wolhaiksong332 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 107
    edited October 2014
    grac3n77 wrote: »
    Necessary? Do you know how frustrating to be kick at the end when you do dungeon for 2 hours and the boss drops epic item and suddenly you are out of the game same in PVP they will kick you when they know they cant win. How the hell they can manipulate this?

    It's also frustrating when the team agrees to "Greed" and someone "Needs."
    Or when someone goes AFK and you can't enter the boss fight cause the whole team needs to be in the circle.
    Or when you just can't win cause one teammate is not cooperating.

    There are reasons for the Vote/Kick feature.
  • ladove2ladove2 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    1) One, or maybe two, Betas had NEED/PASS loot rolls; which is system enforced "GREED ONLY"...
    2) too many people cried* about it...
    3) NEED/GREED/PASS was put in...
    4) people scream# about it...
    5) 'community' demands "GREED ONLY" -> goto 1)

    * The 'rational' for crying at the time was "other people are getting to roll on loot that is not for their class! Not Fair!"
    # The 'rational' for the screaming now is just the opposite. People want to roll on loot not for their class; and demand "NO NEED".

    Anyone still wonder why DEVs seldom read/post on here? :)
  • wolhaiksong332wolhaiksong332 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 107
    edited October 2014
    ladove2 wrote: »
    1) One, or maybe two, Betas had NEED/PASS loot rolls; which is system enforced "GREED ONLY"...
    2) too many people cried* about it...
    3) NEED/GREED/PASS was put in...
    4) people scream# about it...
    5) 'community' demands "GREED ONLY" -> goto 1)

    * The 'rational' for crying at the time was "other people are getting to roll on loot that is not for their class! Not Fair!"
    # The 'rational' for the screaming now is just the opposite. People want to roll on loot not for their class; and demand "NO NEED".

    Anyone still wonder why DEVs seldom read/post on here? :)

    What relevance does any of this have? This thread is about vote/kick, stay on topic.
  • mojoratmojorat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 90
    edited October 2014
    One thing I think you shouldn't be able to vote kick while anyone is in combat. I've noticed this happens frequently. Since you can't control your character anymore I assume most people of click the first button they think of to avoid dying.
  • jondbxjondbx Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    It's also frustrating when the team agrees to "Greed" and someone "Needs."
    Or when someone goes AFK and you can't enter the boss fight cause the whole team needs to be in the circle.
    Or when you just can't win cause one teammate is not cooperating.

    There are reasons for the Vote/Kick feature.

    You don't bother to read the original post (no one said get rid of vote/kick) and your response has just as simple a solution (a "greed run option" - imagine that, folks can only click greed) that has been asked for about as long as folks have been asking to not allow a vote kick after the final boss.
  • wolhaiksong332wolhaiksong332 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 107
    edited October 2014
    jondbx wrote: »
    You don't bother to read the original post (no one said get rid of vote/kick) and your response has just as simple a solution (a "greed run option" - imagine that, folks can only click greed) that has been asked for about as long as folks have been asking to not allow a vote kick after the final boss.

    What... Are you serious with this? These are reasons why vote/kick is currently neccessary. I think you don't understand the post. Please don't comment on things you don't understand.

    Also, "no one said get rid of vote/kick"... Are you sure? The title of the thread is "Remove kick/vote kick after last campfire at dungeon/skirmish"
  • jondbxjondbx Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    What... Are you serious with this? These are reasons why vote/kick is currently neccessary. I think you don't understand the post. Please don't comment on things you don't understand.

    Also, "no one said get rid of vote/kick"... Are you sure? The title of the thread is "Remove kick/vote kick after last campfire at dungeon/skirmish"

    Can you read?

    There are reasons for a vote/kick system, but it should be disabled after killing the last boss. It is abused and folks are using it to get rid of people so they have a better chance at loot.

    The other part of the solution is to offer a greed only mode where there is no option to click "need".

    What other reason is there to kick someone AFTER the final boss (other than as an exploit) that isn't covered by the above?
  • jondbxjondbx Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Also, "no one said get rid of vote/kick"... Are you sure? The title of the thread is "Remove kick/vote kick after last campfire at dungeon/skirmish"

    Yes I'm sure, you are conveniently leaving off the "after last campfire" part.
  • jakse9jakse9 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I have a response to the kick option durin dungeons, pvp, skirmish's basically any team run. remove the kick function completely, make an auto vote appear once a player has been disconnected for 3 minutes time, as it takes just under that amount to relogg, That is the only reason any vote to kick should happen!! I state this because it has happened many times to myself and my guild members. For example the most recent time was yesterday Oct 30th, was in a normal mode run of SOT the run went good no problems at all we killed the boss and as I looked to see the drop I had enough time to see that it was the Dex artifact belt and before I could hit F to loot I was kicked from team. I private messaged one of the team members and she stated she was also kicked and prior to her leaving instance she saw myself and another disapear. So the team leader kicked the whole team to loot the artifact belt for himself, keep in mind no one got the chance to select greed or need as we all where kicked prior to looting the item, this kind of behavior is stealing! players stealing from other players. And Neverwinter not doing anything to resolve this issue is doing the same thing as the greedy arogant bleepin bleep bleepers! Neverwinter you are allowing YOUR players to be robbed in YOUR game you are responsible for this for not resolving this issue. I have submitted mutiple tickets for this same issue I would say atleast 8 times and every time i get the same general statement, Thank you for your consern we will look into it, Well I am at the final straw I have invested a large amount of money on my acount over the past 10 months and if this is not resolved properly I will start legal actions for a full refund of that investment! I am beyond mad over this I have run SOT 100's of times this was only the 2nd time I have seen an artifact belt drop and I didnt even get the chance to roll for the darn thing!!! I would hate for this to go the legal action way as I truelly love the game and it has helped me thru a very bad illness and it keeps me going and helps my brain to continue on and be able to function as I do. and the option to just not run theese instance's well thats just not possible because for them drops are in the multi million astral diamond range in the auction house. I leave you with this simple solution REMOVE the kick function period, insert an auto feature that will appear once a player has been disconnected for 3 minutes time and that will be a vote to kick so the team has the chance to obtain another member to complete the instance. Theere is no other reason whatsoever for anyone to ever be kicked from a team, as if one member has an issue with another, well thats what the ignore feature is for!
    FIX THIS PROBLEM PLEASE its no more then maybe one hour of code prolly not even that and looking back in your forums this has been goin on for along time. Step up Neverwinter show your players you apreciate them playing your game and stop letting you dedicated players be ripped off!!!!!! Thank You
  • inthefade462inthefade462 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    paragraphs, my friend, use them.

    Also yes there is a reason, someone rolling need when the party agreed on greed, is a perfectly valid reason to vote kick before they can steal the loot.
  • davecheesedavecheese Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I've been kicked because I selected need, and there was no party agreement on greed made. I suspect I was kicked because the other CW (the party leader) wanted the item that had come up.

    This was after Lostmauth had been killed, we were getting ready to each look in our treasure chests. I didn't get to look in mine.

    VoteKick should definitely be removed when the last boss is dead.
  • sobacsobac Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    davecheese wrote: »
    VoteKick should definitely be removed when the last boss is dead.
    +1 for this (or at least a 2-3 min. cooldown after boss or mini-boss were defeated or while fighting).
    An auto kicking system for dc'ed users is also a not so bad idea.

    A "kick" option should be there, IMO, but definitely must be more limited in certain circumstances.
    As for greed or need in parties? Well, if someone need on something and no one said anything about greed or need... well, it's not the reason to kick that person because of that. When I did my first normal SoT run, one of the Shore rings were dropped (before boss), I chose greed because I always do that in dngs, the other 4 chose need. Since then I just need in SoT/eSoT because of that, so lesson learned somehow :rolleyes:
    Anyways, you can always see what others did in info tab. If you already see 1-2 needs, don't choose greed. If, at the beggining, the majority decided to "need on epics", well...
  • inthefade462inthefade462 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    If there is a greed only option added and its the default loot mode then sure, they could remove vote kicking after last boss is dead. Until then it's a non starter.
  • koalazebra1koalazebra1 Member Posts: 1,173 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2014
    If there is a greed only option added and its the default loot mode then sure, they could remove vote kicking after last boss is dead. Until then it's a non starter.

    +1 nothing makes me happier to kick someone who agreed and SAID YES on a greed run but rolls need.
    their rage pms makes me blush and glow
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