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Reduce player damage to 1/2 or even 1/3 of what its now

burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
edited October 2014 in PvE Discussion
This game has too much damage, the damage should be reduced by a lot. atm you get too much from stacking offense and that creates a lot of other problems. Alternative would be increasing player HP but that would be harder to balance.

Reducing player damage would:
  • Would make balancing classes much easier since minor tweaks in damage to adjust PvE wouldnt reflect so hard in PvP, would allow to buff single target skills more since you wouldnt be 1shotting ppl anyway. For example if target has 29k hp there is a big difference if 1 rotation does 28k dmg to him or 30k dmg, but its much less noticeable if it does 14k or 15k dmg even less if it deals 9.3k dmg or 10k dmg, while in a longer term, like dungeon run, it would still add up to desired effect.

    The high damage in game could cause an issue with TR rework with them being able to 1shot well geared players, if the total player damage would be 1/2 or 1/3 of what its now it wouldnt be much of an issue since the skills would still hit harder than most, but wouldnt instakill target.
  • Make PvP better since more would be determined by skill and gear than by who gets lucky crit/deflect, no more 1 rotation kills. Fights would be longer giving both sides more chance to do stuff instead of stun and kill in one rotation. you added tenacity for that but with all the power creep its not inought.
  • Improve diversity of PvP builds - now you are forced to stack defensive stats else you will die instantly, if the damage was lower you could chose to go tank or DPS for PvP since you wouldnt get instakilled if u went as DPS build
  • Make dungeons more challenging since you couldnt just zerg everything in 10 min, killing bosses in 2 min tops, this would add need for strategy since now u can blow past phases so fast it doesnt matter, for example good party can easily kill last boss in eToS before she can transform. BiS players would still zerg everything, but it would raise the gear level needed to do that by a ton.
  • That would make Clerics and GF's more demanded for smooth runs - the longer encounter takes the more chance somebody will mess up, Clerics and GF's reduce the impact of somebody messing up by a lot. Also, since the fights wouldnt be over in 2 seconds it would give more use to buffs and utility skills
  • Would add more importance to party comp, while the content would still be doable with almost any comp, making balanced party would make runs a bit faster

There are some things that would be needed for damage reduction not to unbalance game:
  • Nerf regen - else it would be too strong in PvP, so high regen tanks arent immortal. Maye PvP potions too
  • Adjust HP of monsters in single target content so it doesnt take too much time and isnt too boring.
  • Reduce damage from mob auto attacks, leaving same damage on red circle attacks and the slow, telegraphed attacks like golem IBS. we would lose a lot of life steal sustain so it would be just needed to balance that out a bit, on top of that it would provide ppl more incentive to evade red circle attacks since it would be harder to gain back the health
  • Buff life steal/change Diminishing Return graph - this would be needed to compensate sustain lost from damage nerf, or changing DR graph would allow ppl to stack more life steal to compensate without running in DR wall so fast, but losing more stats elsewhere
Paladin Master Race
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  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Disagree here,

    Instead of reducing player damage, product harder content. Because at this point, yes we are pwning content, but we outgear it by so much WE SHOULD BE.

    Imagine dungeons that are actually hard, problem solved :3
  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    Disagree here,

    Instead of reducing player damage, product harder content. Because at this point, yes we are pwning content, but we outgear it by so much WE SHOULD BE.

    Imagine dungeons that are actually hard, problem solved :3

    and how does it solve pvp and pve balance issues ? classes like tr will always be either broken op in pvp and ok in pve or useless in pve and ok in pvp, for same reason gwf got these stupid stacks on destroyer capstone and class feature, our capstones buff damage for 50%(instigator in mod5 as well) since our base damge got nerfed to sh.t so we dont blow everything up in pvp. for same reason cw single target cant be buffed

    1 rotation pvp design is fail, everything else is an added bonus. I want to see what will happen when TR start 1shotting 20k gs players in pvp, again they will be nerfed to being ok in pvp and trash in pve.
    Paladin Master Race
  • destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I kind of agree. I dont think just player damage needs to be cut in half. But everything. Damage, healing, defenses. And have this only apply automatically in Pvp.

    especially with the oncoming changes to the TR and Clerics. Everything will return to just being one and two shot fests.

    For pve. There just simply needs to be content catered to the higher gearscore people. All our dungeons so far is at minimum gearscore requirements of about 11-12k still.
  • bajornorbertbajornorbert Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I agree with Chemboy, this doesn't solve anything, esp not for PvE. We have to much HP as it is, we don't need even more, and we certainly don't need a global nerf, just to compensate for the items introduced in the past 1 year.

    Think about it from a PvE standpoint too, not just PvP. Halving the damage, would make it impossible to complete the original dungeons at min gs. The problem is just as Chemboy mentioned, we have outgeared the content way to much, and with mod 5 that will be even more so. The hardest epic dungeon requires a min gs of 13k, when we have players with 21k+stone (~24k effective) + boons + active companion bonuses. A maxed out character today is ~3x more powerful than a maxed out toon at release. At release the hardest epic dungeon was CN, required a min gs of 9.2k, when the average player was running around with 10k-11k no stone, a 12k+stone was as "rare" as 18k+ players now.

    As for PvP i would actually like to see them moving back to the roots. I've enjoyed the PvP at most in mod 0/1. Tenacity pretty much killed the PvP for me, you should be able to "one-shot" players if certain conditions are met. I'd rather kill or be killed in a few secs, than dance around with a TR for half an hour, or have HRs with incredible self-heals, defensive stats & damage.
  • metatron53metatron53 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    i disagree
  • dante126pldante126pl Banned Users Posts: 257 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    disagree aswell.
  • zacazuzacazu Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,934 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    for me, replace most of these self debuffs, buffs, stacks, etc by damage based on the amount of hp.

    if i have 20k hp, I own a damage bonus of 10% against someone of 40hp, 20% X 60k hp, etc. the limit is indifferent in pvp.

    would be the policy of the "glass cannon" or... hero bravery.

    feets in general would be options and gameplay/control/ tank / counter tank ... and no compensation to a mechanical failures.

    the pve itself is another problem.
  • m1nuendm1nuend Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I agree with Chemboy, this doesn't solve anything, esp not for PvE. We have to much HP as it is, we don't need even more, and we certainly don't need a global nerf, just to compensate for the items introduced in the past 1 year.

    Think about it from a PvE standpoint too, not just PvP. Halving the damage, would make it impossible to complete the original dungeons at min gs. The problem is just as Chemboy mentioned, we have outgeared the content way to much, and with mod 5 that will be even more so. The hardest epic dungeon requires a min gs of 13k, when we have players with 21k+stone (~24k effective) + boons + active companion bonuses. A maxed out character today is ~3x more powerful than a maxed out toon at release. At release the hardest epic dungeon was CN, required a min gs of 9.2k, when the average player was running around with 10k-11k no stone, a 12k+stone was as "rare" as 18k+ players now.

    As for PvP i would actually like to see them moving back to the roots. I've enjoyed the PvP at most in mod 0/1. Tenacity pretty much killed the PvP for me, you should be able to "one-shot" players if certain conditions are met. I'd rather kill or be killed in a few secs, than dance around with a TR for half an hour, or have HRs with incredible self-heals, defensive stats & damage.


    But it's not just the lvl 60 content that has become too easy. The dungeons you do while leveling up aren't challenging anymore either. I mean, my party used to wipe or barely manage some mad dragon bosses a few times before getting it, but now we just breezed through it without even exchanging a hello. More blue drops and artifacts have changed the stakes some. I think there are more epics you can use at lower levels as well.

    I guess being able to choose a difficulty where difficultier gave better rewards might be a bit too immersion breaking. But hot diggity that would be nice to have. You don't become as good as fast when the leveling is easy either. It would be nice to have some stuff for us who likes mastering challenging stuffles.

    I haven't played PvP much, but my bf used to love it back then. He tried it now and was hugely disappointed by how things turned out. He immediately uninstalled the game aka ragequit.
  • suddenlyslowsuddenlyslow Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I have suggested before that a reduction in player damage across all classes would be a good idea and possibly in and of itself would have corrected many problems that had to be addressed and readdressed in balancing and such. I still think we do too much damage and I also agree that the game is becoming boringly easy with the only counters now being one shot killed. I don't know what is the best approach but quite often it feels like the wheels are coming off now. It seems currently that it is getting like "You see a room full of enemies, you attack with your AE's, they are all dead and you move on" or it is "An enemy attacks you and you are dead".
  • yukimaru153yukimaru153 Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    chemboy613 wrote: »
    Disagree here,

    Instead of reducing player damage, product harder content. Because at this point, yes we are pwning content, but we outgear it by so much WE SHOULD BE.

    Imagine dungeons that are actually hard, problem solved :3

    I agree with you all the way. Plus it would be a simpler fix for the devs. However....lets not forget that CN was once challenging....people were displeased with said dungeon and demanded icecream i mean easier content >.>
  • ortzhyortzhy Member Posts: 1,103 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    Well they;ve introduced tenacity in pvp for this very reason, reduce pvp dmg. Dmg has increased but tenacity havent been updated, healing depresion should also be updated if needed be.
    Plus all those buffs imo should be removed in pvp(invocation/potions/feasts).
  • hmdq#4491 hmdq Member Posts: 508 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    oh sure after a few mods devs buff buff buff and buff all players and forgot buff dgs and sks (pve content) and NOW the same devs maybe reduce the all entire damage by 1\2 or 1\3 maybe cute \100 lol its a vry clever idea!
  • hexanna22hexanna22 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 204 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    PvPers ae a minority in this game....a big one. I say this as a person who for over a year has usually just PvPed. If you make these changes--PVE becomes incredibly hard for probably the majority of the people playing who are casual players. It sound like you are writing from a pvp player standpoint, I could be wrong.

    Funny story, I finally opened LOL, and my first eLOL runs I pugged and was like, Is this it? As I guess I had come into the end boss fight, where they had wiped over and over, and people quit. I was so surprised when I saw the whole thing. I think this fight on eLOL is a cakewalk, but I am a 19K CW with legend artifacts, etc.

    Perhaps they could have Normal, Elite and Epic versions of Dungeons to cover people of all gear and skisl levels.
  • grac3n77grac3n77 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Make it simple Don't make any class 1 hit machine and your attack makes them regain full health.
  • rashylewizzrashylewizz Member Posts: 4,265 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2014
    Do you want PVP to have 1-2 hour matches again?
  • letojarred1letojarred1 Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    We grind the duns countless of times, we're so used to it, even with low gs we can plow through it.
    Aside from the game being easy, "We're getting good without us realizing it" The game is more than a year now, we are all fairly acquainted with the mechanics.

    Proposal: Remove red circles and make the boss attack faster. The fun will be back again, guessing attack animations and getting wipe: poses a new challenge.
    StrawberryCheesecake TR
    BlackberryCheesecake CW
    CheeseCake House :o
  • sangrinesangrine Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Since one year ago, cryptic has added so much gear/stats which results in easy pve.
    Realistically, we can't expect cryptic to remove the previous 12 months of gear/items/stats from this game.
    And Cryptic certainly will not be rebalancing all the old dungeons .... every 6-12 months because average GS has increased.

    However, there are two things which can easily be changed:

    (1) soulforged enchantment.

    I remember when soulforge enchantment was enhanced to its current state (extra life as often as every 90sec).
    At this point, 5 CW parties became viable without excessive risk of party wipe.
    With the old soulforge, it was common to revive one or more CW after a difficult battle. 5 CW party was risky.
    With new soulforge, dungeons could be speedrun with little death and little reviving (if everyone in the party used soulforge).

    (2) lifesteal

    soulforge + lifesteal allows dps classes with low defense/deflect to play very aggressively. no need tank or healer.
  • m1nuendm1nuend Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    (just wanted to point out that I was referring to pugs in my post)
  • oicidrazoicidraz Member Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I agree, a moment ago I just faceroll CN with some 10K-13k PuG with my 16K GF, PvE is becoming stupidly easy, more than what it was before.

    sangrine wrote: »
    Since one year ago, cryptic has added so much gear/stats which results in easy pve.
    Realistically, we can't expect cryptic to remove the previous 12 months of gear/items/stats from this game.
    And Cryptic certainly will not be rebalancing all the old dungeons .... every 6-12 months because average GS has increased.

    However, there are two things which can easily be changed:

    (1) soulforged enchantment.

    I remember when soulforge enchantment was enhanced to its current state (extra life up to every 90sec).
    At this point, 5 CW parties became viable without excessive risk of party wipe.
    With the old soulforge, it was common to revive one or more CW after a difficult battle. 5 CW party was risky.
    With new soulforge, dungeons could be speedrun with little death and little reviving (if everyone in the party used soulforge).

    (2) lifesteal

    soulforge + lifesteal allows dps classes with low defense/deflect to play very aggressively. no need tank or healer.

    I agree 100% with this, change Life Steal and Soulforged, make a Tradeoff between DPS and Tanky classes, right now DPS owns every aspect of the game (more DPS = more Survability thanks to Life Steal).

    However, I still thinks players should do less damage...
  • inthefade462inthefade462 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    you forget they have also continuously nerfed dungeons making them even easier and easier, in addition to the massive power creep.

    and still there are players that can't beat them, or require 16k+ gs for t2's, lol.
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