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Why always the GF

matthiasthehun76matthiasthehun76 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User
edited September 2014 in The Militia Barracks
Hi my friends and fellow GFs!

My post today is about how the hell we could teach players, that we are better, not nearly perfect in my eyes, but still better, than before Mod4.

I ran today with a party epic DV with my GF, i don't play much group content with him, mainly only solo play, 'cause i still have a different kind of approach to the GF as the Devs do. My solution would have been, not to cut the power output and dps into half, but rather increase it. People still prefer DPS and the game itself is built around killing stuff fast, where we still are back in the last row. Either way dungeons should be modified according to the Devs idea about GFs role or we GFs should get a huge DPS boost.

Still we aren't very liked by party members, they just call us either to some dungeons, because they require us a bit more or matchmaking gives us a huge benefit, it will q us and the poor DC (current step child of the game) in front of all other classes. I know this, since i tried to q into the match, where my friend invited me, they were standing before the boss and one party member left and only with my GF could get in, all my other toons failed to enter, but we tested this with friends too.

Now we were in and i saw right away this party won't work, 1 party member with 10k gs and half way no enchants, 2 CWs, who could have rocked, but the first one was in such a mixture set, that he had a high GS (cheap trick, but somehow i understand it, because people are GS maniac, just look at epic Lostmouth, they demand insane high GS from CW and DC ), but low damage overall, the second with fully mixed PVP gear, yet again low DPS and no specialty, like High Vizier set has, which in my eyes is still Nr.1 for CW. We had a SW, but as i see, the SW class came out pretty soon, it still would have needed some weeks or months of programming, very squishy, half of it's powers useless and the mechanics are still in baby shoes.

Ok, i did my job, never fell, was the last in the dungeon to hold the mobs, but finally we gave up. I have to say i am a veteran with him, did this and many hard T2.5 dungeons way back with my poor GF successfully. I keep some gear from those dungeons, just to show big mouths, that yes a GF can do it too, with a decent party of course.

Match finished, time to sum up things, now here it comes, GWF and the CWs, despite the two CWs fully misplaced on a pedestal. GF still <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

Now sure you too my fellow GFs would have felt the same, no matter, what we do, who is to blame, the GF. This past year was long and the solution Mod4 brought us is either not fully known to players, they think we are still <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and secondly, we are still hampered a bit, no DPS and as i mentioned above too, players demand fast runs and killing the bosses fast, buffs or debuffs are only secondary, look just where is the poor Dc standing now...

I think some public education, a little PR from the Devs would do really good, to open up the eyes of those i only want CW people.

Thx for reading, bye!
The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee

I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill

The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke

Post edited by matthiasthehun76 on


  • almondumalmondum Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I don't know what you're talking about, GF is much better now than before.

    Usually I love to heal GF with my DC. We are nearly immortal as long as GF keeps the adds with him.

    At CN/DV/Losmauth...etc, GF + DC/Temptation SW are awesome!

    Guardian Fighter is finally a tank, which allows a healer to enter!
    Thanks to Guardian Fighters who don't die in 1 hit, healers are more welcome now than before (before DC was forced to be a debuffer/buffer).

    Have fun everyone,
  • matthiasthehun76matthiasthehun76 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    You haven't read it through carefully, i wasn't saying that Gf sin't much better, i was referring to the fact, that people still see the GF as a bad boy, if a party fails.

    Secondly, if you can't see the DC having major problem, well.... that's sad. Even Kaelec, the master DC admits, that Dc is currently in big downfall.
    The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
    Robert E. Lee

    I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
    Winston Churchill

    The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
    David Icke

  • vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    All I can say those people blaming GFs for their faults are miserable, GF is very wanted in parties now, especially one that uses either KV or IF.
  • aiulianaiulian Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    You haven't read it through carefully, i wasn't saying that Gf sin't much better, i was referring to the fact, that people still see the GF as a bad boy, if a party fails.

    That s because if the GF dyes is still it s fault even though he a KV and a suicidal GWF/CW on his side that will eventually get him killed, cause he can t take the damage of course... always it is the tanker's fault if someone does something stupid and gets him killed...
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    aiulian wrote: »
    That s because if the GF dyes is still it s fault even though he a KV and a suicidal GWF/CW on his side that will eventually get him killed, cause he can t take the damage of course... always it is the tanker's fault if someone does something stupid and gets him killed...

    KV is like unprotected sex. Only do itwith people you know and trust. Here endeth the lesson.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I have a new GF that I am leveling, I mostly do pvp and win enough to get invincible overlord and page 4 at level 44 so do pretty good, but sometimes there are losses and idiots raging at the GF for it. Had a match yesterday where a twinked SW with P Vorp was raging on me and the rest of the team when we were losing even though I spent most of the match on 2 contesting it and had the top score, it was more his fault for not killing people on 1 and 3 fast enough which he had no excuse for due to having p vorp at low levels. I can turn matches around sometimes by holding 2 but if the team is so bad that they can't ever hold 1 and 3 for a decent time there isn't much more that I can do other then head to 1 or 3 to help but then I would get raged at for leaving 2.

    So its not only pve, but pvp they also expect you to do everything and blame you when it goes wrong.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • aaronlove83aaronlove83 Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2014
    Wow, it is nearly impossible to read some of these posts, but I think I get the general idea everyone is trying to verbalize. The GF is now buffed (obviously) and they still get a bad reputation due to past issues. When people die, they still blame the GF, even if it isn't his fault. Well, to that I say welcome to MMOs...in all my time tanking one thing I have always learned is DPS will be DPS. And that means nothing is their fault. So when they say that I revert to my WoW bear tank days and simply reply: "The tank's job is to hold threat on anything he can reach, and over aggro the HEALER. If the HEALER dies it is the tank's fault 90% of the time. If the tank dies it is the HEALER'S fault (80% of the time). IF A DPS DIES IT IS HIS OWN **** FAULT. CONTROL YOUR AGGRO AND DO NOT STAND IN RED!"

    Usually that just instigates a huge troll fest of anger, but if you're already up the tree with no way down, might as well swat the hornet's nest and laugh at your own pain.
  • inthere23inthere23 Member Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I ran today with a party epic DV with my GF

    LOL, that's your problem right there!

    DV has the toughest end boss encounter in Neverwinter by FAR now-non stop adds that don't despawn on the platform anymore, can't be singed over the edge anymore, etc etc, etc.

    Way tougher than Valindra (everyone skips coffins now) Draco (no need for CC there either with a high DPS group) MC (end dragon was never hard anyway) LOL (end boss is annoying but still easy) SOT (once you learn the encounter, easy as well)

    Don't beat yourself up about it, that dungeon in its present state is going to destroy guilds and friendships, lol.

    DV needs perfect group coordination and voice communication and anyone laughing and saying"DV? gtfo!" should try it and see for themselves. It's the most fun of any encounter in the game right now.
    Venril Sathir- CW
    Venril- SW
    Lurch- GF
    Mini Ven- DC
  • kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Let me put it bluntly.

    When it comes to party/PvE content, us TRs and GFs are in the same situation. Same with HRs.

    The PvE content in the game is so easy, that it doesn't need a special-role oriented class. All the people need is simply a meatshield, a heal-slave for insurance, and then all the rest is CWs.

    The only way you GFs are ever gonna get a role and be appreciated, is if the dungeon content adds in mob groups with superbly powerful alpha-strikes and sustained damage, that no GWF can take it even with heal-slave support, and only GFs can take the punishment and still survive.

    Much the same, the only way us TRs are ever gonna be appreciated is when dungeon traps do one-shot kill level of damage, and the some of the dungoen mobs are have smarter logic and are magic-resistant. So they will break off from the GFs aggro when they see healing/magic casted. While the GFs hold the aggro against the majority, in this case the TR as a DPS/CC/utility support, can immediately take it on and pull it off the spell casters.

    Likewise, the only way HRs are going to be appreciated, is when there is a situation ranged attack is needed, but the targets are also very resistant to magic, but weaker to physical damage. Perhaps mob ambushes in high places where melees can reach.


    As it is, NW content is too easy, and therefore GFs, TRs, HRs.. all of us don't have any real role.

    The DPS role is simply trumped by CWs. The CC role is also trumped by CWs, and the utlity role is needless/useless because the mobs are so easy that its much faster to simply kill it outright than try any 'utilities'. The GF aggro grabbing role is also trashed by the GWF, because in most cases the GWF in Unstoppable is all the party needs for a meatshield.

    So, whenever you enter a party, you, a GF, or me, a TR, or other HRs, are simply a fifth wheel. We're useless. Nobody appreciates what we can do, because the dungeons are so easy that none of what we can do is needed in the first place.

    My only wish, is NW to have a tougher, smarter mobs running through it. Mobs that are actually designed and built to kill you, offer challenge, exploit your weaknesses -- so in face of such adversity every bit of team-work and mutual support is appreciated. CoH was like that, and the PvE was really fun to play.

    I wish Cryptic, looks back and learns from its roots.
    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
  • dragonknightgrdragonknightgr Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    kweassa wrote: »
    Let me put it bluntly.

    When it comes to party/PvE content, us TRs and GFs are in the same situation. Same with HRs.

    The PvE content in the game is so easy, that it doesn't need a special-role oriented class. All the people need is simply a meatshield, a heal-slave for insurance, and then all the rest is CWs.

    BINGO.. 2 Examples of what my friend here is talking about.. the game is Dungeons & Dragons Online..
    Ex 1. Epic Raid.. last boss turns around from the tank and in 5 seconds u have 12man party wipe..
    Ex 2. Epic Raid.. u dont have a rogue able to disarm all traps in the boss room.. when traps enable 12man party wipes in 5secs again..

    And i meantioned this game because Neverwinter is "supposed" to be D&D based.. (not even close)

    3 Problems there..
    Prob 1. 11pple waiting for 2 hours to find a capalble Tank to run the Raid.. or 10 pple waiting for 3 hours to find two clerics.. etc.. etc.
    Prob 2. No PVP.. u cannot have balanced pvp when the games in really depending in Roles..
    Prob 3. You can do nothing solo

    Neverwinter just sucrificed the Roles of the game.. to have PVP, a Faster queue system for PVE and Solo Content

    Results: Decent PVP.. Casual PVE.. in other words new age mmo.. all classes have a little bit of everything and they have straight contest with each other.. (something that is not supposed to do in RPGs)

    Just imagine a Wizard with stronger CCs but 1/10 of his dps... and a Fighter with 10 times more dmg resistance but without any CC powers (kicks etc) and no CC blocking with guard.. Both usefull in PVE.. but put them in a Duel :P.. they will run around for ages :)..

    PS1. I wish there was a game somewhere between DDO and NWO but i dont know if its possible.. So i try to enjoy what they give me :)

    PS2. I am GF since beta.. never cried to forums, never felt weak, never cared about trolls blaming me for their mistakes.. I Enjoy GF..!
  • brynicstormbornbrynicstormborn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 41
    edited September 2014
    query523 wrote: »
    KV is like unprotected sex. Only do itwith people you know and trust. Here endeth the lesson.

    I don't know. I keep KV up constantly during ToD and Seige dragon battles and only fall below 3/4 hit points if I do something really stupid like fail to notice a red zone.
    - B

    P.S. - The change to make KV a toggle is the only thing that makes me feel like a tank. Holding aggro is difficult and mostly useless anyway. KV lets me greatly reduce my parties damage without having to keep aggro. I don't even try to aggro anything except the big guys. But it requires a lot of timing to survive certain encounters with it. Steel Defense passive immunity has saved me more than a few dozen times.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    query523 wrote: »
    KV is like unprotected sex. Only do itwith people you know and trust. Here endeth the lesson.

    What he said ^
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    kweassa wrote: »
    The only way you GFs are ever gonna get a role and be appreciated, is if the dungeon content adds in mob groups with superbly powerful alpha-strikes and sustained damage, that no GWF can take it even with heal-slave support, and only GFs can take the punishment and still survive.

    Yeah this ^

    BUT lower or even mid geared gf players wont be wanted because the gf has some nice buff powers but our survivability isn't really that much higher than some other classes, I mean you see gwf and even cw players with 50k+ hp and other great defensive stats so if they can have all that and then the dps to help too, gf still wont be wanted. The only real way is making us a defensive wall in pve some how and a must have for soaking up dmg but I can't see that ever happening because of the pve - pvp imbalance.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Blaming GF in a dungeon = admitting yourself being a burden.

    Especially when GF you have with you is using both KV and Into the Fray. I only use those when I see my party dying too fast or when we have no cleric. Oh and of course it's must in LoL or SoT without questions :P
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