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Warlocks vs Control Wizards (PvP)

ashkherashkher Member Posts: 5 Arc User
edited September 2014 in The Nine Hells
First of all: this is not a nerf cry. I have some problems with countering Control Wizards as a Scourge Warlock and I'm honestly asking for a tactical advice. I'm aware of their current reputation, but I don't care - I want to share some experiences and learn how to best deal with them as they are now. Wheter they get nerfed in the future is inconsequential.

For now, I've concluded there are two things I can do to make defeating a CW in 1vs1 combat a possibility:

1. Land a harrowstorm surge on them. Problem is, I first need to land normal harrowstorm, with its long-*** animation, then surge it. It takes a lot of time, esspecially when many CW CC abilities are faster and require no such setup. Both harrowstorm and its surge can also be dodged.

2. Bait them into burning one of their CC skills on my shadow slip. It requires some training but it's possible. I found it easier to do once I switched shadow slip to one of my additional mouse buttons (shift is a bit clunkier to use for me).

If I can't do one or both of these things (both are very much prefered), I'm pretty much toast the moment they land their first skill on me. I may just as well go make myself a coffee, because I won't get a single mili-second when I'm not freezed, entagled or otherwise controled.

So, how do my fellow warlocks deal with them?

(and: do they? :P)
Post edited by ashkher on


  • kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    The best advice is be lucky, and be like Han- shoot first. Warlocks aren't really the best choice for fighting a vaguely well-geared or competent PvP CW, though. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

    I have had the most luck as a really inappropriate Fury with VE, Harrowstorm, Curse and then Killing Flames just as they hit the ground. With a bit of luck, their health will be low enough that the Killing Flames will really hurt, and they will die from DoTs shortly after. However, as you point out, a really good CW is no joke, and you'll probably get locked down and stomped. Shadow slipping like a coward to break line of sight is sometimes a good option if it's possible, too.

    A really good PvP CW will normally stomp me in seconds. The sorts of random morons who jump you while you're doing IWD dailies, on the other hand, can usually be killed and eaten :)
  • ashkherashkher Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Yea, that's more or less what I expected. I'm aware we're disadvantaged in this particular fight :)

    Using Shadow Slip to break line of sight can be a neat trick depending on environment, true. I actually often just slip away and come back from a different direction a few seconds later. Cowardly or not, I don't care - I'm just using my class's strenghts and warlocks are supposed to be deceitful after all :P

    Another thing I've found to be quite useful is hiding behind your soul puppet - mostly for Damnation, though. Aim assist in Neverwinter, coupled with fast pace, can make it a real pain in the A to target who you want to get. Many entangling forces and icy rays have been wasted on my poor, wraithy companion ^^ (when I had one :( )

    Thanks for the input :)
  • charmagmacharmagma Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    You mean a geared CW, not a good CW. Good implies there is skill involved with that class.
  • lihin23nihillihin23nihil Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    charmagma wrote: »
    You mean a geared CW, not a good CW. Good implies there is skill involved with that class.

    I think we all not what you mean but trust us there are some very good CWs out there. It's got harder to distinguish them from the rest of the pack sure, but they are there.

    Back on topic, if you are lucky enough to be up against a less experienced CW then you just need to be able to predict their rotation and since most seem to open with Enfeebling Force make sure you shadow slip this. I've found that means shifting before they start to cast it as otherwise it's too late - shadow slip has a long wind up to the CC immunity. Unfortunately, even if you Immune the CC expect to lose a chunk of health to Storm Spell and Assailant procs anyway but at least you have some time to act.

    Dot them up, get them on their backs, hit them with a hard KF and get right up in their faces - a lot wont know what hit them and are starting to panic - and keep hitting and moving. The experienced ones have left you dead already anyway.

    Line of sighting them, using your puppet to interfere with targeting, getting out of range can all help, but ultimately they need to be dealt with as a priority.
  • intoxicatedknighintoxicatedknigh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 48
    edited September 2014
    My opinion is NEVER approach 2 wizards without some gwf to keep at least one of them occupied , you have to , and I mean have to try to get harrowstorm cast on them then curse them to throw em in the air and prone them then use killing flames Hope it proc's and then that should be enough to get them start using their dodges up cause they are down 19 or 20K and about dead heres where you warlocks bargain , then just hand of blight them to 0 it sounds long but play it right you'll have that cw dead in a matter of seconds.
    ~Angus BullGod - Swordmaster GWF~
    ~Vladimar Zul - Fury build SW ~
    ~Takadump onzcrapper - Iron vangaurd GF~
  • kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    The other thing I have found is that it's surprisingly easy to get Brood Of Hadar off, if your daily is ready. That makes it easier to get VE on the target, and set up Harrowstorm, and means they will have even lower HP- more chance of a Killing Flames knockout.
  • lihin23nihillihin23nihil Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    kattefjaes wrote: »
    The other thing I have found is that it's surprisingly easy to get Brood Of Hadar off, if your daily is ready.

    Yup, it's almost an insta-cast which is rare for us :) never leaves my bar in pvp
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