I have noticed that zoning out of the dungeons into GG main area causes a lot of CTDs since.. well, I think possibly the patch, or since mod 4. I didn't play between start of od 4 and last week's patch, but have been playing this weekend.
The game is normally really stable for me, and it CTDs terribly when changing from the instances of the GG event. It's usually when coming out of the dungeons, but also can happen on entry, too. It's not just me though, usually if we're trying to squeeze in multiple runs, at least one person crashes every single time. This really puts a crimp on how much play you can get out of the dungeon, if it's only open for 30 mins, and people keep bombing out when they return to the main area for a fresh clear.
Doing GG is no fun anymore because of all the crahes. I have seen people crash 2 times in one DK run ( teleporting to DK and teleporting out DK)