Greetings Guardian Fighters!
We want to hear what you have to say about your class!
If chosen as a class advocate, you'll be responsible for compiling the feedback of your fellow players about your class. Each week, you'll submit feedback in the form of a bullet-point list to me via forum PM. I'll then take that list (and the lists from the other classes) and forward them to our devs.
How do you become a class advocate?
You can start by stating your interest in this thread. After that, send me a PM answering these questions:
-Why do you want to be a class advocate?
-Why do you like this class?
-How long have you been playing Neverwinter?
-Do you play any other MMOs? (Don't worry, we won't get jealous
) If so, what class do you play?
-Do you play D&D? If so, what class(es) do you like to play?
-In what direction do you want to see this class go?
Once I've selected a candidate, this candidate will remain "in-office" until the next module's launch. For example, the candidate I choose now will remain until Module 5's launch (whenever that may be).Please remember: Private Message Akromatik with your Answers to his Questions, as well as any Concerns or Questions one may have. Do NOT post nominations or comments about others in this thread. If you have a concern about someone who has nominated them-self, PM Akromatik or any of the Community Team.
This thread is not for general discussions, it is not for bashing, and it is not for PvP Smack Talk. This is a Nominations thread, not a Voting Thread or Soap Box.
Furthermore, if one cannot follow our Rules of Conduct, they most certainly won't be an Advocate. Think before you post folks and remember our first Rule: Show Respect At All Times!
About the Role of an Advocate:
Advocates won't be chosen to represent their opinions. But instead are to act as intermediaries for the Community as a whole on specific topics and areas, whether or not they agree with such or not. They will have checks and balances to make sure that they are being unbiased in their relay of the Community's Ideas, Opinions, and Suggestions.
Furthermore, Advocates won't be able to "make things happen." Instead, such is more akin to what we Moderators already do, which is relay all the hot topics and serious bugs so that the Developers know to look more deeply into such issues being reported in Bug Reports and on the Forum. The Developers don't just take our word for it, they see our word as a sign that they need to look deeper into the matter.
Alas, Moderators do not have the time to properly dedicate to such as we have other duties. This has been made aware by the sheer number of things we report each week (and sometimes daily) and then find out that we have forgotten something or overlooked something else entirely. This is where the Advocates come in, to help and ease such things.
Also, here is some clarification also from Community Manager Akromatik:
Some clarification on the on class advocate position.
-These individuals will be selected based on their past actions and participation in the class feedback threads from previous modules. They will be selected by GentlemanCrush and myself.
-The advocates will hold office for 1 module. Once their time in the sun is up, we will move on to the next eligible candidate.
-These advocates will not be assisting in the design or decisions regarding the class direction. These players will function to collate and collect feedback into more readable lists to improve dev response time and better allow the feelings of the community to become apparent.
-A big part of this is separating the feedback from the "discussions" that tend to pop up in these threads. These advocates will include any and all feedback in their reports. They will not be the ones deciding what is "good" feedback and what isn't. If we find that an advocate has been purposely omitting feedback in their reports, they will be relieved of their post immediately.
Hopefully that has answered some questions.
I will throw my hat in the ring for this. Kudos as this is a very good idea!
I will also say that a good Guardian I respect who would also excel at this is Godmode. I will also include him in my PM as a good candidate.
I frankly care less about WHO it is as long as they are good and will do this class justice! I think I would be able to offer good opinions, however, and have good perspective about the class.
Again, this is an excellent thread, I will personally give it a try and PM you with these questions,
Thank you
My main GF's name is Lady Noire.
Why do I want to be a class advocate?
I do not post much, but I am an active player in the game. The main reason for this is many threads degenerate and/or stray away from the point of the thread. Constructive feedback, fair/broad thinking, and thoughtful discussion are not usually involved, so I typically keep quiet. However, many great ideas do come from these discussions, and I feel that, as a reasonable person, I can fairly organize everyone else's feedback and not just my own.
Why do you enjoy the class?
Because GFs are awesome :cool:
On a serious note, I have always played the tank/fighter classes in all sorts of games. Being melee, in the fray, and smashing my enemies with some steel just makes me happy inside. I also enjoy the Guardian Fighter because of how fun it is to play. If I want to tank a dungeon, I can. If I want to do some damage, I can. And I have a shield at the same time.
How long have you been playing Neverwinter?
I have been playing since beta weekend three, which was before open beta. Yes, I was playing before the Professions system was released
Do you play any other MMOs?
I used to play LoL, but I slowly dropped out of that. I also tested a wide variety of other MMOs, but I never found one that I was personally satisfied with. Until recently.
In what direction do you want to see this class go?
I will rephrase the question: What is the place of the class for Neverwinter? I play every single class and have many level 60s. I play both PvP and PvE, though more PvP when Mod 3 came out. Because of my wide experience with most aspects of the game, I understand what balance should be like. I do not want the GF to dominate the game. I do not want any class to dominate; I want each class to have choices and concessions. Balance in terms of the game, not in terms of just one class. I will not be afraid to ask for rebalancing to our class (and others) should we become too strong.
Anyway, the point of the advocate is to compile the voice of the class and not be the voice itself. Be sure to keep that in mind. A person who is willing to listen to and post others' feedback is more appropriate for the position than just a really strong and even knowledgeable GF.
I'm not going to over-promote myself, so I advocate ayroux as a good candidate.
I have been playing this game extensively since before open beta.
My main character is a GF and has been for over a year.
I have tried, experienced and tested a very large variety of GF specs, gear and builds over the last 15+ months and understand well the perspective of SM and IV, Conq, Tact and Prot players from both PVP and PVE.
I have experienced thoroughly all aspects of the game to date and often party for premade and PUG PVP and PVE. People i party with for PVP are amongst some of the 'best' in the game, being located on the first and second pages. People i party with for PVE can be some of the newest players and some of the most experienced and geared players as i play Legit.
Many of you will know my name and there are some few who i've talked to extensively over the last 12+ months about GFs in particular.
I have something like ~30 characters and have, at least, one of each class but SW at 60 with all but one in IWD with over 12.5k GS.
I am an active member of a prominent ingame channel and already communicate regularly with some of you.
I take pride in my GF and spent a large number of hours testing in Preview before Mod4. I really only bothered with my GF and GWF despite having other classes to test because i am most interested in the GF.
I know the class and it's features and can distance my opinion enough to collate yours and pass it on in an effective and efficient manner.
I am approachable, play very regularly and people are welcome to approach me with their perspectives.
If you want an experienced player who regularly works with a large number of players and who regularly participates in both PVP and PVE then consider supporting me for this role.
-Why do you like this class?I am a stern direct to the point guy in real life, and as such I prefer a direct up front and personal character in games.
-How long have you been playing Neverwinter? 11 months
-Do you play any other MMOs? (Don't worry, we won't get jealous ) If so, what class do you play? WoW, LOTRO, D&D online, Conan, D3, played FFXI for a long time...
-Do you play D&D? If so, what class(es) do you like to play? I did as a young kid not since, don't remember.
-In what direction do you want to see this class go? I would like to see the GF be able to really tank and mitigate damage more so than any other classes mechanic can, I also would like the class to have some diversity in being able to change from solo questing to dungeons to pvp without having 3 gear sets and respeccing!
EDIT: Personally, I think you should tally the individuals interested and place them in a vote, so we the GF community can vote on whom we feel best represents us.
Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
I do like the GF class as it is someting in my blood, have been playing the GF for a long time now and enjoy it very much, despite the fact that Dev's should fix some issues which is playing for a long time now (loottables mechanics for example which are not really fair towards the GF class).
I know Damnacious very wel and frankly he is the one who take time to give advises to GF's .. if he have some spare time ofcourse.
He is already known as the Class advocate and i would vote for him due he (besides he is s skilled player) have a lot of knowledge about the class itself.
Cheers folks
I think we need to actually LISTEN to the advocates (DEVS)..... Not just string the player base along
You Developers should stop smoking that Weed pipe, trow away that fat joint you probrably smoking, you folks have just lost one of the most experienced, dedicated GF class advocate you can imagine.. One who really knows in dept what is needed to fix the issues, one who supply the Developers with solid data (even raw combat data if needed)
But no, all is focussed on the Dollar which has created a downwards spiral by adding new mod's while long term issues are simply ignored and the amount of issues is getting bigger and bigger with each new mod
I doubt if there will be a GF advocate of the same caliber as Damnacious, just as dedicated as he is, able to provide the Developers solid advices based on a lot of calculations.
Shame on you all
Its maybe a good thing that I'm living on the other side of the Globe.
Damnacious, you are the man. It's such a shame for what they did to you. Still, thanks man for your great work.
I have 2 out of the 4 for the set for the Draconic Templar Gear.
Is the Draconic Tenplar Gear the best right now for the GF or is there better gear out for it? If yes what is it?
Really need some advice.