so i was farming the dragon in rothe valley, I inspected this GF and this persons HP was 60K!, and the weird part is that he had no enchantments past rank 7 nor did he have any buffs at the time, I managed to get a screeny of this GF. how the hell did he/she do this?
Anarchist, level 60 CW
Arsenic, level 60 TR
Pluck Yew, level 60 HR
Therapissed, level 60 DC
the guy has HP on every item, clearly specced for hp and survival since he has hardly any crit or arm pen so its not hard to get. You have CW with 50k hp so a gf reaching 60k is actually easy with the right items, stats, companions and artifacts. Them 2 artifacts alone give near 2k
Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
But clearly that person is not wielding the con belt, as a GF I aim to get max hp, I have 27 CON, purified black ice set, sigil of the great weapon and rank 9 radiants, and I only have got 53k hp, comes along a guy with rank 7 radiant enchants and has more hp than me, I don't quite understand how he has 60k hp
CON = 35K
DEF slots = 4.5k
Rings = 1.2k
artifacts = 2k
cloak = 650
shirt and pants = 600
purified set = 5200
Also his companion could give hp....
and the more hp you get the more it gives you from Con.
Edit: Also he has hardly any armor pen or crit so losing them to gin hp makes it way easier....200 stats count as around 800 hp.
Also maybe some purple active companions? You can get 1200 with a purple cave bear + 660 more with a purple druid. +1860 with both.
not realy that is burst spec in pvp
with int belt not con
and offencive rings
only 3 rank 10 radiants and boons are for hp
More or less. Turtle build. The thing is with no arti or armor kits (building them now, before the price was so high it was better to just sell them.) or artifact belt I'm at 45khp and have ArPen, Crit, and a metric f**Kton of recovery. And enough LS and regen that that well never does dry. Turtles aren't even better controlers. Remember mark multiplies the threat you generate and you generate threat by doing damage.
I thought augment pets were sharing all their stats except the HP
This was fixed awhile back.