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Ran into this tonight

tampabaytktampabaytk Member Posts: 37 Arc User
edited August 2014 in PvE Discussion
Running 10-19 Domination tonight, we ran into 2 SW's wearing this tonight.

Pact Blade of Protection

Damage: 417-509
Equipped 1221 power
440 Deflection

No requirements to weild with an offensive slot (which of course had a Rank 10 Azure)

Needless to say we were destroyed early and often. If it's in the game intentionally I can assure you it is WAI.

edit: I have the SS but am to **** old to know how to post it :D
Post edited by tampabaytk on


  • skylher12skylher12 Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    these two are in the guild <<Removed>>. im sure you can see who they are on the leaderboards, a lot of kills under 10 deaths
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I guess you haven't seen the low level twinks in full Muhorrand gear with perfect vorpals and a complete set of slayer accessories.
  • tampabaytktampabaytk Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Yeah, I have, I actually have the Mulhorand and its damage is 172, not 509. That pact blade is green.
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Ohhh, so you the problem here is you just got out twinked.
  • tampabaytktampabaytk Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    LOL, yes, my feelings are hurt and I demand answers....on a serious note however I am just curious how this things exists. I am by no means very good, just not used to going from full health to someone please rez me in the blink of an eye.
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Please don't call out other guilds or players publicly. Thanks!!

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
  • iambecks1iambecks1 Member Posts: 4,044 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    If it's damage is way above similar weapons for other classes it could be a tooltip mistake , I think I remember something similar happening with some of the HR gearwhen they got released ,put in a bug report and find out.
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