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Mod 4 Purified or Corrupted BI

princeofcrows6princeofcrows6 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
edited August 2014 in The Militia Barracks
FINALLY got my gauntlets to drop and I don't know which set to make them. (I'd rather not screw up and have to try farming for them again *shudders*)

So I know Purified is preferred currently right? But which set will likely be better in Mod 4?
Post edited by princeofcrows6 on


  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    GF or GWF? I don't think eoither will beat AoW....
  • princeofcrows6princeofcrows6 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    query523 wrote: »
    GF or GWF? I don't think eoither will beat AoW....



    And which is AoW?
  • str8slayerstr8slayer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 715 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    Smart people make purified armor, corrupted sucks, to be honest, regardless of class.

    Just to be clear, this is for PVP, not PVE.
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    AoW= Avatar of War. For GF it depends on which way you are going. Corrupted has better power, ArPen, and recovery. Purifies has better defence, regen, and HP. Honestly I have both and have been mixing and matching a lot on preview but still not sure which way is optimal.
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    What are you going to be using the set for? PVP or PVE? If it is PVP then Purified hands down. Corrupted is far too squishy for PVP, in my opinion. If you are using it in PVE, then Corrupted will be the best option.

    Corrupted only has 1368 defense, 248 deflection and 0 regen vs Purified's 2201 defense, 1037 deflection and 833 regen. Purified also has more HP, so that makes its regen stat even better.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • bananachefbananachef Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Is the Profound bonus better than BI in mod4? Or is it not worth trading in the potential Dragon Overload enchants?
    2 GWFS, 3 TRs, 2 GFs, 1 HR, 1 CW
  • qutsemniequtsemnie Member Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Just so you know Corrupted has an internal timer of 2.5 minutes on its set bonus. Never timed Purified because I got it first and was less interested in the particulars because I just default toward defense first offense second on my GF. I wouldn't be surprised to learn the ICT of purified was the same.

    To me 2.5 minutes is stupid long for a PvE 960 power buff, and the prospect of a 960 power buff at the start of a PvP fight that disappears for 2 minutes after it fades doesn't excite me. It is just to much downtime and you can't control the timing of the spike. If it was a clickee I would think 2.5 minutes was appropriate, because then you control the timing of the spike, but since it is not and you have to work around the spike every 2.5 minutes... well that isn't very awesome. It is so long you contemplate making a keyboard macro to swap armor lol.
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    None of the set bonuses are stellar. The thing corrupted has that no other GF armor has is ArPen. This freed up a lot of stats in rings/ neck for me.
  • panisch420panisch420 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    coming from a GF and concerning pve (i dont care about pvp)
    would you recommend going BI over timeless hero or grand regent? (i got both)
    comparing grand regent and puri BI directly, you lose stats everywhere but gain some power (doesnt make up for the 4-set GR bonus) and ofcourse hitpoints.
    probably going either tactician or conq with mod4 (i am swordmaster tactician right now)
  • hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I have both the full sets.
    Which is better?It depends on the playstyle.For regen defensive builds purified hands dawn.For burst squishy builds corrupted is better.

    For pvp cause if you are focused by players you will die anyway,i would go corrupted.Nearly 760 arm pen is invaluable for a GF.It is the only armor for us that has so much arm pen plus power.
    For pve i would recomend purified.So much hit point plus defence plus deflection.Buy and an angel of protection and practicaly you never die.

    On a side mote ,a question?If you put in overload slots the same enchantement,does this shorten the time of the proc,or the second enchantement goes wasted?
  • str8slayerstr8slayer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 715 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    I have both the full sets.
    Which is better?It depends on the playstyle.For regen defensive builds purified hands dawn.For burst squishy builds corrupted is better.

    For pvp cause if you are focused by players you will die anyway,i would go corrupted.Nearly 760 arm pen is invaluable for a GF.It is the only armor for us that has so much arm pen plus power.
    For pve i would recomend purified.So much hit point plus defence plus deflection.Buy and an angel of protection and practicaly you never die.

    On a side mote ,a question?If you put in overload slots the same enchantement,does this shorten the time of the proc,or the second enchantement goes wasted?

    uhhh, you got this backwards man, you want the tanky set (purified) for PVP and the squishy set (corrupted) for PVE... Defensive stats are everything in PVP, throwing away all your defensive stats because you'll "die anyway" when focused is not going to help you win.

    HP and defense stats are bad for PVE because damage is much easier to avoid, especially with a half-competent party.
  • hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I played with corrupted.reached page 101 in leaderboard.Switched to purified.Back to page 383.Switched to corrupted.page 111 now :)

    I know that i generalize.Lot of other factors involve.But general PVP reuires burst damage and decent survivability.As i said if you are focused 10% more deflection will not save you.And all classes have builds that can negate with ease any defence.
    While armpen is king in pvp.

    An example.You fight a cw.What is better?Corrupted or purified?Against cw deflection is useless.Cause he will control lock you.
    Against GWFs:You have to finish them off as quickly as possible before you get a mistake and chainpronned.Less time fighting less chance to get an op critical.And arm pen and power helps in that.In unstopp the GWf will eat your block anyway and then 10% more deflect will not save you.While if you put him in low health he will start making mistakes or run away. Or just kill him.

    Against TR:no change .In both cases higher deflect /defence against a TR will not help.As quickly you finish or disengage the better.
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    panisch420 wrote: »
    coming from a GF and concerning pve (i dont care about pvp)
    would you recommend going BI over timeless hero or grand regent? (i got both)
    comparing grand regent and puri BI directly, you lose stats everywhere but gain some power (doesnt make up for the 4-set GR bonus) and ofcourse hitpoints.
    probably going either tactician or conq with mod4 (i am swordmaster tactician right now)
    For Conq likely corrupted. Like I said it frees up a lot of points past optimal. Tactician Mod4 I am actually using 1/2 and 1/2 to get corrupted ArPen and purified deflect and regen (on preview). Timeless is better than regent as the stat points on Timeless are higher than the bonus on 4/4 regent. But I feel at this point that BI is a little better than Timeless. Just a little though.
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2014
    I played with corrupted.reached page 101 in leaderboard.Switched to purified.Back to page 383.Switched to corrupted.page 111 now :)

    I know that i generalize.Lot of other factors involve.But general PVP reuires burst damage and decent survivability.As i said if you are focused 10% more deflection will not save you.And all classes have builds that can negate with ease any defence.
    While armpen is king in pvp.

    An example.You fight a cw.What is better?Corrupted or purified?Against cw deflection is useless.Cause he will control lock you.
    Against GWFs:You have to finish them off as quickly as possible before you get a mistake and chainpronned.Less time fighting less chance to get an op critical.And arm pen and power helps in that.In unstopp the GWf will eat your block anyway and then 10% more deflect will not save you.While if you put him in low health he will start making mistakes or run away. Or just kill him.

    Against TR:no change .In both cases higher deflect /defence against a TR will not help.As quickly you finish or disengage the better.

    I think it comes to play style and what suits you. I remember switching from Grim Conqueror to Profound Preserver and how much more I preferred being tankier. With that in mind I prefer taking a little bit longer to die. Remember when we queued together last week? In the one match I was able to irritate the enemy GF and GWF on their home node by myself and in the time I was doing that we capped Mid and our home node. I died, eventually, but I was tanky enough to survive against two enemies just long enough to help my team. I do admit that maybe someone in Conqueror/Corrupted would've been able to kill one of them and survive against the other for help to come, which would've been better than me dying.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • qutsemniequtsemnie Member Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I prefer being tankier in PvP to a point, but there comes a point where you are doing no damage and you have no threat. I have trouble getting into purified in PvP for that reason.

    I think some of has to do with healing vs damage.

    Just cartoon example to illustrate my point.
    If your opponent heals 250 hp a second and you do 500 dps. Your opponent loses 250 hp a second. But if you do 750 dps your opponent loses 500 hp a second, so raising your dps by 50% increases by 100% the damage accumulating on your opponent.

    Totally cartoon idea, but it illustrates what I *feel* using purified for pvp, your damage is low enough that far to many people can lifesteal your chunks for far to long, but if you can get a little bit more damage it accumulates on their health bar a lot faster.

    Part of it is I don't use conquerer so I have to rely on my gear to get me into chunking range, and Purified does not give stats to chunk anyone. Even relatively squishy people.
  • panisch420panisch420 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    query523 wrote: »
    For Conq likely corrupted. Like I said it frees up a lot of points past optimal. Tactician Mod4 I am actually using 1/2 and 1/2 to get corrupted ArPen and purified deflect and regen (on preview). Timeless is better than regent as the stat points on Timeless are higher than the bonus on 4/4 regent. But I feel at this point that BI is a little better than Timeless. Just a little though.

    thanks for the input.
    what kind of combination are you using?
    my guess would be purified gauntlets and greaves + corrupted helmet and armor?
  • hypervoreianhypervoreian Member Posts: 1,036 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    thestaggy wrote: »
    I think it comes to play style and what suits you. I remember switching from Grim Conqueror to Profound Preserver and how much more I preferred being tankier. With that in mind I prefer taking a little bit longer to die. Remember when we queued together last week? In the one match I was able to irritate the enemy GF and GWF on their home node by myself and in the time I was doing that we capped Mid and our home node. I died, eventually, but I was tanky enough to survive against two enemies just long enough to help my team. I do admit that maybe someone in Conqueror/Corrupted would've been able to kill one of them and survive against the other for help to come, which would've been better than me dying.

    "Remember when we queued together last week?"

    I remember that you were first and better in kill/deaths ratio from all of our 4 trolish GF team :) :P
    I do remember that at one point you we lost you in their home node forever engaging 2 of them and that changed the course of the match in our favor.i also remember that somehow you were able to kill their HR again and again.

    I also remenber our crushing defeat from that trolish guild "pay to win" or something...:( :P

    NVM to the topic i agree that it is a matter of gamestyle.And yes sometimes being tankier or to be more accurate have big regenaration helps a lot.I think Purified's most crucial advantage is not its deflection but its regenaration.
    On the other hand armpen rules the offensive stats in pvp and for GFs,corrupted is our only set that benefits us.

    I tried Purified with two greater corrupt piercing enchantements in overload slots but the only thing i manage is the reducing of the icd to 30 secs.not sure though.I ll keep testing .
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    panisch420 wrote: »
    thanks for the input.
    what kind of combination are you using?
    my guess would be purified gauntlets and greaves + corrupted helmet and armor?

    Actually I ended up over on ArPen like that. Likely switch to it Mod4 when I re-spec (too much dex).
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