Instead of the usual missions [which I love and do play, don't get me wrong], I am currently looking for the kinds of areas people have made not for combat content, but rather as RP locations and screenshot nirvana. Maybe even "Guild HQs" and other urban environments too.
All types of such foundry areas would be great, including especially taverns, Inns, Woodlands, a tavern located near a road in woodlands, or any awesome temples on mountainsides and so on and so forth.
If you have, own or know of any foundry 'missions' whose mobs are off the beaten path of the social areas, and fit this description, please please respond here.
I suppose any Foundry mission that includes a large area safe for RP away from mobs would also work.

I was honestly surprised to not easily find such a list or thread here already. I don't really see why we don't have a thread up with a listing specifically for social RP zone Foundry areas already made.:(
Thanks for taking the time to read, everyone!
-The forest shrine
-Cupid beach
They're mainly just maps to wander around, I tried to make them beautiful and so far people have liked them
Also if you search for "roleplay" or "[RP]" in advanced search, you might find many houses, inns, taverns and other stuff made in the foundry.
Here is my quest thread, has descriptions and screen shots: [UGC] Kolde Acres
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
[UGC] Kolde Acres (Discontinued)
Dougan's Hole
Twenty Stones of Thruun @ Dougan's Hole
Arena of Calimport [NW-DQQRXNNUP]
Garden Lounge (Foundry Screenshot Winner)
Under Siege [NW-DDT6D6ABS]
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
On Easy, Normal, and Hard the Orcs stay within the Orc Territory and 2 sets of guards and guard dogs patrol the "Safe Zone" - there is also a small garden, wood fire oven, garden bench, and magical fountain next to Sage Ramiels workshop. (And several cats that will follow you until you cross into Orc Territory)
Sage Ramiel and Neighbors Garden
Invasion! [NW-DCGHLSKBT]
Mayors Residence, Garden/Fountain Patio
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Just type "roleplay" into basic search on the best tab, or for review tab. there are quite alot to choose from, some are actual quests but you can see from the name and description if they are RP zones, and it only takes a quick hope inside to see if you like the aesthetics or not.
Just from a quick search i see a selection of camps in wilderness various wilderness locations, a slew of houses of various sizes and cultures, taverns and other bits and bobs. The only one i cant seem to see is a city setting, but im sure there is one somewhere.
just type roleplay + something else. e.g. roleplay farm. to look for something more specific
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
NW-DNQXD7AQZ EL Flagelo del Minotauro. @Valcontar73
NWS-DOVA9JIJV - The Lost Seneschal
NW-DT3221YUY - The Wildcross Bride
Foundry Grand Master.