Hi all i am really frustrated cuz the mod 4 almost here and from day one i grind each day min 10 epic ecounters on my GF HR TR and DC . And if i am lucky i can make 1 great succes but i never got Black Ice weapon on any of my chars.
I have tryed anithing /healing /eating dmg/dealing dps my GF have 14k power 4 k crit 25 % cap armor pen (+ i even try to slot p. Vopal for more brust)
I hit on remo over 250k (with anvil)crit but no matter what i do cant achive great succes. Ofc if i am the first and do the epic encounter alone ower 4-5 min (almost never happening) mybe i can acihve it. But mostly i have zero chance for great succes . I have done some test after 3 min grinding hitting drinking millons of pot guild mate CW with 11 k GS no weapon enchant comes and help me and what he got Great Succes boom and the weapon.
I have got 11 gloves on my GF/ 4 on my HR/ 2 on my DC /9 on my TR but no weapon.
Any pro tips ? Almost 3 moths grinding and nothing?
BY the way i have zero problems with GWF and CW on first day i got for both weapon and gloves.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited July 2014
you got them because this was before they patched it, I think most of the people who have it, got it on a dps character pre patching.
Im in the same boat, I can get great success on every alt I have, but since that patch, I receive nothing but greens.
There was a thread in preview on this as well.
Its terrible design and the player-base asks cryptic to change the process NOW, drop it kessells, drop it via black ice + token , linked to rep opening.. do anything + this , leave this as it is, but add something so we can get it.
Just shameful in the end.
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
you got them because this was before they patched it, I think most of the people who have it, got it on a dps character pre patching.
Im in the same boat, I can get great success on every alt I have, but since that patch, I receive nothing but greens.
There was a thread in preview on this as well.
Its terrible design and the player-base asks cryptic to change the process NOW, drop it kessells, drop it via black ice + token , linked to rep opening.. do anything + this , leave this as it is, but add something so we can get it.
Just shameful in the end.
I wish i can change 2 gloves for 1 weapon .
But i mostly have interest in great pro tips.
The Gloves drop from the Remorhaze, the main hand drops from the Black Ice Beholder.
If you are only farming the Remorhaze, that would explain why you are only getting the Gloves.
Honestly, the only reason that I ever got mine is that I play in odd hours and I lucked out on a Black Ice Beholder in a Zone with JUST enough people to kill the thing without Zerging it to oblivion. We got the thing down to 1/4 H.P. before anyone from the big Guilds showed up and called in an Extermination Squad. The Chat Box was filled with joyous cries of "Got My Weapon!!!!".
So that's your best bet. Lurk in low populated Dwarven Valley Zones and wait until you get a Beholder with little competition and hope that it stays that way.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
The Gloves drop from the Remorhaze, the main hand drops from the Black Ice Beholder.
If you are only farming the Remorhaze, that would explain why you are only getting the Gloves.
Honestly, the only reason that I ever got mine is that I play in odd hours and I lucked out on a Black Ice Beholder in a Zone with JUST enough people to kill the thing without Zerging it to oblivion. We got the thing down to 1/4 H.P. before anyone from the big Guilds showed up and called in an Extermination Squad. The Chat Box was filled with joyous cries of "Got My Weapon!!!!".
So that's your best bet. Lurk in low populated Dwarven Valley Zones and wait until you get a Beholder with little competition and hope that it stays that way.
I got the weapon from remo with my CW.
On my GWF i got the weapon from Bear Rider Roundup epic .
I also hunting Beholder but no luck with Great Succes.
I know before the Nerf that you could get them from there, but honestly, since then the Drop Rate has been so low that it really ain't worth it, except for the Achievement. Gave up on those after, I don't even know how many, and nothing, even when I managed a Great Success. Usually not even a decent Blue Drop. Might just be my typical crappy luck at work, though
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
schweifer1982Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,662Arc User
I know before the Nerf that you could get them from there, but honestly, since then the Drop Rate has been so low that it really ain't worth it, except for the Achievement. Gave up on those after, I don't even know how many, and nothing, even when I managed a Great Success. Usually not even a decent Blue Drop. Might just be my typical crappy luck at work, though
Thnx for help i will try it.
Mybe i will say to my wife sit here and shout if somone ugly pop up .
What encounters you suggest for Beholder to get the Great Succes?
KC LS HD combo?
This was some time ago, but I was using my standard PvP set up of Lunging Strike, Griffins Wrath, and Flourish (with the supporting feats). This ain't optimal, I know, but like I said, I got lucky
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
I'm a TR, my damage will never be enough to get Great Success on beholder. Looking for the Main Hand for a more than a month now without any luck. It's really annoying seeing how Module 4 is coming and people still haven't complete the BI set. What's the idea of making it so hard?
If you want people to work for it, then make a quest in which they have to do 25 beholders to get the main hand. But I already did more than 70 encounters and not once I reached Great success, and forget about the main hand....
I'm a TR, my damage will never be enough to get Great Success on beholder. Looking for the Main Hand for a more than a month now without any luck. It's really annoying seeing how Module 4 is coming and people still haven't complete the BI set. What's the idea of making it so hard?
If you want people to work for it, then make a quest in which they have to do 25 beholders to get the main hand. But I already did more than 70 encounters and not once I reached Great success, and forget about the main hand....
I am tr and have gotten two main hands just use these encounters... Wicked reminder.... Bait and switch before area to fill daily... Whirlwind of blades... Flurry...
I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
There has to be something more to it than just "achieve great success" to have a shot at getting a drop. I have been in the same boat as most, not getting any worthwhile drops after many, many tries. Yesterday, I got gloves in Prospectors. I got there pretty much right as the last boss spawned and there were already a ton of people around. The fact that I got the gloves was pretty surprising.
Does anyone really know what the mechanics are for the drops? What items are in which loot tables and do you really need to achieve a certain level of success in the encounter? Is there something official on this?
Grate Success is probably helping but not quarantee. There are rumours to do the tasks and the complete opposite: don't waste your time for the tasks.
With my main CW I got lots of great success. I managed to farm 2 gloves and one MH from "Chill Trolls Attack".
My alt GWF still has some great succes. But its much harder. I drink all the one-hour-potions but nothing. Only one gloves.
On my alt Dc the whole thing is futile. I got 180 rbi only from epics. Majors are giving me only 75 rbi. I managed to have a gloves from Remo.
As a GF i got 3 gloves and two main hands.
If you go dps then you have to be in a small party with no or very few CWs in.Otherwise don't keep high hopes.You can outdamage GWfs but no CWs
My opinion is to slot LS GW AoD in that order.
Easiest is to gain the items by taking damage.To be first in damage taken.In beholder attack is easier.If you are Swordmaster keep your Villain's Meanace ready.When you see big AoE attacks from beholder jump to it.Stay alive.And you will get your main.
I just wanted to say that as nice as it is for some people to point out the luck they have had with their GF (which likely could just be luck) there seems to be plenty of us having problems, myself included.
The problem with this whole system, like certain others, is that it's both too DPS-centric and too top-heavy. For example I'm playing an almost totally defensive GF equipped with a full tier 2 set from Malabog's (including having forged the sword to go with the shield), and I've got that Slayer Knight set. While not absolutely top tier this counts as fairly good equipment. After numerous attempts (which caused me to get frustrated initially) I've never been able to achieve a "great" success in an epic encounter. The way things are set up the entirety of Icewind Dale seems to favor DPS-types, as they can wipe stuff out much faster and more efficiently than a defensive GF can outlast it, it's flat out unfair to force this kind of competition. What's more, the whole situation favors those who are already highly geared as opposed to those doing this kind of event to gear up, and let's be honest, it's not like those who get the drops are just quitting as you can see from people claiming they have gotten tons of dupes going out to "help guild mates" and the like.
Of course then again, I think half the problem is that Neverwinter has trouble making a defensive play style really competitive. I mean heck, even with gear score GFs tend to get screwed as a lot of our perks and gear selections don't contribute stat-wise in a direct fashion and thus to not register as power, which is kind of unfair when it comes to GS requests (which is another entire issue, but just kind of shows one subtle way GFs get the shaft). Not to mention hat despite some mild attempts to rectify it, defense seems to matter a lot less than it should, whether it's PVP or PVE it still seems like heavy duty armor gets ripped through like tissue paper, which is annoying when you don't have much in the way of offensive power because your playing your role. Right now it seems the GWF which does a huge amount of damage while still having pretty good defense outperforms the GF in almost every aspect of the game that matters.
At any rate, the gist of this bit of whining is that I think GFs get shafted, and the way IWD is set up is particularly annoying for this class. Especially with a new expansion on the way, some effort needs to be made to make it easier to finish the sets, which presumably set a standard for the upcoming expansion.
Along with the Scourge Warlock I am hoping GF gets a massive re-design, likewise I am sort of hoping that some of the monsters (and by this I don't just mean bosses) are much easier for a defensive GF to beat. Some trash mobs that can't be burned down and eat DPS, but can be taken out by a slower, more durability oriented, approach might be nice. I kind of get sick at needing a minute or three to finish a fight when numerous other characters can rip it to pieces in a few seconds.
FINAL: On the off chance that anyone involved in the game design read this far, a constructive suggestion might be to give GFs some kind of talent that allows them to transfer a high percentage of their defense and deflect over to offensive stats like Crit, AP, and Power. So basically the higher your armor rating, the higher your damage. Nothing quite like this, on the needed level, currently exists. Ideally a GF should be doing less damage than say a GWF of course, but it should be a lot closer, while maintaining the highest defense of any class.
Likewise given that "block" is pretty much given to GFs in place of a dodge-evade, I think it needs to be strengthened, especially against boss monsters, special attacks, and PVP. It's usable, don't get me wrong, but too many things drop it too quickly. Basically as a GF you shouldn't be expected to "dance" the way other characters are, after all your not getting an evade. The shield works fine under a lot of situations, but I've noticed as time goes on it seems to become less viable... especially in PVP where your easily kited, and lots of characters can just flat out take a GF head on and beat their shield down (it just slows them down for a second or two) ideally if a Trickster Rogue or GWF are facing a GF head on, they should lose that exchange (compensating for this by their ability to move and potentially get behind or to the flanks) it should be suicide to just flat out trade blows, otherwise there isn't much of a point especially given the downsides (such as moving more slowly, which is also why this is fair since it makes a GF easier to flank or run away from...).
I was first on the scene to Rescue the Prospectors in Dwarven Valley. (Read: Don't instance hop, just be patient)
I picked up 2 people who were going to die. (Read: Saving people counts toward an epic success)
I freed 3 dwarves. (Read: Follow the script)
I wreckity wrecked the damage done and taken, maybe the healing too cause I didn't see a DC come around and I was heavy in the lifesteal. (Read: Compete)
Now I got this mainhand after the patch. Couldn't have been more excited and I love my weapon set. Hope this helped.
I never got great success on either remo or beholder... ever. I have 2 gloves and 1 weapon from the two of them. You get your success and get on the epic reward table. That is pretty easy to do. I think the rest is luck and reps. I didn't even know anyone could get great success on those two lol.
After hundreds of major or epic encounters (not kidding, 3 characters doing them and losing track after 100 done), I had a few epic ingredients but no weapon nor glove.
I can't stand more than 2 or 3 HE a day now, and I'm slowly getting over the idea of ever having these BI sets.
This feels like such a waste a time.
Olaf, freelance guardian fighter.
Enorla, Oh so devoted cleric.
Is it safe to say that Mod 3 is a failure? Do the devs even seem to care that the vast majority of players have no chance at getting these drops? And they are putting HE's in mod 4? Please don't make mod 4 fail as bad as mod 3. I spend more time in mod 1 now just because I can farm lesser fey enchants, at least we are getting something there. Couldn't they have given us an option to at least purchase the stinking glove? Drop the dang thing from a lock box or maybe stick it inside a Bugbear's rear that we could kill. I don't know, it just makes NO SENSE!
doriangreighMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 707Arc User
I just wanted to say that as nice as it is for some people to point out the luck they have had with their GF (which likely could just be luck) there seems to be plenty of us having problems, myself included.
At any rate, the gist of this bit of whining is that I think GFs get shafted, and the way IWD is set up is particularly annoying for this class. Especially with a new expansion on the way, some effort needs to be made to make it easier to finish the sets, which presumably set a standard for the upcoming expansion.
Likewise given that "block" is pretty much given to GFs in place of a dodge-evade, I think it needs to be strengthened, especially against boss monsters, special attacks, and PVP. It's usable, don't get me wrong, but too many things drop it too quickly. Basically as a GF you shouldn't be expected to "dance" the way other characters are, after all your not getting an evade. The shield works fine under a lot of situations, but I've noticed as time goes on it seems to become less viable... especially in PVP where your easily kited, and lots of characters can just flat out take a GF head on and beat their shield down (it just slows them down for a second or two) ideally if a Trickster Rogue or GWF are facing a GF head on, they should lose that exchange (compensating for this by their ability to move and potentially get behind or to the flanks) it should be suicide to just flat out trade blows, otherwise there isn't much of a point especially given the downsides (such as moving more slowly, which is also why this is fair since it makes a GF easier to flank or run away from...).
I don't want to start any argument but I will point out that I do sympathize with the issue of MH drops or any drops if you are a GF but I can honestly say I get the Great Success in beholder and remohoraz often (got gloves but no MH), I pretty much only use LS, IW, and either ItF or FLS. You can pretty much tank that beholders hits, towards the end of the fight it starts hitting big attacks more often but up to about 25% of its health you can pretty much sit there stabbing it with shield up facing it away from the group and just stand in its AoE and Cone attack pop IW after two of them and on the last phase you may have to actually run away a bit but shouldn't have any issue taking enough damage to get a chance at the high end rewards. The problem is the nerf on it dropping once you get into the reward bracket.
Now for some reason this does not work on any lower level ones as the mid ranges have so many adds you can't tank any thing with guard your shield is gone before you blink and dead if no cleric is throwing down AS. I agree the GF needs some love because as it stands now they work really awesome taunting and tanking stuff if a DC is around if not, you are pretty much dead meat because once all the adds and mobs focus on you, even with 51%+ DR and 25% chance to deflect you just can't last long enough to do much.
I play a protector spec, I enjoy it for the most part, in proper groups it works well. In full DPS groups with a bunch of HR CW its not so hot unless they are actually killing stuff before they hammer on you. In groups like that I don't do much but buff the party or try to chase down mobs and distract the stragglers, which works well enough, keep the things from killing DPS so they can kill them before they kill me, but it does not work well without high dps people or people that know how to work with each other.
Pugs with HR and CW often turn into disorganized messes that spread out as far as humanly possible it seems.
I do not know much about the GF other builds to advise how to take a beholder, but if you have IW i'd suggest using it and learn how to manage your guard meter, high HP is helpful too lol.
Im in the same boat, I can get great success on every alt I have, but since that patch, I receive nothing but greens.
There was a thread in preview on this as well.
Its terrible design and the player-base asks cryptic to change the process NOW, drop it kessells, drop it via black ice + token , linked to rep opening.. do anything + this , leave this as it is, but add something so we can get it.
Just shameful in the end.
I wish i can change 2 gloves for 1 weapon
But i mostly have interest in great pro tips.
Or any high intesive playing GF option will be nice.
I also have big intrest in HR DC TR pro tips.
If you are only farming the Remorhaze, that would explain why you are only getting the Gloves.
Honestly, the only reason that I ever got mine is that I play in odd hours and I lucked out on a Black Ice Beholder in a Zone with JUST enough people to kill the thing without Zerging it to oblivion. We got the thing down to 1/4 H.P. before anyone from the big Guilds showed up and called in an Extermination Squad. The Chat Box was filled with joyous cries of "Got My Weapon!!!!".
So that's your best bet. Lurk in low populated Dwarven Valley Zones and wait until you get a Beholder with little competition and hope that it stays that way.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
I got the weapon from remo with my CW.
On my GWF i got the weapon from Bear Rider Roundup epic .
I also hunting Beholder but no luck with Great Succes.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
Thnx for help i will try it.
Mybe i will say to my wife sit here and shout if somone ugly pop up
What encounters you suggest for Beholder to get the Great Succes?
KC LS HD combo?
This was some time ago, but I was using my standard PvP set up of Lunging Strike, Griffins Wrath, and Flourish (with the supporting feats). This ain't optimal, I know, but like I said, I got lucky
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
If you want people to work for it, then make a quest in which they have to do 25 beholders to get the main hand. But I already did more than 70 encounters and not once I reached Great success, and forget about the main hand....
fwiw i have over 100 major (prob closer to 200) and 27 epics done (no drops from them though)
I am tr and have gotten two main hands just use these encounters... Wicked reminder.... Bait and switch before area to fill daily... Whirlwind of blades... Flurry...
Does anyone really know what the mechanics are for the drops? What items are in which loot tables and do you really need to achieve a certain level of success in the encounter? Is there something official on this?
With my main CW I got lots of great success. I managed to farm 2 gloves and one MH from "Chill Trolls Attack".
My alt GWF still has some great succes. But its much harder. I drink all the one-hour-potions but nothing. Only one gloves.
On my alt Dc the whole thing is futile. I got 180 rbi only from epics. Majors are giving me only 75 rbi. I managed to have a gloves from Remo.
If you go dps then you have to be in a small party with no or very few CWs in.Otherwise don't keep high hopes.You can outdamage GWfs but no CWs
My opinion is to slot LS GW AoD in that order.
Easiest is to gain the items by taking damage.To be first in damage taken.In beholder attack is easier.If you are Swordmaster keep your Villain's Meanace ready.When you see big AoE attacks from beholder jump to it.Stay alive.And you will get your main.
The problem with this whole system, like certain others, is that it's both too DPS-centric and too top-heavy. For example I'm playing an almost totally defensive GF equipped with a full tier 2 set from Malabog's (including having forged the sword to go with the shield), and I've got that Slayer Knight set. While not absolutely top tier this counts as fairly good equipment. After numerous attempts (which caused me to get frustrated initially) I've never been able to achieve a "great" success in an epic encounter. The way things are set up the entirety of Icewind Dale seems to favor DPS-types, as they can wipe stuff out much faster and more efficiently than a defensive GF can outlast it, it's flat out unfair to force this kind of competition. What's more, the whole situation favors those who are already highly geared as opposed to those doing this kind of event to gear up, and let's be honest, it's not like those who get the drops are just quitting as you can see from people claiming they have gotten tons of dupes going out to "help guild mates" and the like.
Of course then again, I think half the problem is that Neverwinter has trouble making a defensive play style really competitive. I mean heck, even with gear score GFs tend to get screwed as a lot of our perks and gear selections don't contribute stat-wise in a direct fashion and thus to not register as power, which is kind of unfair when it comes to GS requests (which is another entire issue, but just kind of shows one subtle way GFs get the shaft). Not to mention hat despite some mild attempts to rectify it, defense seems to matter a lot less than it should, whether it's PVP or PVE it still seems like heavy duty armor gets ripped through like tissue paper, which is annoying when you don't have much in the way of offensive power because your playing your role. Right now it seems the GWF which does a huge amount of damage while still having pretty good defense outperforms the GF in almost every aspect of the game that matters.
At any rate, the gist of this bit of whining is that I think GFs get shafted, and the way IWD is set up is particularly annoying for this class. Especially with a new expansion on the way, some effort needs to be made to make it easier to finish the sets, which presumably set a standard for the upcoming expansion.
Along with the Scourge Warlock I am hoping GF gets a massive re-design, likewise I am sort of hoping that some of the monsters (and by this I don't just mean bosses) are much easier for a defensive GF to beat. Some trash mobs that can't be burned down and eat DPS, but can be taken out by a slower, more durability oriented, approach might be nice. I kind of get sick at needing a minute or three to finish a fight when numerous other characters can rip it to pieces in a few seconds.
FINAL: On the off chance that anyone involved in the game design read this far, a constructive suggestion might be to give GFs some kind of talent that allows them to transfer a high percentage of their defense and deflect over to offensive stats like Crit, AP, and Power. So basically the higher your armor rating, the higher your damage. Nothing quite like this, on the needed level, currently exists. Ideally a GF should be doing less damage than say a GWF of course, but it should be a lot closer, while maintaining the highest defense of any class.
Likewise given that "block" is pretty much given to GFs in place of a dodge-evade, I think it needs to be strengthened, especially against boss monsters, special attacks, and PVP. It's usable, don't get me wrong, but too many things drop it too quickly. Basically as a GF you shouldn't be expected to "dance" the way other characters are, after all your not getting an evade. The shield works fine under a lot of situations, but I've noticed as time goes on it seems to become less viable... especially in PVP where your easily kited, and lots of characters can just flat out take a GF head on and beat their shield down (it just slows them down for a second or two) ideally if a Trickster Rogue or GWF are facing a GF head on, they should lose that exchange (compensating for this by their ability to move and potentially get behind or to the flanks) it should be suicide to just flat out trade blows, otherwise there isn't much of a point especially given the downsides (such as moving more slowly, which is also why this is fair since it makes a GF easier to flank or run away from...).
I was first on the scene to Rescue the Prospectors in Dwarven Valley. (Read: Don't instance hop, just be patient)
I picked up 2 people who were going to die. (Read: Saving people counts toward an epic success)
I freed 3 dwarves. (Read: Follow the script)
I wreckity wrecked the damage done and taken, maybe the healing too cause I didn't see a DC come around and I was heavy in the lifesteal. (Read: Compete)
Now I got this mainhand after the patch. Couldn't have been more excited and I love my weapon set. Hope this helped.
I can't stand more than 2 or 3 HE a day now, and I'm slowly getting over the idea of ever having these BI sets.
This feels like such a waste a time.
Enorla, Oh so devoted cleric.
I don't want to start any argument but I will point out that I do sympathize with the issue of MH drops or any drops if you are a GF but I can honestly say I get the Great Success in beholder and remohoraz often (got gloves but no MH), I pretty much only use LS, IW, and either ItF or FLS. You can pretty much tank that beholders hits, towards the end of the fight it starts hitting big attacks more often but up to about 25% of its health you can pretty much sit there stabbing it with shield up facing it away from the group and just stand in its AoE and Cone attack pop IW after two of them and on the last phase you may have to actually run away a bit but shouldn't have any issue taking enough damage to get a chance at the high end rewards. The problem is the nerf on it dropping once you get into the reward bracket.
Now for some reason this does not work on any lower level ones as the mid ranges have so many adds you can't tank any thing with guard your shield is gone before you blink and dead if no cleric is throwing down AS. I agree the GF needs some love because as it stands now they work really awesome taunting and tanking stuff if a DC is around if not, you are pretty much dead meat because once all the adds and mobs focus on you, even with 51%+ DR and 25% chance to deflect you just can't last long enough to do much.
I play a protector spec, I enjoy it for the most part, in proper groups it works well. In full DPS groups with a bunch of HR CW its not so hot unless they are actually killing stuff before they hammer on you. In groups like that I don't do much but buff the party or try to chase down mobs and distract the stragglers, which works well enough, keep the things from killing DPS so they can kill them before they kill me, but it does not work well without high dps people or people that know how to work with each other.
Pugs with HR and CW often turn into disorganized messes that spread out as far as humanly possible it seems.
I do not know much about the GF other builds to advise how to take a beholder, but if you have IW i'd suggest using it and learn how to manage your guard meter, high HP is helpful too lol.