Wrong. The damage in the exclamation marks is the damage without DR mitigation, the damage without exclamation marks is the damage with DR mitigation.
I think you're bassackwards on that (why would the numbers be HIGHER after mitigation when the very meaning of the word mitigation is "lessened"?). Also, there are no exclamation marks in display. There are, however, parenthesis displayed.
I'm no min-maxer and neither do I have any kind of inside knowledge, but I side with magenubbie on this one for sheer, powerful *commen sense* logic.
It's been a while since I logged in, but as I recall, the number in parentheses is usually higher, and reflects the damage you inflicted, whereas the number outside is the damage you actually DID after mitigation etc is taken into account.
In the presence of absolutely boatloads of debuffs, it's not unusual to see a bigger number after mitigation is taken into account ("monster mitigated -400% of the damage!"), but either way a surefire way to determine which is which is to just look at the damage floater above the monster's head. That's how much damage he's actually taking, so see which number that one matches.
All I remember is the number in parenthesis almost (if not) always being the larger one, thus leading to a conclusion it's the damage without any reductions.
It's been a while since I logged in, but as I recall, the number in parentheses is usually higher, and reflects the damage you inflicted, whereas the number outside is the damage you actually DID after mitigation etc is taken into account.
Thank you - this is a better explanation and I apologize to ColonelWing for my frictional reply to his or her frictional comment. LOL
Sometimes the number inside are greater than outside and vice versa, that's the reason I was asking. Maybe I was debuffed and did less damage, or they were and damage was increased by lessened defense?
easiest way to test. is go find a dummy in the trade and blades building and than make an attack with no buffs up. the dummies have some base mitigation so it should show you which is the base damage and which is the "changed" damage
Wrong. The damage in the exclamation marks is the damage without DR mitigation, the damage without exclamation marks is the damage with DR mitigation.
I think you're bassackwards on that (why would the numbers be HIGHER after mitigation when the very meaning of the word mitigation is "lessened"?). Also, there are no exclamation marks in display. There are, however, parenthesis displayed.
I'm no min-maxer and neither do I have any kind of inside knowledge, but I side with magenubbie on this one for sheer, powerful *commen sense* logic.
In the presence of absolutely boatloads of debuffs, it's not unusual to see a bigger number after mitigation is taken into account ("monster mitigated -400% of the damage!"), but either way a surefire way to determine which is which is to just look at the damage floater above the monster's head. That's how much damage he's actually taking, so see which number that one matches.
Thank you - this is a better explanation and I apologize to ColonelWing for my frictional reply to his or her frictional comment. LOL