Hello guys i wanted to say a few things about the current endgame. Please read it all if you plan to respond and thank you ( i will be updating this post as needed along the way , or untill it becomes irrelevant ).
When i hit the max level and seen all those campaigns with the progress bars and rewards and the new zones i was impreseed but once i spent few days and seen what that was all about i changed my mind completly and i think they made a horrible mistake.
Its one thing to add daillies zones to the game for varaity but its another thing to have to focus on those as the endgame feature. At first it MIGHT be fun but very quickly it becomes a chore , and a big concern with leveling alts.
I understand they need to give people something to do untill the next big update but i belive that having fun and finishing the content faster is a much better option then grinding the same stuff untill quitting out of... and maybe just maybe comming back for the next update in false hopes.
I think that when you are having a blast in a game you more likley to support it and more likely to level up alts once u maxed out endgame wise. This game got a fun combat system, many would say that but usuely thats not enough to fight vs the boring dailliy grind.
Suggestion :
so whats now? the game allready got many dungeons and more to come i am sure , it also has 3 pvp types , foundry... I think they need to spread the campaign progress all around the content which will make the game much more enjoyable with minimal effort.
How to do it? there are many ways... i guess a simple way can be adding more dailly quests / rewards in town to gain campaign progress from all those contents ( so the result will be choosing which content u want to do to progress in the campaign, u can also limit it to certain amount to prevent the aurge to do everything every day ) .
Why to do it? because like i said even if u finish campaign faster having more fun while doing it will benefit the game with more replaybility values ( a very importent thing ) , better memories , more interest and anticipation for new updates and most importently higher chances for comming back every time and spending more money.
what about the rewards? If u want to try and counter the speed in which people can finish the campiagn u can add more unique and hard to get rewards as u did with dread ring + guantlet crafting (which still worth doing after end of progress) . This can be used like a carrot on a stick for people that done with the campiagn.
Also u can make the player choose which campiagn he wants to take the reward for ( on the dailliy quests i mentioned earlier ).
Conclusion :
The campaign system isnt such a bad thing if the devs will fix it , like i showed it shouldnt be some impossible mission and it should be worthy... Also i am sure that if u storm brain for ideas you can achive much more , i just gave a simple solution that just came up to me and the reason behind it.
Edit :
I got lots of ideas on making the game better but it will be expensive and a big pain to achive so on this post i focused mostly on stuff that allready in game to make it as close as possible to a reasonable solution.
Something to think about :
If people ENJOY your game and play it because its fun it DOESNT matter if they got less stuff to do untill the next update!!!!! ( Varaity is a win / win situation )
Foundry idea :
"I heard about that issue( exploits ) with the foundry but there are many ways around it like giving the reward from the daily quest instead ( which only eligable on foundry quests that has been checked and been done many many times ) by doing so u can add new currency as a reward and use it to buy T2 gear? pvp gear? cosmetics? ( probebly will need an avarage difficulty beside avarage time to finish indicator ) or just add it to the varaity of content u can do for campaign progress."
I think the dailies serve their purpose in giving you something to do and also encouraging you to log in daily, much like prayer does.
What I would love to see in addition to dailies is classic MMO stuff: Challenging content with great and unique gear rewards. And by challenging I don't mean just a bunch of trash mobs. Content that encourages a variety of classes in a group.
This game, like most mmo these days, are not about "fun" they are all about doing chores and mind-numbing farming.
logging every day to do something meaningless and somehow still keep doing it in hope for some "fun" later... just one thing... the fun may never come. unless you play pvp and actually like the pvp on this game, there is little do be done here, sadly. after you leveled, geared and did all the dungeons you can only keep doing your senseless grind till you bore to death or move on to another game.
Edit: That's MY opinion of the current state of the game right now, also if you are new player, you can only try to compete by putting a crapton of money in the game. there is nothing a new player can do to achieve the same power as any of the older players before all these changes crippled the non paying players.
archerbahmMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 23Arc User
edited July 2014
I've seen it suggested in other posts that the foundry runs be included to expand the content.
ATM the dailies are like a favourite action movie recut to use the same scenes and backgrounds over and over.
I'm reduced to daily invoking for celestial coins and playing other games til the new content arrives.
vinceent1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,264Arc User
edited July 2014
you dont need to play that campaign daylies every day. lets relax, play casually if you are tired of content. but i agree, if someone dont like pvp here, it mustz be very hard enjoying the game for a long time
I actully made a big suggestion post about the foundry a week ago giving many ideas that could work well, since they did in other games, but someone told me they allready said they wont be focusing on the foundry , my guess because its alot of work and that there is a new game in the making.
Thats why I decided to try to make a more reasonable suggestion that shouldnt be to hard to achive and should help the game to survive.
I been playing alll kind of mmo games for many years and many many hours and honestly i would say again that a fun mmo is by far superior to mmo that forces u to log everyday and do exactly the same stuff over and over again.
if people ENJOY your game and play it because its fun it DOESNT matter if they got less stuff to do untill next update!!!!!
The Foundry was originally supposed one of the big draws to the game. Unfortunately, right at the beginning people exploited the ability to put in treasure and used it to give themselves max loot. So the Devs nerfed the rewards available to Foundry makers. So now the problem is that many people don't play the Foundry quests any more as they say it is not worth it. Personally I think that is a sad thing as there are some very good Foundry quests out there that are fun to do. As for including PvP into the Campaign completions, that is a bad idea. Many people (myself included), abhor PvP and do not play it. Making it a requirement to be able to complete a campaign would exclude us from being able to progress.
lolssi83Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 51
edited July 2014
This was 1st game that I actually wanted to make an alt but that horrible campaign grind crashed that idea. I really despise repeatable quests, talk about immersion killers. At least they had bit better story and beginning in the latest campaign but that also seems to have pretty much dissappeared when the dailies began.
I pvp occasionally not because I enjoy it but to just slowly grind towards something. If I actually want competive multiplayer I go play something that ain't mmorpg.
These days I come back mostly to level up professions and completing final part of latest campaign. What I'd really like to do is getting back trying to find gems from foundry, but I'm usually too tired after daily campaign grind (luckily that is over soon).
I also don't see point about crying the lack of end game content. It is not like you have to play same game everyday?
Yeah i heard about that issue with the foundry but there are many ways around it like giving the reward from the daily quest instead ( which only eligable on foundry quests that been checked and been done many many times ) by doing so u can add new currency as a reward and use it to buy T2 gear? pvp gear? cosmetics? ( probebly will need an avarage difficulty beside avarage time to finish indicator ) or just add it to the varaity of content u can do for campaign progress.
Now about the pvp well thats the point mate if u got varaity of stuff to do for progress u choose and do what u want.. go do daillies on the new map , go do dungeons .. pvp etc... and the campaign keeps moving foward.
I dont think anyone can disgree with that being better then having to do the same dailliy quests every day , i honestly didnt see anyone saying he loves doing that over and over again ( and i asked alot of people ).
I think a very hard dungeon, like CN (but one that incentives a rainbow party) would be good, it should be very challenging, something that make me think: "God, we need a god team to do this dungeon", so my grind (boons, AD, VT, MC, etc...) at least would have a purpose, also, there should be more +16K-17K content, I guess A LOT of players have leaved NWN because everything it's so easy being +14K-15K...
Looking further, as I saw in another post, a rebirth system could be good, and if it's gonna be implemented I think they should make lvling to 60 (as a rebirth class) at least x5 times harder, other thing (that I saw in another post too) could be make "Legendaries Dungeons", this could be able to only lvl 60 rebirth ones and very very hard (but shouldn't be the same T1 & T2 dungeons, I'm so tired of them ).
The campaigns -with the exeption of Sharandar- are fine. They learned from their mistake in Sharandar and greatly improved DR and IWD. They should fix Sharandar though. 2 months to get the last 2 boons alone... meh.
Anyway, what would people do without dailies? Work the AH some more? Run more speed greed runs? So pointless
The campaigns -with the exeption of Sharandar- are fine. They learned from their mistake in Sharandar and greatly improved DR and IWD. They should fix Sharandar though. 2 months to get the last 2 boons alone... meh.
Anyway, what would people do without dailies? Work the AH some more? Run more speed greed runs? So pointless
I think its decent enough but not on its own , i been talking about giving more option to progress because having varaity is a very importent thing , much more then keeping ppl logging every day allmost by force to do the daily work... this is not work, u need to log to have fun by doing what u want ( with the current available endgame ) which is pretty hard when the daillies allmost forced on u.
Thats how i see it after 10 + years of playing mmo's of all the kinds and seeing how other people react to them.
I pretty sure when some1 having fun he will spend more time in the game and higher chance he will spend money... just read my post again i really tried to cover it all.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited July 2014
They need to tune down Sharandar to the level of the Dread Ring, the 18 day between boons 2-3 is exasperating and the amount of sparks you need to finish is too high. Make it the same amount of time as DR , by reducing the days/sparks requirements and Im fine with everything else as is.. other then the IWD lack of drops, which still need to be addressed.
They need to tune down Sharandar to the level of the Dread Ring, the 18 day between boons 2-3 is exasperating and the amount of sparks you need to finish is too high. Make it the same amount of time as DR , by reducing the days/sparks requirements and Im fine with everything else as is.. other then the IWD lack of drops, which still need to be addressed.
This is wierd when i ask people in game about the dailies i dont see anyone saying its fine but here i allready noticed 2 people saying its ok... anyhow i think the in game is more correct otherwise this game had much bigger playerbase by now.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited July 2014
I dont see any unreasonable amount of grind vs other games perma modifers, in fact this might be better, its just a tad more boring. Other games its KILL 6000 trolls on island X. which is a huge grind, but those particular trolls are like lvl 26, so you wait till end game, gear up and go blast them in a couple of hours, still as boring, but once done you can move to another area ect.. or you get other perma modifers for completing story arcs, or doing all wings of dungeon Y .. ect.
Other games vary it up a bit more thats all, = boring grind, just doing different areas ect to achieve same process.
I dont see any unreasonable amount of grind vs other games perma modifers, in fact this might be better, its just a tad more boring. Other games its KILL 6000 trolls on island X. which is a huge grind, but those particular trolls are like lvl 26, so you wait till end game, gear up and go blast them in a couple of hours, still as boring, but once done you can move to another area ect.. or you get other perma modifers for completing story arcs, or doing all wings of dungeon Y .. ect.
Other games vary it up a bit more thats all, = boring grind, just doing different areas ect to achieve same process.
Can u give the names of those other games? since i must likely played them , anyhow its best to compare to the games and also to ask how is the player base in those other games?
Look on WoW ( it has big budget so not best to compare with but oh well... ) it has daily zones it has dungeons it has raids it has many kinds of pvp it has pet battle it has... Varaity ( this is not the reason why it got to being that big many years ago but it is 1 of the major reasons for why its still big so many years after ).
Swtor - space combat , unique stories , raids , dungeons pvp housing soon... Varaity...
Cant think of any big mmo that got big success today with having no varaity tbh.
There are other factors ofc... but like i said this 1 is very importent...
Must likely those other games u talk about are below avarage in allmost anything ( smooth gameplay , varaity , social aspect and more... ).
I am just trying to give ideas to make what neverwinter allready got into something better without creating new content just for achiving that.
P.S You might say neverwinter got varaity as well and i agree up to some level , but the way the endgame works you dont get a real freedom to do what u want unless u really dont care from rewards progress etc... which is rare.
Anyhow i guess its probebly a waste of time , i wrote this post on the general part of the forum and it was moved here after a day or 2 ( at least there i seen few PW - answered icons , here i dont see any at all ).
What I would love to see in addition to dailies is classic MMO stuff: Challenging content with great and unique gear rewards. And by challenging I don't mean just a bunch of trash mobs. Content that encourages a variety of classes in a group.
Maybe even raids.
logging every day to do something meaningless and somehow still keep doing it in hope for some "fun" later... just one thing... the fun may never come. unless you play pvp and actually like the pvp on this game, there is little do be done here, sadly. after you leveled, geared and did all the dungeons you can only keep doing your senseless grind till you bore to death or move on to another game.
Edit: That's MY opinion of the current state of the game right now, also if you are new player, you can only try to compete by putting a crapton of money in the game. there is nothing a new player can do to achieve the same power as any of the older players before all these changes crippled the non paying players.
ATM the dailies are like a favourite action movie recut to use the same scenes and backgrounds over and over.
I'm reduced to daily invoking for celestial coins and playing other games til the new content arrives.
Thats why I decided to try to make a more reasonable suggestion that shouldnt be to hard to achive and should help the game to survive.
I been playing alll kind of mmo games for many years and many many hours and honestly i would say again that a fun mmo is by far superior to mmo that forces u to log everyday and do exactly the same stuff over and over again.
if people ENJOY your game and play it because its fun it DOESNT matter if they got less stuff to do untill next update!!!!!
I pvp occasionally not because I enjoy it but to just slowly grind towards something. If I actually want competive multiplayer I go play something that ain't mmorpg.
These days I come back mostly to level up professions and completing final part of latest campaign. What I'd really like to do is getting back trying to find gems from foundry, but I'm usually too tired after daily campaign grind (luckily that is over soon).
I also don't see point about crying the lack of end game content. It is not like you have to play same game everyday?
Now about the pvp well thats the point mate if u got varaity of stuff to do for progress u choose and do what u want.. go do daillies on the new map , go do dungeons .. pvp etc... and the campaign keeps moving foward.
I dont think anyone can disgree with that being better then having to do the same dailliy quests every day , i honestly didnt see anyone saying he loves doing that over and over again ( and i asked alot of people ).
Looking further, as I saw in another post, a rebirth system could be good, and if it's gonna be implemented I think they should make lvling to 60 (as a rebirth class) at least x5 times harder, other thing (that I saw in another post too) could be make "Legendaries Dungeons", this could be able to only lvl 60 rebirth ones and very very hard (but shouldn't be the same T1 & T2 dungeons, I'm so tired of them
This is where Foundry comes into play.
Too bad it's semi-neglected.
I think its decent enough but not on its own , i been talking about giving more option to progress because having varaity is a very importent thing , much more then keeping ppl logging every day allmost by force to do the daily work... this is not work, u need to log to have fun by doing what u want ( with the current available endgame ) which is pretty hard when the daillies allmost forced on u.
Thats how i see it after 10 + years of playing mmo's of all the kinds and seeing how other people react to them.
I pretty sure when some1 having fun he will spend more time in the game and higher chance he will spend money... just read my post again i really tried to cover it all.
This is wierd when i ask people in game about the dailies i dont see anyone saying its fine but here i allready noticed 2 people saying its ok... anyhow i think the in game is more correct otherwise this game had much bigger playerbase by now.
Other games vary it up a bit more thats all, = boring grind, just doing different areas ect to achieve same process.
Look on WoW ( it has big budget so not best to compare with but oh well... ) it has daily zones it has dungeons it has raids it has many kinds of pvp it has pet battle it has... Varaity ( this is not the reason why it got to being that big many years ago but it is 1 of the major reasons for why its still big so many years after ).
Swtor - space combat , unique stories , raids , dungeons pvp housing soon... Varaity...
Cant think of any big mmo that got big success today with having no varaity tbh.
There are other factors ofc... but like i said this 1 is very importent...
Must likely those other games u talk about are below avarage in allmost anything ( smooth gameplay , varaity , social aspect and more... ).
I am just trying to give ideas to make what neverwinter allready got into something better without creating new content just for achiving that.
P.S You might say neverwinter got varaity as well and i agree up to some level , but the way the endgame works you dont get a real freedom to do what u want unless u really dont care from rewards progress etc... which is rare.