(I am unsure of where the most appropriate location for this post would be, so if it would be better placed in the guild recruitment thread, then please move it. Thanks!)
Hello community. I have been inactive on the forums for a while, but active in game. We all know by now that there is class imbalance and that the GF isn't particularly wanted in general. Sure, any skilled player is appreciated in PvE and PvP, but other classes can bring more to the table, so some say. Recently, I made a
PvP, Int-based DPS Drow GF just to have some fun, and it has probably been the most fun I've had in Neverwinter since August. It isn't an optimal build nor an optimal race, but this character has seen a lot of gametime.
A toxic attitude toward the GF has grown in the community. While asking for buffs (like, a new thread every day), GFs are overlooked and touted as weak and completely and utterly useless. This is simply not true for the majority of players; most don't speedfarm dungeons nor have strong gear, both of which render PvE GFs minimally useful. The problem is that the toxic attitude toward GFs in higher and more geared levels of play has crept its way into the lower end as well, which is not appropriate. This has made me upset, for I highly enjoy my GF despite not being over-powered.
So, I have come up with an idea. My GF is currently not in a guild, for I am not going to join some random guild that doesn't communicate.
So, why not make a super-GF guild? Only GFs! Imagine the craziness. Sure, we wouldn't be balanced with classes and would not be able to do things that other guilds could do, but that's the point! In a GF-only guild, we can support one another and enjoy the class for what it has. Imagine how funny it would be to try dungeons with five GFs. That would be pretty funny to watch.
I need to make a few things clear about this idea though.
- It does not mean any players in it cannot use or play with other classes. Only GFs can be actual members, but alts (and mains) of the GF member are not excluded or something with playing with members.
- It is not a pity-sympathy parade. I don't want to be a part of a GF-only guild just to make a big complaint statement to everyone. That's what the forums are for
- This is purely for fun. If you feel that GFs are just so weak that they aren't worth playing, then this isn't for you.
- It'd be like a brotherhood. You know. Like the title says.
I would love to be a part of a GF only guild, but I don't have the contacts nor the resources to be the leader of such a guild. I'm not sure my RL circumstances would allow me to focus on managing the guild, so while I would help form the guild, I would prefer if someone else take up the mantle of actually leading it. That is, if anyone is even interested.
Oh, and before someone tells me to roll a GWF: I have four of them.
EDIT: I had to add these in. I continually beat this one GWF, and he got really mad.
As for GF only guild, I don't think one exists as they would be just a Troll Guild probably
Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
I'm a 13k IV GF with a full Profound Conqueror (I guess I do have decent armor). Actually, I guess I can just link my in-game name so you can look it up on gateway, though it won't show the entirety of my stats.
Lady Noire@pingconchere
My build is incomplete, and some of the equipment I currently have are just placeholders for what I'm going for in the future. I also have 19 INT. It would have been much better if I rolled a halfling for the Con+Int+cc resist+deflect, but I wanted a Drow because I felt like it.
It doesn't look impressive (because it isn't, heh) but I've been doing well with what I have. I was working my way toward page 50 through solo queue before I got pushed to 200 in one day because of lackluster teammates and/or super strong enemies. That was frustrating.
Oh, I just realized I still have a r4 slotted. I should fix that.
Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
I would send you some clips of my gameplay if my machine could handle it. I already run on the very lowest graphic settings and still have some lag from slow rendering. Running a recording program in the background would kill my performance. I'll see if I can try, though; no point in just saying I can't without actually trying.
You can use Fraps, it's the best to record games and don't lower your FPS so much (compared to others Screen recorders I've tested).
Hey. It's still on as long as there's interest in it! As Ant-monster pointed out, he already has a GF-only guild, so I'm currently debating whether or not to form a new one and promote it or request to join his.
As an update about my INT gf: I made it to page 25 yesterday after some difficult matches. Yeah, page 25 isn't too amazing, but I made it through solo-queue and don't have a lot of gear yet. I'm satisfied
Anyway, if we get more interest in this, we can definitely get something rolling.