I know I've read that Halflings are the best choice for TR overall but..just curious.. I thought I read somewhere that a human gets +20 stealth, is that true? If it is wouldn't that be a good perma stealth choice when you add and eventual +20-30% stealth gain from gear and another buff from feats?
Halflings seem like the best choice for anything. I mean, while I'd accept the fact that they may be the best rogues I don't understand how in the nine hells do they manage to wield all those great weapons and swipe with them so easily like with rubber HAMSTER. Their CC ressistance bonus and bonus deflect chance (which should be 1% imo) is too much.
but human got additional heroic feats and they're tall so you won't be labeled as those pedoish pips who like to go midgets in pvp
BlackberryCheesecake CW
CheeseCake House
sun elf might be good too 2% for recovery and 10% cc immunity so...
-phew- cause I hate when that happens, ha ha.
WTB Class Reroll please