Does anyone know the formula for how CHA affects combat advantage bonus?
I'm assuming it's one of the following three and which it is will help me determine if it's worth spending points in CHA instead of DEX:
1) Base dmg * (1 + (0.15 + (CHA - 10)/100); CHA over 10 is additive with % bonus from combat advantage
2) Base dmg * 1.15 * (1 + (CHA - 10)/100); CHA over 10 is multiplicative with damage after combat advantage boost
3) Base dmg * (1 + 0.15 * (1 + (CHA - 10)/100)); CHA over 10 is multiplicative with the % bonus from combat advantage
Hmmm I did some testing with my current TR who is awaiting a respec token.
My TR has 18 CHA and 5/5 Underhanded Tactics feat which "Increases the effectiveness of Combat Advantage for you by 20%"
30 strikes of Sly Flourish's 1st hit non CA:
1205.6 damage on average
30 strikes of Sly Flourish 1st hit with CA:
1435.1 damage on average
1435.1 / 1205.6 = ~1.1904
I've read in many places that the base % bonus from CA is 15% so that's what I'm using for my calculation. Correct me if I'm wrong. Underhanded Tactics description reads like the 20% applies to the CA bonus so it'll be (Effective CA % * 1.2) in my calculations.
The only scenario from my opening post that closely matches up with my observed percentages is scenario 3 where CHA is multiplicative with the CA %.
(0.15 * (1 + (18 CHA - 10) / 100)) * 1.2 from UT = 0.1944
From the little testing I've done, it doesn't seem like it's worth the investment to put points into CHA over DEX or STR.
Sly Flourish is kind of bad skill on testing stuffs, because sly flourish consists of 3 different kinds of hits. The 3rd hit on sly flourish does bit more damage than the first 2 and the fourth one does like 20% or something more damage than the first 2. This might bring bit more variation to the result.
Str/Cha if you PvE only and assume that you can always get Combat Advantage (You can't in some encounters).
Str/Dex if you PvP and acknowledge the fact that you can't always have CA up.
Although, one must consider that in PvE, you also gain 10%+ companion stats if you go Str/Cha which equals to ~200-300 extra stats.
Still, personally I would go Str/Dex since you can't gain CA on a few current boss fights.
Fans Glory to the Gladiators,
Gods Glory to the Heroes.
get yourself a HR with aspect of the pack and you will have permanent combat advantage; thanks to some rogues w high CHA ive been able tu pull 37k dmg aimed shots in PVE, and i bet the TRs got a pretty good boost for themselves as well
My TR has 18 CHA and 5/5 Underhanded Tactics feat which "Increases the effectiveness of Combat Advantage for you by 20%"
30 strikes of Sly Flourish's 1st hit non CA:
1205.6 damage on average
30 strikes of Sly Flourish 1st hit with CA:
1435.1 damage on average
1435.1 / 1205.6 = ~1.1904
I've read in many places that the base % bonus from CA is 15% so that's what I'm using for my calculation. Correct me if I'm wrong. Underhanded Tactics description reads like the 20% applies to the CA bonus so it'll be (Effective CA % * 1.2) in my calculations.
The only scenario from my opening post that closely matches up with my observed percentages is scenario 3 where CHA is multiplicative with the CA %.
(0.15 * (1 + (18 CHA - 10) / 100)) * 1.2 from UT = 0.1944
From the little testing I've done, it doesn't seem like it's worth the investment to put points into CHA over DEX or STR.
That's the same result I got on my Wizard, very disappointed with the CA damage boost from Charisma.
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Str/Cha if you PvE only and assume that you can always get Combat Advantage (You can't in some encounters).
Str/Dex if you PvP and acknowledge the fact that you can't always have CA up.
Although, one must consider that in PvE, you also gain 10%+ companion stats if you go Str/Cha which equals to ~200-300 extra stats.
Still, personally I would go Str/Dex since you can't gain CA on a few current boss fights.
Gods Glory to the Heroes.
TR:Anirul Corrino@Fimconte
GF:Irulan Corrino@Fimconte
for pvp con and int