So I was listening to this
motivational speech + this
song when the idea hit me O.o!!!... I wanna make a GF COMMUNITY montage!!!!
OMG I can just picture it now, 10+ GF's in one sexy intro!! Then BAM, Villain's Menace fatality to start things off!@!@ feihfixdflefhwefhdxlkfwl Omg omg omg!!!! *cough*
So yeah, if you wanna be apart of this community montage you WILL NEED to do the follow things:
1. Record footage at 720p or higher at 30+ FPS for decent slow motion effects.
Pre-render the clips to trim the fat, then uploaded it to a cloud in a .RAR file and then link me
3. ONLY submit clips you feel is worthy! For example double or triple kills. Or if you had to tank/kite 1-3 people, then kill all of them off 1 by 1. Clips of this nature.
4. Your in game Overall Volume/FX Volume audio needs too be at 100% during recording. I want to hear the game's SFX.
5. Mute ALL forms of player communication programs such as teamspeak or raidcall during recording. I just want PURE NW audio.
6. Submit BLOOPERS!! I love watching O.o!? / -.-.. bloopers!
I'm kinda bust right now, I'll finish typing the rest of the instructions later. Keep checking on this post as things might change or be updated!! Tell all your friends!
You have until June 13th to submit clips!
Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
****, sorry to hear that. Also, I love the signature lol.
TBH I read the thread title and assumed we were going to war with the devs until we got our class the idea for the vid may try and do one time permitting.
No need to give credit, take what you want.
GL you have amazing editing skills, I'm sure it's gonna rock.
The Devs have made a few posts about this already. They don't have a timeline and harassing them for one is not going to help.
Not to say I'm against dev bashing, but let's keep it reasonable at least
Who are you? Also, I need a link to either your twitch or YouTube. Are these clips/gameplays 720p or higher? How do you expect me to download without quality loss =O!?
Aight, koo.
Tenacity Who? Versus GF Master means nada.
What program do you recommend for the capturing?
I personally recommended Fraps. Check your PM's.
See you on the battlefield.
You're welcome brah!
Do you Drake Seals O.o?
Of course it was not done following your guidelines of quality/rendering/ecc... because I've just read this thread now. Most likely this won't be what you're looking for, but hey, I felt like sharing anyways.
In fact, now that I watched it on Youtube, I see that Moviemaker made it even worse than what OBS originally did.
Hahaha no sweat xD!!