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New to game: Starting Stats Help Please

soza13soza13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
edited May 2014 in The Moonstone Mask (PC)

My wife and I are about to start playing, but I don't want to do a whole lot of build research quite yet, since I believe you can pay to reset most of your build at a later date.

However, starting stats can't be respeced correct?

1. Could someone give me a brief rundown on what are some standard stat distributions for each class?

2. Are there any races which greatly favour each class?

It would be much appreciated.
Post edited by soza13 on


  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    First, I'd like to point you in the direction of the Neverwinter Wiki. It's a great resource for the game:

    Here's some info on the stats and various distributions. I tend to prefer ones that give a higher total number of stat points, over ones that give a higher rating to your 3 class stats, but lower ones for the other attributes:

    For races, I will pick one that either fits a concept I want to build, or one that has stat bonuses or racial abilities that best compliment the playstyle I'm looking for:

    Other notes:
    You get to assign 2 additional stat points, (max of 1 point per stat of your choice), at levels 10, 20, 40, and 50, and you get +1 to all stats at levels 30 and 60.

    All races get at *least* +2 to one stat, and non-humans get +2 to an additional stat, (only humans get to pick what stat they want +2 to, other races have predetermined stat bonuses, but there's usually 2 choices for those).

    Welcome to Neverwinter and good luck!
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  • soza13soza13 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Cool -thank you for the reply.

    I went with a guardian fighter- probably build along some kind of hybrid/dps/tank lines.

    My wife went with a Elf Ranger. Will probably switch between twf and ranged.
  • klkcahboy90klkcahboy90 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    As it is now, it may be good to try out the Great Weapon Fighter, Control Wizard and Devoted Cleric.

    The other classes may have some difficulty in getting into dungeons at later stages.

    You should have 2 character slots each so it may be a good idea that if you or your wife plan to make another character, to have one of the three I mentioned.
  • jtrivjtriv Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2014
    Respecs allow you to redo attribute points you earn but not your original role. thugh i may be bias (i am a rounder, not a full DPS or other) ive had the best with getting you starting 3 stat roll as close to all 16 (for primary and secondarys) the best iive ever managed to do on a char is 17 and 2 15s. this includes the bonus stat(from race) this allows you the base to bring all of your classes atributes to 20. my GWF wich is my main sits on 22 20 19. know that though the game is ment for all kinds of play style as far as dungeons/PVE is concerned its all about DPS. however i find a well rounded GWF better as full DPSers are quite "squishy" and full defenders have no DPS. even less after patch. so untill you really fine tune your playstyle, what enchants your ganna use. your moves and "combos" you like etc. along with how you fit into a group i recomend a very well rounded char. with well rounded stats and GS. and shave and add as you grow and see fit.
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