SP run. Cleric gets cold feet and bails/leaves the group, one of the barbarians logs off out of frustration. I'm with 1 totally inexperienced ranger who likes to do the "Chicken without it's head" when mobs agro, and one fighter that's decent.
We muddle through the entire run, but throughout the run, we'd get people joining party and trying to initiate a Vote Kick to people. Even the logged off guy who we left in the group as a "placeholder". I had warned the other two about it so as soon as the windows popped up, we'd all mash "No". I /ignored these folks later on down the line so I'd remember them, but this happened a bunch throughout the entire run. Even during the end boss fight.
The other two died because of the Vote Kick windows popping up.
Hijackers out in force aren't they.
I'm just glad I coached my 2 team mates well to prepare them for it. Otherwise, it'd have ended up as another hijacked run.
Funny/odd thing about it is... The people that tried to do that looked like they were in guilds by themselves. At least no one else showed up under their guild tags when I did a search. I wonder if the hijackers are decentralizing themselves so people won't recognize them and auto-boot them from groups when they join? Not sure, but I suppose it'd be one way of keeping people from recognizing them easily. I tend to /ignore everyone in the particular guilds that I've run into doing that sort of thing. I actually ran into one of them, a cleric, in a few groups. I warned each group and explained why I was leaving. That ended up causing people in the groups to leave them as well and /ignore that cleric I found out later. LoL
"If you're going to ride my HAMSTER... At least pull my hair" Taking the trash out, one badguy at a time. "Satisfaction guaranteed or twice your trash back."
P.S. - One of the attempted hijackers was kind of persistent. He tried to boot the fighter during the 2nd boss fight, and then tried to boot the logged off person after that failed. We Vote kicked HIM after we were done with the 2nd boss, but before the end loot was rolled for.
We were basically turning the tables on the hijackers. We'd vote "No", then Vote kicked THEM as soon as whatever fight we were in was done. VERY enjoyable I must say.
"If you're going to ride my HAMSTER... At least pull my hair" Taking the trash out, one badguy at a time. "Satisfaction guaranteed or twice your trash back."
I am failing to see the logic here. Why is it bad to start a vote kick for a person that is logged off? Doing the dungeon with a full team will surely speed up the run.
I am failing to see the logic here. Why is it bad to start a vote kick for a person that is logged off? Doing the dungeon with a full team will surely speed up the run.
The logic is simple: don't vote-kick someone just for the sake of vote-kicking someone.
Kudos to the OP for standing on your principals, kudos for completing the run with an inexperienced, less-than-awesome other-players. That's what this game is supposed to be about: having fun. And it's no fun when things fall apart, but you made do with what you had and saw it through.
Congratulations on handling it all the way you did. I'd say the only foggy part (ethically-speasking) is when you vote-kicked the vote-kicker. Some might say "you sank to their level". Perhaps, but I say GOOD FOR YOU! Give them their own medicine. And besides, if you hadn't they probably would have kept at it in the hope one of you would click the "yes" button in the confusion of combat or something.
P.S. - One of the attempted hijackers was kind of persistent. He tried to boot the fighter during the 2nd boss fight, and then tried to boot the logged off person after that failed. We Vote kicked HIM after we were done with the 2nd boss, but before the end loot was rolled for.
We were basically turning the tables on the hijackers. We'd vote "No", then Vote kicked THEM as soon as whatever fight we were in was done. VERY enjoyable I must say.
Just in case anyone out there doesn't know, closing the window on a Vote to Kick counts as an abstain so doesn't add to the total on either side (I know this is true because I've had it happen to me before). So the hijackers doing it in the middle of combat are hoping that someone closes the window in annoyance. Then their Yes vote counts even more. So they could, in reality, vote kick anyone from the group with just 1 person if they time it right and their victims aren't knowledgeable enough. Vote to Kick in the middle of combat, everyone else in the group closes the window in a panic/annoyance, their 1 "Yes" vote kicks the person. Rinse and repeat.
Just FYI so everyone out there is more aware. Typically hijackers will pop into your group, and look to see how far in you are. If you're at a "nice" point in the dungeon, they'll try to start the hijacking. So if you see someone pop into your group and a Vote to Kick is initiated, that's a hijacker. They'll usually be a class/character that the que system will throw in first like a fighter, cleric, or a caster.
Amazingly enough, there are people out there that actually "applaud" hijackers if you can believe it. They think that people failing/muddling through a dungeon "flood" the system and keep other people from doing "good" dungeons. I'm not really sure where these people get their reasoning from, but I was brought up knowing it wasn't nice/a bad thing to go and steal something from someone that's worked hard for it. Seriously, how would YOU feel if you worked hard all your life for your _____, and someone came along and stole it from you?
"If you're going to ride my HAMSTER... At least pull my hair" Taking the trash out, one badguy at a time. "Satisfaction guaranteed or twice your trash back."
that was me! (not my main character, but a fun one)
the vote window popup was decidedly an annoyance and i assume the hijacker was initiating votes during the fight with the side-intention of distracting/killing us. the vote kick window needs to be less disruptive AND it needs shortcut keys; my mouse totally gets lost when it pops up and i can't click it fast/reliably enough in a pressured situation.
I am failing to see the logic here. Why is it bad to start a vote kick for a person that is logged off? Doing the dungeon with a full team will surely speed up the run.
it's bad because once they open up another slot they can then fill it with a friend and then they have 2 people in the instance and thus have the power to vote everyone else out.
I'd say the only foggy part (ethically-speasking) is when you vote-kicked the vote-kicker.
the vote kicker had no intention of participating; we tried asking them to not vote kick and there was zero reply. that's a sign of ill intentions in my book.
in summary: the vote-kick system mechanics need a bit of a tweek (see interface tweeks above). needing only 2 votes total out of 4 is ripe for abusing. if i were coding this, the voter and the votee would not count and then there would have to be a majority among the remaining players (ie: 2-1 with 3 players), ties would result in a failure as well. i'd also kick around the possibility of not allowing votes to start if any of the party are engaged in combat (haven't thought-tested that for abuse potential though)
so, the question is, why do people go through the hassle of hijacking instances? if they're competent enough to beat the boss, is it really that much faster to hijack a partially complete instance than to run their own instance?
it's bad because once they open up another slot they can then fill it with a friend and then they have 2 people in the instance and thus have the power to vote everyone else out.
in summary: the vote-kick system mechanics need a bit of a tweek (see interface tweeks above). needing only 2 votes total out of 4 is ripe for abusing. if i were coding this, the voter and the votee would not count and then there would have to be a majority among the remaining players (ie: 2-1 with 3 players), ties would result in a failure as well. i'd also kick around the possibility of not allowing votes to start if any of the party are engaged in combat (haven't thought-tested that for abuse potential though)
so, the question is, why do people go through the hassle of hijacking instances? if they're competent enough to beat the boss, is it really that much faster to hijack a partially complete instance than to run their own instance?
I see... Requiring a majority e.g. 3/4 should be a solution, as well as counting abstainers as no votes. I do all my dungeons in guild, hence my ignorance of this funky feature.
And as to why? I suspect the same reason they empty guild banks for no personal gain. Just griefing and trolling, pointless if you ask me.
Why people are doing it? For easier loot. Glitching and bugging is harder and harder so people who are persistent in exploiting the game had to find something else to get loot without any hassle.
I had few people in previous guild that did that on daily basis even after they were warned to be kicked out of the guild for doing that, needless to say they didn't stop and got kicked (funny thing is we knew only about 4 people who were doing it and just before they were kicked they ratted out the 5th) also they formed another guild (another funny thing: they either changed name of that guild or abandoned it and made new one, guess why) so if anyone wants to know name of the guild they should avoid PM me.
The ability to initiate a vote to kick should not be possible if any team mate has aggro. Simple as that. If someone has stalled out and needs to be kicked - the team can hold up somewhere safe for a long enough to deal with the kick. If someone is griefing and needs to be kicked, the other can, again, hold up somewhere. A person solo will not hold aggro for long in most DDs (unless it's a perma... but there's always some weird exception) either because they can kill the mob group or they get killed themselves. Either way -- only being able to initiate a kick vote while no members are in combat would cut down a lot on what's been described here.
I never pug DDs. I haven't had to in more than a year. My guildmates don't do this sort of garbage - they wouldn't be my guildmates for long if I learned otherwise. This is another example of petty people trying to ruin other people's fun. It's pathetic.
Votekicking shouldn¡t be aviable neither during fights or after the final boss was killed. Also, I'm not sure, but does it just need 2 people to agree? It really needs to be at least 3.
You're right, a little knowledge goes a long way, so here's how the queue system works.
If you aren't already in a group, or if your group is lacking members it will attempt to create one using the format : 1 GF, 1 DC, 3 DPS (GWF, TR, CW, HR) with no more than 2 classes of the same type. So, for all the solo players queuing for a specific instance, if they can be placed into a currently existing party the game will attempt that first, starting with the lowest numerically assigned instance (so it might not necessarily be the oldest one).
In essence, this potentially robs these players of a dungeon attempt. If they are a DC or a GF, chances are, regardless of what they do (bar form a 5-man and queue into a new instance), the queue will automatically put them back into the same instance.
So yes, if all the variables are right, you can indeed be hindering someone elses' game time by having the instance persist. Doesn't make hijacking right, but I'm not really arguing for it. I am an advocate of freedom in vote-kicking! There doesn't need to be statutes and reasons to kick, if it's majority rule, get out.
The thing is Rittz... If these people had joined the group with honest intentions, they wouldn't have tried to initiate a Vote to Kick right away like that. So their actions alone scream out the fact that they're trying to hijack the instance. You're right in that it's not right. Sadly, there apparently needs to be statutes or limitations, because the system as it is, is ripe for abuse as stated above. If people were honestly trying to "clear" up instances as some sort of "civic" duty, then they'd help people finish instances as I've done before, rather than just trying to hijack them. Majority rule I agree. IF the group has time to make an "informed" decision as opposed to "working" the system by causing them to close windows in the middle of fights in a panic. Thereby causing an "Abstain" vote, which works towards helping the hijacker. Definitely NOT the work of "honest" people who are just trying to help other people out by clearing up old instances.
If these people HAD joined the group with honest intentions, then I would have been more than happy to have them along. They didn't though, so they got what they deserved in my book. Strong believer in "Do unto others"...
"If you're going to ride my HAMSTER... At least pull my hair" Taking the trash out, one badguy at a time. "Satisfaction guaranteed or twice your trash back."
Reiwulf, the system just requires a majority vote. You'd think the majority would be 3 people, but it doesn't seem to work like that. What seems to happen is that closing the vote window counts like an "Abstain". So it doesn't add to either the "Yes"s or the "No"s. The person initiating the vote is a "Yes" already. So person to start the vote is 1 "Yes". Everyone else in the group closes the window in a panic due to being in the middle of a fight, rather than reading/voting. Those count as "Abstain"s. So 1 "Yes" vs 0 "No" = Booted person. I speak from experience again because I've had that very thing happen to me before several times. All it takes is a few people to get booted and the hijackers friends to get in and you have a hijacked run. I've compared "notes" with the group mates I got hijacked with before.
"If you're going to ride my HAMSTER... At least pull my hair" Taking the trash out, one badguy at a time. "Satisfaction guaranteed or twice your trash back."
The Elo system should precisely prevent this. Alas here it does not work. After more than 50 matches the system certainly does not pair people in fair, balanced matches: my last one, after more than 50 pvp since the alleged Elo is there, was a 1000 to zero. And no, the losing team was not dc or AFK.
The Elo system should precisely prevent this. Alas here it does not work. After more than 50 matches the system certainly does not pair people in fair, balanced matches: my last one, after more than 50 pvp since the alleged Elo is there, was a 1000 to zero. And no, the losing team was not dc or AFK.
allow friends/guildies to be invited into the instance
list every instance of each dungeon to allow anyone, regardless of class, to join
permanently lock out someone that has been vote-kicked (does not apply to friend/guild invites)
i would say that vote-kicking not being allowed during combat is a nice idea, although if my group 3-mans a dungeon then i don't think last minute joiners should get free loot rolls. especially since these last-minute joiners are usually jumping in and leaving or attempting to hijack during most of our run. if you wanted loot, then you could have just helped from the start >.>
The problem is caused by the vote-kick window. It needs to be clicked with the mouse and doesn't have keyboard shortcuts. Also it is visually obtrusive like loot pickup.
The Elo system should precisely prevent this. Alas here it does not work. After more than 50 matches the system certainly does not pair people in fair, balanced matches: my last one, after more than 50 pvp since the alleged Elo is there, was a 1000 to zero. And no, the losing team was not dc or AFK.
How would the ELO system stop players being kicked/trying to instigate a kick vote in dungeons?
3 votes sould be needed to kick anyone, even if someone closes the window, it doesn't count to either yes or no. but if 1 person votes yes and the rest all close the windowm then it should just count it as 1 vote for yes, and therefore not kick him/her. that should fix it.
We were basically turning the tables on the hijackers. We'd vote "No", then Vote kicked THEM as soon as whatever fight we were in was done. VERY enjoyable I must say.
"If you're going to ride my HAMSTER... At least pull my hair"
Taking the trash out, one badguy at a time.
"Satisfaction guaranteed or twice your trash back."
The logic is simple: don't vote-kick someone just for the sake of vote-kicking someone.
Kudos to the OP for standing on your principals, kudos for completing the run with an inexperienced, less-than-awesome other-players. That's what this game is supposed to be about: having fun. And it's no fun when things fall apart, but you made do with what you had and saw it through.
Congratulations on handling it all the way you did. I'd say the only foggy part (ethically-speasking) is when you vote-kicked the vote-kicker. Some might say "you sank to their level". Perhaps, but I say GOOD FOR YOU! Give them their own medicine. And besides, if you hadn't they probably would have kept at it in the hope one of you would click the "yes" button in the confusion of combat or something.
So again I say: kudos to you.
other than that, good job on sticking to your guns.
Just FYI so everyone out there is more aware. Typically hijackers will pop into your group, and look to see how far in you are. If you're at a "nice" point in the dungeon, they'll try to start the hijacking. So if you see someone pop into your group and a Vote to Kick is initiated, that's a hijacker. They'll usually be a class/character that the que system will throw in first like a fighter, cleric, or a caster.
Amazingly enough, there are people out there that actually "applaud" hijackers if you can believe it. They think that people failing/muddling through a dungeon "flood" the system and keep other people from doing "good" dungeons. I'm not really sure where these people get their reasoning from, but I was brought up knowing it wasn't nice/a bad thing to go and steal something from someone that's worked hard for it. Seriously, how would YOU feel if you worked hard all your life for your _____, and someone came along and stole it from you?
"If you're going to ride my HAMSTER... At least pull my hair"
Taking the trash out, one badguy at a time.
"Satisfaction guaranteed or twice your trash back."
the vote window popup was decidedly an annoyance and i assume the hijacker was initiating votes during the fight with the side-intention of distracting/killing us. the vote kick window needs to be less disruptive AND it needs shortcut keys; my mouse totally gets lost when it pops up and i can't click it fast/reliably enough in a pressured situation.
it's bad because once they open up another slot they can then fill it with a friend and then they have 2 people in the instance and thus have the power to vote everyone else out.
the vote kicker had no intention of participating; we tried asking them to not vote kick and there was zero reply. that's a sign of ill intentions in my book.
in summary: the vote-kick system mechanics need a bit of a tweek (see interface tweeks above). needing only 2 votes total out of 4 is ripe for abusing. if i were coding this, the voter and the votee would not count and then there would have to be a majority among the remaining players (ie: 2-1 with 3 players), ties would result in a failure as well. i'd also kick around the possibility of not allowing votes to start if any of the party are engaged in combat (haven't thought-tested that for abuse potential though)
so, the question is, why do people go through the hassle of hijacking instances? if they're competent enough to beat the boss, is it really that much faster to hijack a partially complete instance than to run their own instance?
And as to why? I suspect the same reason they empty guild banks for no personal gain. Just griefing and trolling, pointless if you ask me.
I had few people in previous guild that did that on daily basis even after they were warned to be kicked out of the guild for doing that, needless to say they didn't stop and got kicked (funny thing is we knew only about 4 people who were doing it and just before they were kicked they ratted out the 5th) also they formed another guild (another funny thing: they either changed name of that guild or abandoned it and made new one, guess why) so if anyone wants to know name of the guild they should avoid PM me.
I never pug DDs. I haven't had to in more than a year. My guildmates don't do this sort of garbage - they wouldn't be my guildmates for long if I learned otherwise. This is another example of petty people trying to ruin other people's fun. It's pathetic.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
If you aren't already in a group, or if your group is lacking members it will attempt to create one using the format : 1 GF, 1 DC, 3 DPS (GWF, TR, CW, HR) with no more than 2 classes of the same type. So, for all the solo players queuing for a specific instance, if they can be placed into a currently existing party the game will attempt that first, starting with the lowest numerically assigned instance (so it might not necessarily be the oldest one).
In essence, this potentially robs these players of a dungeon attempt. If they are a DC or a GF, chances are, regardless of what they do (bar form a 5-man and queue into a new instance), the queue will automatically put them back into the same instance.
So yes, if all the variables are right, you can indeed be hindering someone elses' game time by having the instance persist. Doesn't make hijacking right, but I'm not really arguing for it. I am an advocate of freedom in vote-kicking! There doesn't need to be statutes and reasons to kick, if it's majority rule, get out.
If these people HAD joined the group with honest intentions, then I would have been more than happy to have them along. They didn't though, so they got what they deserved in my book. Strong believer in "Do unto others"...
"If you're going to ride my HAMSTER... At least pull my hair"
Taking the trash out, one badguy at a time.
"Satisfaction guaranteed or twice your trash back."
"If you're going to ride my HAMSTER... At least pull my hair"
Taking the trash out, one badguy at a time.
"Satisfaction guaranteed or twice your trash back."
many facepalms.....
i would say that vote-kicking not being allowed during combat is a nice idea, although if my group 3-mans a dungeon then i don't think last minute joiners should get free loot rolls. especially since these last-minute joiners are usually jumping in and leaving or attempting to hijack during most of our run. if you wanted loot, then you could have just helped from the start >.>
How would the ELO system stop players being kicked/trying to instigate a kick vote in dungeons?