I don't know if anybody else is have this issue, but here is what is happening:
I queue for a dungeon
queue pops and i land in said dungeon
immediately it shows i am no longer in party and will be removed in 5 sec
queue pops again while still in dungeon
then removed from dungeon with queue still up and return to instance at top of screen
Also says that one person declined it. For the rest the exact same thing is happening too me.
I dont know if it is with every dungeon. I did Epic Gragmire, which worked fine. Then I tried Dread Vault for my daily and it bugged out i guess.
This has been a known issue since beta testing (about a year) in which no one has addressed. I really enjoyed this game until I realized I was getting more and more under level. Anytime I queued I'd get kicked back out and the quest would show as complete without giving me credit. Even if you try to run it by forming your own group after getting kicked out you won't get credit nor the chest at the end of the dungeon. By just missing out on the credit of just two dungeons (first two in the game) I'm two to three levels behind where I should be. Fix your game Imperfect World!
Also says that one person declined it. For the rest the exact same thing is happening too me.
I dont know if it is with every dungeon. I did Epic Gragmire, which worked fine. Then I tried Dread Vault for my daily and it bugged out i guess.