When my guild choose their side, we had no idea what to expect. We searched the internet for information, but didn't find a lot. So I will now write it down for good
I will start with a smal overview how Gauntgrym works, then give reason why you should do it (=what loot you can get) and finally tell you about the pros and cons of both sides. By game design, Delzoun and Luskan are equal. Through community choices, there is a big difference though. You can skip right to the third part if that is what you are interested in.
What is Gauntlgrym?
Gauntlgrym, or short GG, consists of 3 Event Phases, know as Iron Tabernacle, Armories of Moradin and Delzoun Crypts. General goal is to gain entrance to two special and very profitable dungeons - besides having fun of course
- Iron Tabernacle
This is a PvE Event, where you need to kill Golems, collect and deliver Elemental Earth and Fire and kill Duergar for Bardings. Anything of this wil give you points, and with a couple of points you will get an "Iron Tabernacle Share". Also the winning side will get a 10% damage buff in the upcoming PvP.
- Armories of Moradin
This phase consists of either a PvE or PvP, your choice. You can help to contruct catapults, try to convince the giant Amusud to fight for your side and collect more elemental fire and earth to gain points for your side. Or you can queue for PvP, which will place you in a giant 20 vs 20 PvP domination style arena. If you complete one PvP or stay in a PvP until the time expires or gain some points in the PvE event, you will get a "Armories of Moradin Share".
The winning side (who gained more points in PvP and via collecting elemental earth/fire) will gain access to the Dwarven Kings Crypt, while the loosing side is restricted to the Fardelver Crypt.
- Delzoun Crypts
Now the two special dungeons, the Fardelver and the Dwarfen Kings Crypt open up. If you got either the Iron Tabernacle or Armories of Moradin Share, you may now queue for Fardelver Crypt. If you won the Armories of Moradin Event
and got both Shares, you may enter the Drwarven Kings Crypt as well.
Why should I take part in a Gauntlgrym?
Astral Diamonds: Rhix and the Lord Protector are giving away lots of Rough AD through their daily quests. There exists a Daily Gauntlgrym PvE, a Daily Gauntgrym PvP and a Daily Gauntlgrym Dungeon, which will gain you tons of AD if you take part in a full event
Glory: Taking part in a Gauntlgrym PvP not only gives you some glory, but it also gives you a Seal of Triumph wether you lose or win! You can trade this Seal for more glory. Also it will give you lots of Grym Coins, which you can trade for even more glory. If you want the Bloodcrystal Ravenskull artifact from the Trade of Blades for example, GG is a quick way to gain lots of glory with playing little or even no PvP!
Fardelver Crypt: You can queue up for this dungeon if you have at least one of the shares as long as the event is active. Which means you can queue up multiple times if you complete it quickly! The boss drops a T1 item. If you are new to Level 60, you can gear up here pretty nicely. Also, in the end chest you will get 4-6 Grym coins. The set which you can buy for Grym coins is the easiest T2 set to obtain and a good start to get yourself ready for some epic dungeons. Even low geared and unexperienced groups can do 2-3 runs, more experienced and better geared groups can easily do 4-5, while really high-equipped ones can do up to 6-8 runs in that 30min.
Dwarven Kings Crypt: Same as Fardelver, only that you need to win the Armories of Moradin and have both shares. The boss drops a T2 item and the dungeon takes much longer to complete, since the boss is really tanky. Unexperienced and low geared groups will only do a single run here (which renders you a chance for a T2 item at 1/5). Better geared groups will still only do 2. Only really experienced groups will be able to complete the 3-4 runs that are possible. It is only fair to say that some people do got really rich here by selling the T2s in the AH - but you need good equipment to begin with.
Which side should I choose?
There is one important thing to know. As of now (23th April 2014), almost every Gauntlgrym goes the same way: Luskan wins the PvP Buff, wins the catapults and most of the times also wins the giant - and Delzoun Explorer win the whole Gauntlgrym. Don't ask me why, it just is this way. In the last three month, Luskan only won 3 Gauntlgryms I took part in. And I played quiet a few.
But almost the whole community is Delzoun Explorer, which means there are not enough Luskans to create a 20vs20 PvP for every Delzoun. As Delzoun Explorer you just have a very slim chance to get into the Gauntlgrym PvP. To sum it up:
Pros: You will almost always get access to the Dwarven Kings Crypt, since Delzoun almost always wins the whole Gauntlgrym.
Cons: You will have lots of trouble getting into a Gauntlgrym PvP. You might queue up for 20 events and only get into PvP in one of them.
Pros: You will always get into Gauntlgrym PvP when you want to, and most of the time in less than 10s queue time. You can also queue up 10min before the end of the Armories of Moradin Event if you don't like PvP and still get queued and get a share, Seal of Triumph and some extra Grym coins.
Cons: You will have to take part in lots of Gauntlgryms until you will see the inside of the Dwarven Kings Crypt.
So what side should I choose now?
- If you enjoy PvP, I would recommend to join Luskan Corsairs. You can get into Gauntlgrym PvP literally anytime you want to. Also, it is quite a challenge to win a Gauntlgrym PvP as Luskan. And if you manage to win it, you are the hero.
- If you are a casual player, I would recommend Luskan Corsairs as well. Basically for the same reason: you can play a GG PvP whenever you want to try it. Also, if you are not really well equipped, the Fardelver Crypt is the better choice for you anyways. And once you win a GG event, it can be a really satisfying experience.
- If you want to farm a lot of AD, you should probably join Delzoun, so you can get into that Dwarven Kings Crypt and farm T2 items. But keep in mind that Luskans can complete their Daily GG Quests anytime they want, while Delzouns have to get very lucky with the queue for that.
- If you get frustrated of loosing 10 PvPs in a row, you should probably also join Delzoun, since with Luskan you will loose a lot
Keep this in mind when choosing your guild or choosing sides with your newly formed guild (since changing alliegance will cost 700k AD I think).
Hopes this help all people put there who are new to the game and wonder what side to join
EDIT: Corrected the date. Corrected the fact, that you only need one share for FC.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
Actually you only need 1 share in order to enter Fardelver's Crypt. Either share will do, Iron Tabernacle or Armories of Moradin.
- if you're a leecher or someone who just wants to win for the sake of doing DK, join Delzoun.
- if you feel like being a hero, want to prove a point or want to sync queues with your friends/guildmates have a mass orgy in PvP, join Luskan.
(will probably lose anyway even if a few matches won since Luskan sucks as a whole)
Are you sure? I never explicitly tried it, but I had a guy with just one share once in my team, and the game said I can't queue for FC because not all members are meeting the requirements. Though that error message sometimes also comes when everyone meets the requirements and you just have to hit the queue button a couple of times before it finally works.
Yes, you just only one share to get into Fardelver.
My guild moved to Luskans 2 month ago for a more challenging experience on pvp since we have a 10-12 hardcore pvpers in the guild (me included) that wanted to do pvp instead of DK. The Thing is that we sync and do it together and we win our matches 80% of the times (not joking).... now here is the thing we only win the war 10% of the time... how is that possible? My Guild is The Themplars of Steel, some ppl may know who we are, some others may not but we are pretty strong in pvp, rank 10s, emblems, perfect enchants, experienced and we are all in raidcall so we are organized. Also other very strong pvp guilds as Essense of agresion, .Synergy., French Monsters and a few others are on luskan side so i dont understand how is it posible that we loose 10% of the time.
So my question is this, does the 2nd phase PvE stuff affects the score somehow?
90% i guess. Answer for you is that the main luskan side is severely undergeared: At the start of a match i think only 5 out of 20 have a fast mount, in usual pug grps.
The problem is (I think), that there are dozens and dozens of PvPs played. Which means every single one has just a small contribution. Now even if you wins yours with about 80-20 percent of the points, it will be just a small portion of the total points made for Luskan.
I think the attitude of some Luskans add up to this effect as well, since some give it up from the beginning (stand at campfire, admit they only want coins, even try to encourage other players to give up more total points so they can get into a second pvp for more coins). This may only be 1 in 40, but that is enough to ruin every second PvP.
Also, sometimes we loose a PvP so hard, they actually camp at our base and we can't get a single cap anymore. This easily results in a 3000-500 victory sometimes, which means you have to win 5 other PvPs with 500 points advantage just to even up the total score!
But I appreciate you changing to Luskan and I hope more people will and someday, we will rule Gauntlgrym!
It must be easier to get 10-12 into the same GG on the Luskan side. It seems even a micro second difference on the Delzoun side will put you into different instances.
As far as the losses go, there are still some very strong PVP'rs on the Delzoun side too you know. I've seen some matches against Essence, Synergy, French Monsters that were decisive wins for the Delzoun side.
It also depends on how many good players get into the same instance. I once ended up in an instance with 4 undergeared DCs in the very same party with me. Needless to say that time it was a loss.
Those weren't full guilds. Those were a few Synergy/EOA members pugging by themselves or with another guy joined by 15 other 9k GS players
I can tell you right now GG isn't really popular in the PVP guilds but when the guild does decide to participate in GG once every other month, they completely demolish any delzouns out there.
I remember when there were 15 synergy members at the same GG and within 5 minutes, they were all camping the spawn and the delzouns all had to stay in spawn and wait out the rest of the match. Score was something like 3000 - 206. Even delzouns against pugs don't usually whip out that beating.
It wasn't a full 20, but there were 10. It's extremely difficult to get 10 from the same guild in on the Delzoun side so yeah if you had 15-20 from the PVP guilds in on the Luskan side they would win for sure.
But doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of switching to the Luskan side? How much more of a challenge is it going up against 5 PVP'rs and 15 9-12K GS players without 3 artifacts, let alone an Emblem?
Isn't a 3000-300 victory just as boring no matter what side your on?
So that begs the question, if you guys are looking for a "challenge" why try to queue 15-20 into the same instance when you know full well the Delzoun side couldn't possibly coordinate folks into the same instance?
To reduce the number of 9K gs pugs we get in our teams as much as possible.
Luskan side is so bad, that 4-5 pugs and 4-5 AFKers (people ALWAYS AFK at Luskan) will drag your 10 man premade down extremely fast. Whatever your gear and skills are, you just cannot deal with the swarm.
Umm no. The purpose of switching to luskan side was to reduce queue times. Guilds like synergy, choc shoppe, enemy team have been destroying delzoun guilds in the regular PVP domination mode. They didn't have to go to GG to do that.
I'll say this: a 3000-300 victory while carrying 5 9k gearscore luskan pugs is waaaaay more satisfying than losing 1000-3000 because of 15 other luskan pugs. Also, its the only mode in the game which promotes guild-wide activity and cooperation so there is value in that (closest thing to a raid-like atmosphere in this game).
By the way, there was yet another Synergy GG (8 from that guild?) I saw on twitch last night and once again they were spawn camping the delzoun within 10 minutes.
Because they enjoy stomping people into the dust.
They won't say it out loud because it sounds crass and boorish, but it's true. It goes part and parcel with the entire PVP mentality.
So at least now your being honest. I've been in 3000-300 victories too and they are boring ROFLstomps. I guess if you guys get off on destroying undergeard/non pvp build players then it's perfect. In the end they are just camp the spawn points and blast anything that moves in 1 second.
And what about the 12k GS delzouns destroying 9k GS luskans in lots of other GG pvp instances?
You're right, ROFLstomps is fun sometimes (people get off of beating lesser players), but isn't that the case in every other PVP mode in MMOs?