I'm currently have 17.5% Critical Chance (782 Critical Strike + campfire buff), and am using EotS.
And I'm thinking that wouldn't it be great if I can free up a class feature slot for a more useful class feature? So what's the least Critical Chance I need if I want to drop EotS?
right now i have about 26% chance which is not exactly high for a cw but its high enough to have more random crits then with eye, its up to your discretion though anything above 20% is fairly decent
With module 3 coming up and being able to use 5 active bonuses plus an augment, do you guys think its better to stack crit and make perfect vorpal's effect proc a lot or just stay away from crit and stack power since apparently it is getting buffed along with tons of HP and defensive stats?
right now i have about 26% chance which is not exactly high for a cw but its high enough to have more random crits then with eye, its up to your discretion though anything above 20% is fairly decent
Thanks. I didn't know EotS provides less than 20% Critical Chance. I felt like it is higher.
Btw, a few days ago, I inspected a TR in Protector's Enclave and saw he has 49.9% Critical Chance. Is that number normal for a TR?
With module 3 coming up and being able to use 5 active bonuses plus an augment, do you guys think its better to stack crit and make perfect vorpal's effect proc a lot or just stay away from crit and stack power since apparently it is getting buffed along with tons of HP and defensive stats?
Could you briefly explain how Power and defensive stats will get buffed?
Could you briefly explain how Power and defensive stats will get buffed?
Power got reworked and seems to have better damage scaling than before, so you will do more damage overall than before. As for defensive/HP stats, I have no idea what that guy is talking about; nothing changed for any other stats (at least nothing has been stated to change).
With eots, stacked charisma, and around 1500 crit from gear, you will be at 50% crit when you run your damage parses. This allows you to then maximize power stacking (get arp to 20+%). Try to do that without eots. Your power will be very low in comparison, and so will your damage. This doesnt even take in consideration the huge diminishing returns for crit over 2k.
Its normal and its very easy to get near that critical chance as a TR.
Power got reworked and seems to have better damage scaling than before, so you will do more damage overall than before. As for defensive/HP stats, I have no idea what that guy is talking about; nothing changed for any other stats (at least nothing has been stated to change).
With eots, stacked charisma, and around 1500 crit from gear, you will be at 50% crit when you run your damage parses. This allows you to then maximize power stacking (get arp to 20+%). Try to do that without eots. Your power will be very low in comparison, and so will your damage. This doesnt even take in consideration the huge diminishing returns for crit over 2k.
So...to the OP...
If you are Spellstorm....use EOTS....or
Switch to MOF.
So a Spellstorm Mage has no choice but to rely on EotS.
What about Masters of Flame? They don't have access to EotS. How do they build their Critical Chance?
silverquickMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
I see.
So a Spellstorm Mage has no choice but to rely on EotS.
But here's the rub... on single targets the chances of it going off are incredibly small.
That number diametrically increases the larger and larger the number of mobs you go against. Because the actual proc rate that starts at I believe a minuscule 3% (with all 3 points in it, its 5%).
This gets multiplied by the number of mobs in the group depending on how many there are as the chance to proc. And encounter powers and daily powers have 3 times more likely chance to proc it.
Ergo at like 10 mobs you have a good 50% or higher to proc it. On one mob, you've only got a 5% chance.
This is the general multiplier for the Spellstorm AoE damage. The base damage of our spells without a crit is pretty small. But this may help you understand why so many mages go with Vorpal or use the Phantasmal Destruction feat.
The Spellstorm's damage for AoEs gets larger and larger the more an more mobs you throw at him.
Obviously you're going to want to stack some crit for the lower numbers of mobs as well. Here the MoF and Spellstorm are even.
MoF's have to build their crit the old fashioned way... however, their DoTs are capable of much higher base damage than the Spellstorm and they stack with the same ones the Spellstorm can use. This is why the MoF is not the AoE nuker or burst damager the Spellstorm is, but he is much stronger and more efficient on boss mobs and single targets once they stack their DoTs.
EDIT: EoTS was designed this way as a crowd control. When the party is in danger of being overwhelmed by mass numbers of mobs the Spellstorm steps in to save their bacon. Otherwise his base damage is much lower in general than the average single target damager. Hence its a huge benefit in the mob infested dungeons and doing exactly what its intended. It gets weaker the less and less mobs there are. This is why the Spellstorm tends to be a weaker damager on single targets but an incredibly strong damager on mass mobs. Its also the reason CW damage is unlikely to be nerfed. Its quite literally self nerfing.
Campfire buff
Random chance from flipping coins or petting something strange in their pocket.
Since those are for stacking Critical Strike, whose effectiveness decreases after 2k, I guess MoF mainly depends on heavy DoTs, like @silverquick said.
Some not so good info being passed along in this thread.
Eye of the Storm is the best class feature you can possibly have equipped. Stacking crit is not a substitute for it.
The proc rate of EotS varies depending on the skill being used and the number of targets. The in-game tooltips are very inaccurate in this regard. It is not an across the board 15% proc rate. I am in the process of testing exactly how often it procs but here are some preliminary results:
Conduit of Ice hits 6 times per target. Each hit has the capability of procing EotS. So casting it on one target has a (1-0.85^6 62.29% chance of triggering it. So far in testing on single targets it has actually proced 50% of the time. The difference between the calculated and actual is because once the EotS has proced it can't do it again for three seconds so the three hits after a proc have a 0% chance instead of 15% which reduces the overall number. On three targets the proc rate is 82.65%. Steal time has a similar increase in proc rate with the number of targets and also hits several times.
If you order your abilities correctly you can reliably get well over 50% crits on all of your hits with no points fed into criticality above what the base stats on your gear gives you.
There is no class feature that can give anywhere close to the same increase in damage that EotS gives. Trying to replace EotS to increase your damage is like trying to cut off a leg to see if it makes your run faster.
Bottom line is that with a perfect vorpal and no Eye of the Storm you'd be better off stacking power after you reach about 2200 crit. With something other than a perfect vorpal you should shoot for less crit. With Eye of the Storm equipped just about any crit is redundant.
Bottom line is that with a perfect vorpal and no Eye of the Storm you'd be better off stacking power after you reach about 2200 crit. With something other than a perfect vorpal you should shoot for less crit. With Eye of the Storm equipped just about any crit is redundant.
What about not using perfect vorpal?
Would it be better not to stack crit at all and focus on power/armor pen?
Would it be better not to stack crit at all and focus on power/armor pen?
Talking PVP here
Check Figure 5 in that post. With no vorpal of any kind the break even mark is around 900 crit. After that you're better off with power. Also read Section 3.2. It gives recommendations for PvP that basically boil down to power is better than crit for sustained damage, but if you want to try and get lucky bursting them right at the beginning with crits so they don't have a chance to run away/kite/regen then go ahead with crit. But, on average, you'll do less damage than someone who stacked power.
silverquickMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
The proc rate of EotS varies depending on the skill being used and the number of targets. The in-game tooltips are very inaccurate in this regard. It is not an across the board 15% proc rate. I am in the process of testing exactly how often it procs but here are some preliminary results:
Conduit of Ice hits 6 times per target. Each hit has the capability of procing EotS. So casting it on one target has a (1-0.85^6 62.29% chance of triggering it. So far in testing on single targets it has actually proced 50% of the time. .
That is not what my testing shows.
I do show approximately a 50% proc rate,
..... but that's on NOT a per mob basis its on a per cast basis. And since its hitting 6 times at approximately a 15% proc rate on a single target, that it procs approximately (law of averages, every 10 tick or so. Ergo, with 6 hits per cast, every other mob will proc it with CoI.
..... but that's on NOT a per mob basis its on a per cast basis. And since its hitting 6 times at approximately a 15% proc rate on a single target, that it procs approximately (law of averages, every 10 tick or so. Ergo, with 6 hits per cast, every other mob will proc it with CoI.
....Or every two casts of CoI.
How are you doing your testing? Is it on live mobs or test dummies?
My testing is on dummies. If yours is as well I would love to be able to enlarge my sample size. If your testing is on live mobs, then I'm sure live mobs would give very different results for a variety of reasons: the primary target may die before all 6 ticks hit, surrounding enemies may move in and out of the AoE changing the number of hits, other abilities you use after CoI may proc EotS first, etc.
But still we're quibbling here. I think we're in agreement that some abilities can trigger EotS far, far more often than 15% per cast and that it is not possible to stack crit in a way that replaces or exceeds what EotS gives you.
silverquickMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
How are you doing your testing? Is it on live mobs or test dummies?
My testing is on dummies.
Live mobs,
I selected a troll for it regen, ergo, same target repeatedly.
But still we're quibbling here. I think we're in agreement that some abilities can trigger EotS far, far more often than 15% per cast and that it is not possible to stack crit in a way that replaces or exceeds what EotS gives you
You're right we're quibbling over bread crumbs. Because regardless of our testing methods, we both know the more and more mobs there are, the higher and higher that chance goes, and different encounter powers depending on how they're designed proc it more than others.
The reality of the matter is, you cannot stack crit gear to achieve what Eye of the Storm does.
It was intended for mass mob crowd control, and it achieves that purpose masterfully and far exceeds everything else.
Bottom line is that with a perfect vorpal and no Eye of the Storm you'd be better off stacking power after you reach about 2200 crit. With something other than a perfect vorpal you should shoot for less crit. With Eye of the Storm equipped just about any crit is redundant.
wow those data and charts are so abstruse. And I'm a bit confused. Do you mean with Perfect Vorpal, there is no need to use EotS?
Okay. If my Critical Strike is 0, what will my chance (in %) of critical hits be from EotS?
That depends on what spells you use and how many targets there are. Some people are reporting that with the right setup you'll see over 50% of your attacks crit from just EotS.
A little bit of crit does pay off even if you have EotS, but you'll have enough crit rating inherently from an augment companion, artifacts, and on your gear that you'll already be at the point where power would give better returns before you even start to customize your stats.
Backbone - 16.7k PvP HR
Btw, a few days ago, I inspected a TR in Protector's Enclave and saw he has 49.9% Critical Chance. Is that number normal for a TR?
Its normal and its very easy to get near that critical chance as a TR.
Power got reworked and seems to have better damage scaling than before, so you will do more damage overall than before. As for defensive/HP stats, I have no idea what that guy is talking about; nothing changed for any other stats (at least nothing has been stated to change).
So...to the OP...
If you are Spellstorm....use EOTS....or
Switch to MOF.
So a Spellstorm Mage has no choice but to rely on EotS.
What about Masters of Flame? They don't have access to EotS. How do they build their Critical Chance?
But here's the rub... on single targets the chances of it going off are incredibly small.
That number diametrically increases the larger and larger the number of mobs you go against. Because the actual proc rate that starts at I believe a minuscule 3% (with all 3 points in it, its 5%).
This gets multiplied by the number of mobs in the group depending on how many there are as the chance to proc. And encounter powers and daily powers have 3 times more likely chance to proc it.
Ergo at like 10 mobs you have a good 50% or higher to proc it. On one mob, you've only got a 5% chance.
This is the general multiplier for the Spellstorm AoE damage. The base damage of our spells without a crit is pretty small. But this may help you understand why so many mages go with Vorpal or use the Phantasmal Destruction feat.
The Spellstorm's damage for AoEs gets larger and larger the more an more mobs you throw at him.
Obviously you're going to want to stack some crit for the lower numbers of mobs as well. Here the MoF and Spellstorm are even.
MoF's have to build their crit the old fashioned way... however, their DoTs are capable of much higher base damage than the Spellstorm and they stack with the same ones the Spellstorm can use. This is why the MoF is not the AoE nuker or burst damager the Spellstorm is, but he is much stronger and more efficient on boss mobs and single targets once they stack their DoTs.
EDIT: EoTS was designed this way as a crowd control. When the party is in danger of being overwhelmed by mass numbers of mobs the Spellstorm steps in to save their bacon. Otherwise his base damage is much lower in general than the average single target damager. Hence its a huge benefit in the mob infested dungeons and doing exactly what its intended. It gets weaker the less and less mobs there are. This is why the Spellstorm tends to be a weaker damager on single targets but an incredibly strong damager on mass mobs. Its also the reason CW damage is unlikely to be nerfed. Its quite literally self nerfing.
Campfire buff
Random chance from flipping coins or petting something strange in their pocket.
Since those are for stacking Critical Strike, whose effectiveness decreases after 2k, I guess MoF mainly depends on heavy DoTs, like @silverquick said.
I merely meant power is getting buffed. CWs have to stack defensive stats in PVP
Eye of the Storm is the best class feature you can possibly have equipped. Stacking crit is not a substitute for it.
The proc rate of EotS varies depending on the skill being used and the number of targets. The in-game tooltips are very inaccurate in this regard. It is not an across the board 15% proc rate. I am in the process of testing exactly how often it procs but here are some preliminary results:
Conduit of Ice hits 6 times per target. Each hit has the capability of procing EotS. So casting it on one target has a (1-0.85^6 62.29% chance of triggering it. So far in testing on single targets it has actually proced 50% of the time. The difference between the calculated and actual is because once the EotS has proced it can't do it again for three seconds so the three hits after a proc have a 0% chance instead of 15% which reduces the overall number. On three targets the proc rate is 82.65%. Steal time has a similar increase in proc rate with the number of targets and also hits several times.
If you order your abilities correctly you can reliably get well over 50% crits on all of your hits with no points fed into criticality above what the base stats on your gear gives you.
There is no class feature that can give anywhere close to the same increase in damage that EotS gives. Trying to replace EotS to increase your damage is like trying to cut off a leg to see if it makes your run faster.
Bottom line is that with a perfect vorpal and no Eye of the Storm you'd be better off stacking power after you reach about 2200 crit. With something other than a perfect vorpal you should shoot for less crit. With Eye of the Storm equipped just about any crit is redundant.
What about not using perfect vorpal?
Would it be better not to stack crit at all and focus on power/armor pen?
Talking PVP here
Check Figure 5 in that post. With no vorpal of any kind the break even mark is around 900 crit. After that you're better off with power. Also read Section 3.2. It gives recommendations for PvP that basically boil down to power is better than crit for sustained damage, but if you want to try and get lucky bursting them right at the beginning with crits so they don't have a chance to run away/kite/regen then go ahead with crit. But, on average, you'll do less damage than someone who stacked power.
That is not what my testing shows.
I do show approximately a 50% proc rate,
..... but that's on NOT a per mob basis its on a per cast basis. And since its hitting 6 times at approximately a 15% proc rate on a single target, that it procs approximately (law of averages, every 10 tick or so. Ergo, with 6 hits per cast, every other mob will proc it with CoI.
....Or every two casts of CoI.
How are you doing your testing? Is it on live mobs or test dummies?
My testing is on dummies. If yours is as well I would love to be able to enlarge my sample size. If your testing is on live mobs, then I'm sure live mobs would give very different results for a variety of reasons: the primary target may die before all 6 ticks hit, surrounding enemies may move in and out of the AoE changing the number of hits, other abilities you use after CoI may proc EotS first, etc.
But still we're quibbling here. I think we're in agreement that some abilities can trigger EotS far, far more often than 15% per cast and that it is not possible to stack crit in a way that replaces or exceeds what EotS gives you.
Live mobs,
I selected a troll for it regen, ergo, same target repeatedly.
You're right we're quibbling over bread crumbs. Because regardless of our testing methods, we both know the more and more mobs there are, the higher and higher that chance goes, and different encounter powers depending on how they're designed proc it more than others.
The reality of the matter is, you cannot stack crit gear to achieve what Eye of the Storm does.
It was intended for mass mob crowd control, and it achieves that purpose masterfully and far exceeds everything else.
EotS makes other sources of crit chance (rating, cha) less effective.
He's saying what you don't want to stack is EotS with crit rating.
A little bit of crit does pay off even if you have EotS, but you'll have enough crit rating inherently from an augment companion, artifacts, and on your gear that you'll already be at the point where power would give better returns before you even start to customize your stats.