I was kind of looking forward to this event (after someone jogged my memory it was happening anyways)
But after rolling into it and discovering they re-did the thing and made it much easier, was kind of disappointing.
I do like the dye packs for once though.. really hated the last few , the bright orange livens up the game a little :-).
Also, I know respens wasnt technically a CTA, but I for one liked the ideal of being able to grind for the companions or whatever without waiting for random drops. Ive gotten two companions in ten runs and no companions in over 100 in other events (really wanted the pirate lass, because she was cool looking lol, but nope over 100 runs and nada!)
Anyone else a little

that they made this easier?
CTAs are meant to be "events for everybody", and they are toned down for lower lever players (with less powers and class features) to enjoy them as well. For higher level, well geared players, it's just a quick farming run.
As for the current CTA, it's kind of bad that the two giants were removed. As far as I can tell, they nerfed the archon adds sometime around the launch of Mod2 and it really wasn't that bad. I had a CW run it before it was open to level 60s and it was a nightmare due to the enormous amount of stuff crammed into a small space. The post Mod2 version was about right but this current version just seems too watered down. The boss is still reasonably tough due to all the knockbacks and prones, but everything else just get steamrolled.
And why they do it that way?, in other mmorpgs i've played they do events for low levels and other events for high levels...
Backbone - 16.7k PvP HR
Surprisingly, i've seen people die repeatedly as well. I could stay alive with my far-from-BiS (barely 13k GS) CW, but there was a lot of people that died quite easily, even some GFs and GWFs, I can't explain that really, since the adds were minimal (never seen more than 4 adds at once)...
I guess I find all of these events just mildly irritating now. Lowbies struggle with it, high-level players just farm it repeatedly until it's idiotically boring, and if you are a high-level player with a bunch of lowbies you are virtually guaranteed to get the entirety of the boss aggro, the RNG on the companion drop rate is clearly "chaotic evil", you get stacks upon stacks of dye packs cluttering up your inventory. About the only good thing is that I can refine my Brutal enchants cheaper now.
Well the original one allowed like 5-6k gs people to do it, so 13k gs is a lot more gear. Gear scales up a lot higher once you reach level 60 with no current way to scale it with a difference between fresh level 60s (the skirmish was available to those just under. It use to be insanely hard with 3 fire giants for it's level. So yeah they do have to balance it for all levels who will play the event. Though it would be nice to have a hard mode version with maybe slightly better rewards? Ie more rank 5s, drops from mobs are higher than rank 1 and 2s, and maybe slightly higher companion drop rate. Maybe more medalions if it makes it longer to get about the same medalion rate over time.