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A LOT! of questions.

meowpokeeemeowpokeee Member Posts: 9 Arc User
edited April 2014 in The Library
Hi there, so im back to neverwinter since I havent played in about 6 months.
Decided to go Control Wizard, always liked caster-like classes and there arent that many in this game so CW it is.

I do however - have a few questions.


I'm using this guide, not to the letter, with a few minor changes to fit my own game taste but yeah.. so im trying to see if that guide is up-to-date to all the neverwinter changes and such..

Also, im a bit confused with thaum class renegade and stuff like that.
Are those like sub classes for CW?

Is the Cw a good class for pvp/pve? I hate when a class is the best at pvp but the worst at pve as I like to change it up a bit.
Useful class?
Umm, yeah thats it for now but trust me im having a lot of questions.

EDIT #1: Also, so I dont have to make another thread, hows the game status with cash shop?
Post edited by meowpokeee on


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    angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Control wizard is a lot of fun to play.

    SOME will say it's over-powered. OTHERS will say it's a squishy noodle. Make your own judgement as you must, just try to have a lot of fun doing so. SOLO, PvE and PVP: PvP and PvE are basically incompatible with each other and that's true for all classes. That is to say, apparently when you gear-up and specialize for one, the other is all but unusable. (I don't know as I don't even bother with the DRAMAFEST NIGHTMARE that is PvP)

    Thaum, Pinky, EasterBunny builds and whatnot: those are all min-maxer "build it this way" step-by-step how-to guide. IF you want to be just like them: go for it. IF you are a min-maxer and 10 DPS is to die for better than 9.95 DPS - then go for it. However, if you just want to have some genuine, relaxing, entertaining *fun* - ignore all that nonsense and just go with your gut instincts. You can always respec later.

    As for your question with "status with cash shop?":

    1) There is no such thing as a "cash shop".

    2) There *IS* a "Zen Market" that sells virtual items, both persistent and temporary/consumable for Zen Points. There are multiple ways of obtaining Zen Points, but since you are a "returning" player you likely already know about how to go about it, so I will attempt not to insult your intellect by rehashing all that here.

    3) As for Zen Market pricing: people will still shout shrill complaints of overpricing and "too expensive" like little three-year-olds screaming to have ice cream for breakfast but can't have it, all because the universe revolves around *them* and no one else's perspective even matters.

    The good news is that there's a new module about to break into the Live server in a couple weeks. Personally I'm not all that sure if I'm really interested in it or not (I'm more 'meh' about it right now) - but it does mean there is a lot of new content added since you where here last time and more is always being added all the time.

    Welcome home!
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    meowpokeeemeowpokeee Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Thank you very much brother!
    Well im using that mini guide since I dont know much about the game.
    Played till level 55 if im not mistaken with my ex-main.

    Yeah I did a bit of research and says neverwinter is a "PAY TO SAFE TIME" game. Which is A+ in my books, thinking of buying some zen for the cool attitude from publisher/developer with the cash shop.
    Anyways! glad to be back! if anyone has any other feedback please do share :D!
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    abaddon523abaddon523 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The consensus opinion on CW's at the moment is that they are overpowered in PvE and underpowered in PvP. Basically, because CW's have high damage AOE spells they can wipe out crowds like it's nobodies business but aren't great for single targets. So you'll frequently see people looking for groups to run dungeons asking for three CW's or more (they're highly coveted in PvE), but you'll get smacked around pretty badly by serious PvP GWF's and TR's. Additionally the developers added a "tenacity" stat to PvP gear that reduces the duration of control effects. So now CW's can't really "control" all that well in PvP.

    Renegade, Thaumaturge, and Oppressor are basically specializations for CW's. They each boost your abilities in some way. Thaumaturge is the primary tree used for PvE as it boosts AoE damage spells the most. Renegade is the one primarily used by PvP players as it pumps up single target and cold spells the most. Oppressor I'm sure will have it's proponents but I don't hear of it getting used a lot.
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    crazymikeecrazymikee Member Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Don't be a CW if you want to PvP, there only halfway-decent in PvP versus other CW and undergeared HRs/TR. You will NEVER win a 1v1 fight versus any other class with the same gearscore, if they have any sort of defence CW is fail in PvP. The mitigation bonus that we get from conduit thaum path and rof are negligable even though it says it takes a large portion of damage resistance away, you will not notice it when your getting knocked around prone after prone, and when you go to choke them to keep them away, the choke lasts 1/3 the time of a prone, and your back to getting knocked down.

    THAT being said, CW is beyond ownage in PvE :)
    Coach Mike - 19.1k PvP CW
    CRAZY MIKE - 14.6k PvE CW

    Backbone - 16.7k PvP HR
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    pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    For a PVP CW:
    Roll a Halfling, high INT/CON, go Master of Flame, either Renegade or Oppressor, choose feats that give you single-target damage, burst damage and personal survivability; strive for Profound-quality PVP gear and choices that give you *at least* 35k HP and high Regeneration.

    For a PVE CW:
    Roll a Human, Elf or Tiefling, high INT/CHA, go Spellstorm Thaumaturge, choose feats that give you AOE damage and debuffing; strive for High Vizier gear, and gear that give you minimum 20% Armor Penetration and at least a 30% critical chance (if you use Eye of the Storm, which you must use) and, once you've achieved that, roughly 5-10% Regeneration and 5-10% Life Steal, with the rest stacking power.

    As you can see, the two paths are mutually exclusive.
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    silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    meowpokeee wrote: »
    I do however - have a few questions.


    I'm using this guide, not to the letter, with a few minor changes to fit my own game taste but yeah.. so im trying to see if that guide is up-to-date to all the neverwinter changes and such..

    Stox has a very good build,

    I dungeon crawl with someone who uses this build and its pretty outstanding. I tend to use a Renegade/Thaum hybrid and we end up usually at the same level of damage when in equal shoes and same gear scores. Which is saying a lot as we're both very good players.

    I'll be honest with you here...

    Stox has an established build, you can't go wrong with, and its a good idea to stick to builds you know work your first time through because at this time you just don't have any idea of what this stuff is or what it does or how it actually interacts with the world.

    Once you gain a little more experience with the CW and its powers and its builds and what does and does not get used by you, you can rebuild something a little closer to your specs.

    Right now, I along with others can vouch for you that Stox's build that you're following is an excellent PvE build that will prepare you for any challenge you would currently face on your way up. The more you learn about how and why that build works, the more you start to understand the powers as a whole and how to build exactly what it is you want or need that conforms to your abillities as a player.

    There are no hard rules here, the reality is at the end of the day a build that fits how you actually play rather than how others play will do you more good than anything else and you'll be able to optimize it into something far more powerful than anything anyone else told you to do...

    BUT... for now... until you learn that... its best to stick to what is a known success.
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    uurbsuurbs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 449 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    Read this Guide: Grimah's Comprehensive Wizard Guide it contains all the important information about the CW--and it is still up-to-date.
    Proud member of Dragon Clan - German Gaming Community
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    meowpokeeemeowpokeee Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Oh so, CW doesnt do well in PvP?
    The game's quests are rich with story, NOT ALL of them but, for the ones i've paid attention i actually enjoy the PvE content so thats why im going with that build I mentioned on my first post.

    It makes me sad that this class can't be PvE and yet still, be viable for PvP. Or the other way around (ownage in pvp, <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> in pve)

    Well, still im gonna keep trying this class. I'm sure eventuallly they'll work something out.. right? :rolleyes:
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    ripyourlipsoffripyourlipsoff Member Posts: 1,552 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    meowpokeee wrote: »
    Oh so, CW doesnt do well in PvP?
    The game's quests are rich with story, NOT ALL of them but, for the ones i've paid attention i actually enjoy the PvE content so thats why im going with that build I mentioned on my first post.

    It makes me sad that this class can't be PvE and yet still, be viable for PvP. Or the other way around (ownage in pvp, <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> in pve)

    Well, still im gonna keep trying this class. I'm sure eventuallly they'll work something out.. right? :rolleyes:

    CW can succeed with any gear in PvE, however even with Tenacity PvP gear in PvP they are support class. We cannot hold a Node alone, we cannot take a node alone most the time, and we are the only class effected by tenacity in an alarmingly detrimental way as we need control to allow us time to do DPS... Tenacity reduces the amount of control on you so a GWF with 20% tenacity and immunities to boot will not allow you to get off many encounters especially ones that have a long cast animation!

    So CW are great and fun, but know in PvP you will be support class!
    Shieldbash 60 GF ~ Iron Vanguard 19.0k
    Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k

    ~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
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    angrymanagementangrymanagement Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Thats a good build especially if your still running T1/T2s for your gear. I personally don't prefer it for CN farms, due to generally having less damage on boss fights (with higher damage on the rest of the dungeon clear - resulting is a great Paingiver build).

    CW is an awsome class for PVE, not so much for PVP (GWF & TR are best PVP classes). A good GWF in a good group is the highest PVE DPS class currently, but that will probably change in Mod 3. CW brings control & debuffs to the group as well as very nice damage.
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    crystal892fcrystal892f Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    For a PVP CW:
    Roll a Halfling, high INT/CON, go Master of Flame, either Renegade or Oppressor, choose feats that give you single-target damage, burst damage and personal survivability; strive for Profound-quality PVP gear and choices that give you *at least* 35k HP and high Regeneration.
    Sorry for not really contributing to the thread starter, but why MoF (Master of Flame) over Spellstorm for PvP? Just curious about your reasoning for that statement.
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    kaos1kaotickaos1kaotic Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    Sorry for not really contributing to the thread starter, but why MoF (Master of Flame) over Spellstorm for PvP? Just curious about your reasoning for that statement.

    Spellstorm is far better for PvP.. all of the best CWs are SS. Why on Earth would you sacrifice Storm Spell and Eye of the Storm?
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    silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Spellstorm is far better for PvP.. all of the best CWs are SS. Why on Earth would you sacrifice Storm Spell and Eye of the Storm?

    I suspect that has to do with the DOTs you can stack.

    I play a Spellstorm, but recently due to the requirements for artifact quest in IWD... I made another character to quick work up to 60th level. Since I'd never done the MoF path... though had done Oppressor, Renegade, and Thaum paths on Spellstorm.

    I felt I needed to understand MoF.

    And I'll be honest with you, the Spellstorm is the best nuker and spike damager. But the DoT stacking with MoF was actually making the game itself much easier on the way up this time. I would have to say... don't underestimate this Paragon path.

    It is far deadlier on Single Targets than the Spellstorm is. Its not nearly the AoE and Burst Nuker the Spellstorm is. But don't underestimate those DoT, they drop targets fast.
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    crystal892fcrystal892f Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    And I'll be honest with you, the Spellstorm is the best nuker and spike damager. But the DoT stacking with MoF was actually making the game itself much easier on the way up this time. I would have to say... don't underestimate this Paragon path.

    It is far deadlier on Single Targets than the Spellstorm is. Its not nearly the AoE and Burst Nuker the Spellstorm is. But don't underestimate those DoT, they drop targets fast.
    That's what I thought. DoTs are better against single-target. Since spike damage was successfully nerfed with Tenacity.
    But I'm curious about your statement I made bold. At Pirates Skyhold I had massive trouble with MoF since Sudden Storm was missing, which cleared out the trash mobs instantly. What was your PvE rotation? I tried some setups, but still was hit soo often and needed to drink potions like I wasn't used to before.
    I can't wait for Mod 3 for the fixes. The Rimefire-extension-only-after-chill-ended is finally fixed - saw it already on preview. This should make MoF and DoT stacking even better.
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    uurbsuurbs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 449 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    And I'll be honest with you, the Spellstorm is the best nuker and spike damager. But the DoT stacking with MoF was actually making the game itself much easier on the way up this time. I would have to say... don't underestimate this Paragon path.

    It is far deadlier on Single Targets than the Spellstorm is. Its not nearly the AoE and Burst Nuker the Spellstorm is. But don't underestimate those DoT, they drop targets fast.
    I have two L60 CW's--one is Spellstorm and one is Master of the Flame. I've run all T2 and above dungeons with both in different group setups. In dungeons with add-heavy boss fights--like e. g. CN or ToS--the Master of the Flame is very good, but in pure single target fights--like MC or VT--the Spellstorm outperforms the Master of the Flame by far.

    For example in MC: if the only CW in group, the Spellstorm does around 5-10% more damage than the Master of the Flame, if there is another Spellstorm CW in the group, the difference drops to 10-20%, because of the added debuffs and the DoT's, the Master of the Flame does.
    Proud member of Dragon Clan - German Gaming Community
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    niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Hey Uurbs, can you post your MOF build link? Thanks.
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    silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    By UUrbs
    I have two L60 CW's--one is Spellstorm and one is Master of the Flame. I've run all T2 and above dungeons with both in different group setups. In dungeons with add-heavy boss fights--like e. g. CN or ToS--the Master of the Flame is very good, but in pure single target fights--like MC or VT--the Spellstorm outperforms the Master of the Flame by far.

    I cannot judge either MC or VT at present, as this is a secondary character and not geared nearly as high as my primary spellstorm.

    But I do know one thing, The things that just used to give me fits with a Thaum Spellstorm build do not with an MoF. Things like the Shocktroop Devils and Greater Demons like that. Those used to take me forever to kill with a Thaum Spellstorm. Admittedly I can kill them faster with a Renegade build, but I can't say whether thats gear or spell choice which changes on the Renegade path.

    But the FtF combined with CoI and magic missiles and the Critical Conflagration just rips single targets apart. I could not acheive this kind of efficiency even with CoI on the Thaum Spellstorm Side.

    The biggest problem with Eye of the Storm is that its designed to proc reliably on multiple targets, not single targets. Which is the shortcoming of the Spellstorm path as a whole as this is the general multiplier for the AoE nuking.
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    crystal892fcrystal892f Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I can't wait for Mod 3 for the fixes. The Rimefire-extension-only-after-chill-ended is finally fixed - saw it already on preview. This should make MoF and DoT stacking even better.
    I gotta correct myself. This Rimefire bug is already fixed on live. Just tested it.
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    uurbsuurbs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 449 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2014
    But I do know one thing, The things that just used to give me fits with a Thaum Spellstorm build do not with an MoF. Things like the Shocktroop Devils and Greater Demons like that. Those used to take me forever to kill with a Thaum Spellstorm. Admittedly I can kill them faster with a Renegade build, but I can't say whether thats gear or spell choice which changes on the Renegade path. [...]
    I have a third CW, I used to level to try out Master of the Flame first, before I decided to change one of my two main CW's. Yes, leveling was faster--but that could also be related to the experience I've with playing CW's ;)

    In regards to finishing the bosses of the daily instances in Dread Ring, I didn't notice any difference between the two paragon paths.

    @niadan: I'll update my signature soon.
    Proud member of Dragon Clan - German Gaming Community
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    silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    uurbs wrote: »
    I have a third CW, I used to level to try out Master of the Flame first, before I decided to change one of my two main CW's. Yes, leveling was faster--but that could also be related to the experience I've with playing CW's ;)

    In regards to finishing the bosses of the daily instances in Dread Ring, I didn't notice any difference between the two paragon paths.

    I will agree leveling faster may now be largely due to being an experienced CW.

    But the Boss Mobs do drop faster for me with the MoF Thaum build rather than the Spellstorm Thaum build (my reference of comparison, as I did not play Renegade builds until much later). The MoF build though is not nearly as good at burst damage and AoE. A lot of that has to do with the lack of Eye of the Storm. So its not nearly as consistent.

    The Debuff Stacking is huge. Where I run into trouble with the MoF build that I do not with the Spellstorm build is in mass mobs. But he destroys my former Thaum build from that time on single targets.
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    kozi001kozi001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Spellstorm is far better for PvP.. all of the best CWs are SS. Why on Earth would you sacrifice Storm Spell and Eye of the Storm?

    They just nerfed burst damage with tenacity.
    It will be worse in mod3. With Tier 3 black Ice gear: more tenacity!
    But it doesn't matters to MOF with lots of Dot dmg.
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    tricksterknighttricksterknight Member Posts: 74
    edited April 2014
    I can tell you now ,, as far as pvp goes ,,, storm spell, but you know my girlfriends MOF cw kicks *** in pve ,, can do way more DOT and aoe than my SS thaum build (which can handle more mobs hitting me) but I think with a MOF build you have to choose everything wisely ,, what she did was went flaming enchant in weapon ( i would opt for a plague fire instead though) and a fireburst in armour and i see a huge damage boost with her flame skills, it seems as if it all works in conjunction well. as far as burst damage i have her beat though
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