If anyone has time to give my foundry quest a go, playtest and review it, I would be grateful.
It's loosely based on an 80's kids film most old kids, like me, will recognise. Because of this I got carried away and have spent at least 200 hours creating this. I am quite glad it is finished.
It spans 9 detailed maps with a continuous story line and some side elements. I tried to keep the story/fighting/puzzle/mystery elements as balanced as possible so you don't get bored but I focused mostly on ambiance and story, which sometimes does verge on the ridiculous and might not appeal to everyone.
Anyway, here are some screenies to lure you in.

1.) A lot of these enemies look like Nashers.
2.) The little girls being labeled as "Village Drunk" is a little disturbing.
3.) When these people pick up their sword, it would be nice if they actually used it.
4.) Captain Perkins looks exactly like Guard Frinko.
5.) I don't see Corporal Dean anywhere but it's mentioned in the dialogue that I do.
6.) Why are gnolls labeled as sewer rats? In the lore, they are actually considered more doglike.
7.) Yeeghu is the gnoll deity. It doesn't make sense to have him in a sewer like that.
8.) The ghost was able to fight me. Why couldn't he help me fight as well.
9.) I still have Thlosh's hat in my inventory after giving it to him.
10.) Drin turning into a werewolf was kind of odd.
11.) It might be nice to have an exit door so people could fight Drin after getting their chest.
I've only played the actual game to lvl 24 so there was a chance I got the lore wrong, I had to improvise with the wiki.
The little girl characters just happened by accident, I thought maybe the large consumption of moonshine had stunted their growth.
Don't know what happened with Drin, he starts off in a pirate costume then changes half way through to a werewolf, maybe werewolfs do this in general? not been able to sort that. I'll have to delete him completely I think and try another model.
All easy enough to correct, thanks again.
Thanks again for the review!
Every mmo I have played has stuck to strict criteria and each level/instance balanced and playable, but the foundry throws all that business to the wind and opens a whole new perspective. And I was hoping to see players personalities shine within them.
I was surprised most folks had not taken advantage of this.
Instead I found quests filled with attempted abuse of the mechanics.
Although many of them were very good, some of the ones not highlighted, turned out to be very very good.
The highlighted ones are also good but I'm not sure under which criteria the devs actually choose these ones.
Personally I want to see quests that lay bare the authors creativity side. The ones who are not afraid just to type whats on there mind, forget the lore for a second, add their sense of humour and just enjoy the flexibility the foundry offers.
It does not need to be a scale map of neverwinter. It does not need to be exactly as the books say cause lets face it the forgotten realms have had MANY authors, all of which had their own take on the whole thing and in the end the whole d&d element fully allowed player creation anyway and that IS why it is so successful.
All I'm saying is; if you want players, don't beg for them, create a foundry that will be stumbled upon and create awe, whether it be humour,storyline or highly detailed level design do not stick to any structure or rules, just be yourself and create whatever the hell you want.
If people like it, they will play and sooner or later they will spread the word and if your quest is exciting, new, funny, imaginative then it will be a hit with the right people.
You can't please everyone.
Quit whinging about the 15 minute so called 'problem' and try and remember the foundry should be about creativity, enjoyment and fun. Not about getting a million players and 5 stars. Just be yourself and create a quest that fits YOU personally.
If no one likes it, WHO CARES!! gimme a shout Ill play it.
xx nn
I fully agree.
You are welcome to play "The Arcane Conflict" if you want to.