It's a 8-10 mill purchase now because ti has become a must have for any serious pvp premade players. Personally I think that it is overpowered but that is just my opinion. I can see any comments on it so I thought I would ask if the dev's have said anything or are even aware how this one artifact now currently creates a huge gear imbalance in pvp.
Post edited by Unknown User on
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
Emblem should not affect party members. That alone would balance it. Right now, a party decked out with emblems basically has a pocket cleric for every player on a 2min CD.
My cynical point of view is that this is a (successful) system to remove excess AD from the system, as they usually get round to balancing items after a lot of the richer players have sunk AD to buy them....
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
The "balancing" is called "buy one yourself".
No worries though.
After you buy it, make it legendary, and enjoy it a few weeks, they will either:
No doubt it will get nerfed at one point in the future so I wouldn't bother with it unless you have all your other enchants, gear, ect. maxed (or at least maxed and able to transfer them over) for characters you would want to play now or in the future. Till then, don't hit them for a few seconds and enjoy the fact that you are 8m + richer than those characters not including the cost wasted for them to have leveled their artifact.
Once you get to that point though, you won't mind paying that much for something to give you that edge because you will know how to make significant money in the game relatively quickly. Any money you make after that point will just sit around for OP things like this to come anyway since you are already set on everything else. Then you have just been saving up for the next thing between emblem release and now.
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
What, a full PVP team with Rank 10s, Perfect Enchantments who are each running a Legendary Emblem of Seldarine is imbalanced?! *waves hand* Ludicrous. So what if they can perfectly time getting themselves back to full health and never die? Clearly, you need to learn to play.
What, a full PVP team with Rank 10s, Perfect Enchantments who are each running a Legendary Emblem of Seldarine is imbalanced?! *waves hand* Ludicrous. So what if they can perfectly time getting themselves back to full health and never die? Clearly, you need to learn to play.
Can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not, but I would hope so.
Encountered a few folks like this in GG the other day and it was beyond absurd.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not, but I would hope so.
Encountered a few folks like this in GG the other day and it was beyond absurd.
You should stop spamming at wills on them next time if you see them pop emblem. If you have some nuke encounters available, OK, if you don't, go read a paper or something for 15 secs. People that own an emblem would call this a "L2P issue".
You should stop spamming at wills on them next time if you see them pop emblem. If you have some nuke encounters available, OK, if you don't, go read a paper or something for 15 secs. People that own an emblem would call this a "L2P issue".
That might work in a regular PVP match but not in GG. Your not going to stop people from spamming at wills, and it is certainly not going to help you win when the half the other team is using them and taking turns having 1 person holding points against 7 guys spamming at wills.
I call that broken game mechanics.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Welcome to Neverwinter Broken OP that costs lots of AD brings in the USD.
MMO poetry FTL.
The bigger issue is that a few weeks later it all gets nerfed so your not really buying anything, your leasing it. Spend $3,200 to be uber or grind 40 hours a week for a month (still $3,200. worth of time @ $20 an hour), then take a break and come back to the game some time later and find all that money/work was completely and totally wasted. Ya, no thanks.
It is broken, there is way to counter it but having a emblem and using it gains you a huge advantage regardless of situation.
And I doubt it would be getting nerfed in anyway. As long as healing depression is properly applied, emblem is not that broken, it is stlll op though.
But for the top PVP community when the differences among players is slim, emblem breaks the game, especially during 1 v 1 in some match up there is no way or extremely hard for you to win when you are fighting an enemy with emblem. Not to mention how it prolong the game length in general since it is really hard to kill someone when they can emblem and have DC rotate to heal. Basically you need 2 dps focus or a Crit SE to finish someone.
The bigger issue is that a few weeks later it all gets nerfed so your not really buying anything, your leasing it. Spend $3,200 to be uber or grind 40 hours a week for a month (still $3,200. worth of time @ $20 an hour), then take a break and come back to the game some time later and find all that money/work was completely and totally wasted. Ya, no thanks.
I have played the game for 1 year and stripe every toon I have so I can afford a almost BIS toon.
And I used to farm a lot. Then I stop doing so because there is just no way I can farm myself to BIS, with all the artifacts and upcoming companion change. I am a P2W now lol. But at least I get pay like 8 dollars per hour( which is like 1m AD) in real life, which is a much better return ration compare to farming CN 1 hour in game.
Emblem has already been nerfed from healing depression.
The only balance that needs to be made is tenacity. Now that everyone is tankier, it's take so much longer to kill someone with or without emblem, resulting in super long matches if both teams are geared and have tons of defensive stats. Add in a few emblems in those matches and players will just get sore wrists after a 1hr+ match. Not looking forward to mod 3 with tons more tenacity in the black ice gear unless they're going to buff up everyone's damage.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
Yeah...these people who grind 40 hours a week could get a $20/hour job....
There is a reason why they have time to play 40 hours a week
lol...well on the other hand some jobs you can get away with grinding WHILE you are at work, but unfortunately thats not me. $20.00 an hour shouldnt be that much anyways, it should be te norm, but thats another topic....
I think the Emblem is fine for those who have it, thus can afford it, especially in PvP.
For the others ... not so fine. Balance. Everyone can get one! It's a fair game!
Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
I think the Emblem is fine for those who have it, thus can afford it, especially in PvP.
For the others ... not so fine. Balance. Everyone can get one! It's a fair game!
Welcome to Homogenous Builds Online: variety = stupidity.
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
What I meant is that the Emblem is as balanced as enchantments.
Everyone is free to procure them, but if you don't have them it is very likely going to be a rather frustrating experience in an PvP encounter. The same goes for pets in PvP/E in the future. As I have pets but no perfects I want to at least use my pets in PvP/E.
Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
What I meant is that the Emblem is as balanced as enchantments.
Everyone is free to procure them, but if you don't have them it is very likely going to be a rather frustrating experience in an PvP encounter. The same goes for pets in PvP/E in the future. As I have pets but no perfects I want to at least use my pets in PvP/E.
I've heard of one PVP match lasting almost two hours because both teams were stacked with them. Doesn't sound like balance to me.
I've heard of one PVP match lasting almost two hours because both teams were stacked with them. Doesn't sound like balance to me.
I should have used <sarcasm> tags, sorry.
But whats your problem with a 2h match?
You got good opponents, no campfire sitters ... everything you can dream of, no? This must be heaven!
Why is it not?
Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
Emblems are not OP and quite balanced. Nobody stops you getting one if you think they are really that good, it's just 10 million Astral Diamonds. If you like it, use it, it's not like it's an underground blackmarket item.
Everybody can get it.
As for the solution to fighting teams with emblems, I think it's pretty self explanatory:
- don't spam stuff like freeze ray, bilethorn etc. during Emblem proc, either hit with hard encounter such as IBS, either stop and count to 15
- get your own emblem and pop it as needed.
Emblems are not OP and quite balanced. Nobody stops you getting one if you think they are really that good, it's just 10 million Astral Diamonds. If you like it, use it, it's not like it's an underground blackmarket item.
Everybody can get it.
As for the solution to fighting teams with emblems, I think it's pretty self explanatory:
- don't spam stuff like freeze ray, bilethorn etc. during Emblem proc, either hit with hard encounter such as IBS, either stop and count to 15
- get your own emblem and pop it as needed.
Working as intended.
Since when has being expensive meant an item is not OP? In fact I would think that the more OP an item is, the more it will sell for.
As an aside Emblems are ROFL-unbalanced when more than one person on the team has them.
No worries though.
After you buy it, make it legendary, and enjoy it a few weeks, they will either:
- nerf it
- release better BiS artifact
Once you get to that point though, you won't mind paying that much for something to give you that edge because you will know how to make significant money in the game relatively quickly. Any money you make after that point will just sit around for OP things like this to come anyway since you are already set on everything else. Then you have just been saving up for the next thing between emblem release and now.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not, but I would hope so.
Encountered a few folks like this in GG the other day and it was beyond absurd.
You should stop spamming at wills on them next time if you see them pop emblem. If you have some nuke encounters available, OK, if you don't, go read a paper or something for 15 secs. People that own an emblem would call this a "L2P issue".
That might work in a regular PVP match but not in GG. Your not going to stop people from spamming at wills, and it is certainly not going to help you win when the half the other team is using them and taking turns having 1 person holding points against 7 guys spamming at wills.
I call that broken game mechanics.
Welcome to Neverwinter
MMO poetry FTL.
Sadly, it is working as intended.
Go roll a perma-TR or a GWF. Go buy an emblem and rank 10s. Spend 5 minutes reading Kolat's PVP GWF guide. Suddenly you are an elite PVPer!
The bigger issue is that a few weeks later it all gets nerfed so your not really buying anything, your leasing it. Spend $3,200 to be uber or grind 40 hours a week for a month (still $3,200. worth of time @ $20 an hour), then take a break and come back to the game some time later and find all that money/work was completely and totally wasted. Ya, no thanks.
Jugger Conq GF
And I doubt it would be getting nerfed in anyway. As long as healing depression is properly applied, emblem is not that broken, it is stlll op though.
But for the top PVP community when the differences among players is slim, emblem breaks the game, especially during 1 v 1 in some match up there is no way or extremely hard for you to win when you are fighting an enemy with emblem. Not to mention how it prolong the game length in general since it is really hard to kill someone when they can emblem and have DC rotate to heal. Basically you need 2 dps focus or a Crit SE to finish someone.
I have played the game for 1 year and stripe every toon I have so I can afford a almost BIS toon.
And I used to farm a lot. Then I stop doing so because there is just no way I can farm myself to BIS, with all the artifacts and upcoming companion change. I am a P2W now lol. But at least I get pay like 8 dollars per hour( which is like 1m AD) in real life, which is a much better return ration compare to farming CN 1 hour in game.
The only balance that needs to be made is tenacity. Now that everyone is tankier, it's take so much longer to kill someone with or without emblem, resulting in super long matches if both teams are geared and have tons of defensive stats. Add in a few emblems in those matches and players will just get sore wrists after a 1hr+ match. Not looking forward to mod 3 with tons more tenacity in the black ice gear unless they're going to buff up everyone's damage.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
Yeah...these people who grind 40 hours a week could get a $20/hour job....
There is a reason why they have time to play 40 hours a week
lol...well on the other hand some jobs you can get away with grinding WHILE you are at work, but unfortunately thats not me. $20.00 an hour shouldnt be that much anyways, it should be te norm, but thats another topic....
Jugger Conq GF
For the others ... not so fine. Balance. Everyone can get one! It's a fair game!
Welcome to Homogenous Builds Online: variety = stupidity.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Everyone is free to procure them, but if you don't have them it is very likely going to be a rather frustrating experience in an PvP encounter. The same goes for pets in PvP/E in the future. As I have pets but no perfects I want to at least use my pets in PvP/E.
I've heard of one PVP match lasting almost two hours because both teams were stacked with them. Doesn't sound like balance to me.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
But whats your problem with a 2h match?
You got good opponents, no campfire sitters ... everything you can dream of, no? This must be heaven!
Why is it not?
Everybody can get it.
As for the solution to fighting teams with emblems, I think it's pretty self explanatory:
- don't spam stuff like freeze ray, bilethorn etc. during Emblem proc, either hit with hard encounter such as IBS, either stop and count to 15
- get your own emblem and pop it as needed.
Working as intended.
Since when has being expensive meant an item is not OP? In fact I would think that the more OP an item is, the more it will sell for.
As an aside Emblems are ROFL-unbalanced when more than one person on the team has them.