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Armor Set Bonus's, Please Read.

jddouglas83jddouglas83 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 21 Arc User
edited March 2014 in PvE Discussion
Hello Fellow Players,

Writing this to ask how many armor suit 4 piece bonus's are bugged? Playing DC main the best Tier 2 suit available is Miracle Healer. Problem is though the 4 piece bonus is bugged;
1. If user has 1 missing health point or more the heal nearly always goes to user.
2. When heals go to allies, its applied randomly instead of by need.

Really? Consequentially while I have a suit of MH, I never use it. If it could be fixed to automatically target allies within range in greatest need of heal, then it would be worth wearing. As it currently works its a useless and pointless bonus in my opinion. And yes, some may point out that because of Righteousness (-40% Self Healing from Powers) that MH could be an excellent solution. Reality of it is it isn't. PvE solo DC should be having less than zero problems. PvE Dungeons DC should in most cases be skirting perimeter for healing and support, dashing in and out to drop Buffs and Debuffs centered from DC, (ie: HG, AA, SB, Lantern) so DC has lower chance of falling increasing Group Survivability. PvP, again DC ought to be near edge of attacking range, in most cases deaths in PvP - for me at least - are caused by burst damage or a strong root, so in MH currently fails there as well.

Also it seems to me that the DC's Bonus's are haphazardly assigned to their Tiers. T1 High Prophet, to me seems more appropriately T2 or Sharandar/Dread Quality appropriate. Sharandar 4 piece suit bonus isn't terrible but it isn't that great either, imo cooldown ought to be reduced to no more than 40 seconds while making HoT % based upon recipients max health because 2.5k is ok for someone with 18-20k health, but not as useful at all for another with around 30k health or more. Also it seems a bit excessive to require around 45 runs through MC or VT each to acquire enough seals(Could be reduced by quite a bit by running while Delves is active, nearer 30 runs) for the purchasable armor pieces given to small increase in stats overall when compared to time required for any of the other T2 suits.

The only suit I normally use is High Prophet, because of its bonus, though have been thinking about trying out the Grand Templar since I recently finished that suit. Really think HP armor ought to be increased to T2-T2.5 Quality in stats, and change the lowest used or quality set bonus from T2-2.5 down to T1 to make the difference.

So what suits are bugged for other classes? Or ought to have their Tier Quality changed according to their Set Bonus? Only one I know of offhand is the suit for GF that gives +60% Power to Team (But not Self), which I believe is T1 when I'd think would be far more appropriate as T2-2.5 quality.

While it may be unlikely, if enough players post here on subject we may get patch's fixing the suits sooner rather than later.
Post edited by jddouglas83 on


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    rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Oh no, please don't. This sort of thing never ends well. It will result in nerfing the suits that are good rather than boosting the ones that are mediocre. Case in point, Stalwart Bulwark.
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

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    tiffairiktiffairik Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2014
    i agree the gf set should have been a t2 set not a t1.... otherwise the developers should buff its t2 version, removing the 1min cd and possibly increase its crit severity party bonus... a nerf on the knight capt set that gives 60% power to allies will be very devastating to gf pop (as it is the only useful set that can make a gf acceptable in a high end party)
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    jddouglas83jddouglas83 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I considered your point rabbinicus prior to starting this thread. But as things are currently it really seems to me that between bugs on suit powers and poor scaling choices regarding suits their stats and powers that it needed to be brought up, yet again.

    Currently endgame players use 1-2 suits per given class from what I've seen. Or a 2+2 variation from whichever dispenses desired stats, forgoing intent of the 4 piece single suit. So there's precious little ending variation, while having plenty of options their half bugged or simply undesireable/useful, for a class's current end game play (CN,MC,VT).

    Granted of course yes, Module 3 is soon to be released. However, is it going to be more of the same? Half suits being bugged out, 35% Undesireable, 15% Used as intended?

    As for the Knight Captain Suit, it really seems to me to more appropriately be either a Sharandar or Dread Ring Suit Bonus as to its quality. Would think more toward Dread as it seems to be more Offensively oriented. Though I would prefer it myself on the Sharandar Suit as I find its stats and distribution much more useful, at least for GF.
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    rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I considered your point rabbinicus prior to starting this thread. But as things are currently it really seems to me that between bugs on suit powers and poor scaling choices regarding suits their stats and powers that it needed to be brought up, yet again.

    Great, so when KC set get killed the way Stalwart Bulwark did you will be pleased?

    There are relatively few good options for players who want an "optimum" build. There are plenty of options for players who are always playing with friends and less interested in BiS everything right away. Sure, it would be great of all of the T2 bonuses were really fantastic but so far the general response has been to weaken the better set and leave the less-effective one untouched.

    But more to the point, why does it matter if there is very little ending variation? When more things come out, there will be more variation - if those options are worth wearing. So please, don't ask for things already in the game to be weakened. Ask for better things to come out in future expansions. The KC set is a great set to boost your party, so let's keep it that way.
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

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    rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    And the nerf you asked for is incoming:
    • Knight Captain's Set: Now grants allies +15% power (down from 60%). This set has been readjusted to be much more in line with the power rework.
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

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    silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    rabbinicus wrote: »
    Oh no, please don't. This sort of thing never ends well. It will result in nerfing the suits that are good rather than boosting the ones that are mediocre. Case in point, Stalwart Bulwark.

    Worst part about this?

    It doesn't ever achieve the goals they intended with the nerf...

    Do people suddenly and mysteriously jump to other armor sets because they nerfed one? Lol no, its always because the majority of the other sets just aren't worth much to anyone. No matter how much you nerf the good ones.

    The bad ones are still bad and are a worse option for a reason. One would assume, that logic would dictate looking into WHY people don't wear the other sets as options... and adjusting them accordingly...

    But that would be too much effort apparently... or make too much sense.

    While its true there are some hidden gems in the armor sets... there's generally a really good reason why a certain piece of armor is not worn. And that's not going to change because you suddenly and mysteriously make the better option worse.

    All it really does is... well make things worse as a whole on that Class.
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    silverquicksilverquick Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I would actually like to experiment with other gear sets, but another one of the mage side that has a bad rep is the Illyabruethen set.

    But it does appear they changed the Set bonus on it from what it was originally, unfortunately its a little overly expensive with regards to Fey Crystals in comparison to how much you have to gather per piece that I don't think anyone is even bothering to experiement with it these days.
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    jddouglas83jddouglas83 Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    rabbinicus wrote: »
    Great, so when KC set get killed the way Stalwart Bulwark did you will be pleased?

    Rebbinicus, you really ought to re-read what I wrote as I was not in the least way advocating nerfing KC set. While yes certainly true, Casual players who are simply playing a game with friends occasionally would likely have little interest in BiS everything right away. However what I've been advocating is not the nerfing of the suits with the best, and working, set bonus's but a readjustment and bug fix upon current suits based on their provided bonus and usage by the gaming population. Again it seems necessary to point out that I've not been requesting a nerf in this area in any way.

    Silverquick is right on in many ways. Reducing a good suits' bonus doesn't "magically" make the others more desirable. Pushing players towards using the other suits. It destroys motivation to play the class. I also agree with how expensive the campaign suits are that there's precious little point in fiddling with them with the amount of time that's currently required to be invested to acquire a slight increase in stats. For the DC both campaign suits don't seem good enough to me to justify the time to get them. The most appealing thing about them would be for a 2+2 to get those bonus's. Cosmetics not being taken into account of course.

    Also Rabbinicus, I am aware that new items are being introduced steadily. However, when the items already in game do not work or are imbalanced these new items merely serve to introduce more instability into an already unstable system. Look for instance at the Tenebrous and Tranquil Enchantments. Tenebrous was overpowering so its been completely nerfed to neigh uselessness. Tranquil from my experience and reading others' has never worked. Also new Legendary (Orange) items are cool as well, but whats the point when the current legendary items grant either nothing over their epic counterpart epic's (Beetles) or such a small increase for investment that there little point in the increase until everything else is already completely maxed (Artifacts 99 to 100 comparison = apx. 17% increase in power of useable function with slight reduction in cooldown). So yes, new items can be nice, but really what's the point if the current ones are already broken? Flash in the pan, without substance to the sauce.
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    rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Jddouglas, the fact that you're commenting on how the bonus for it doesn't seem to match is basically how nerfs begin - such as the stalwart bulwark nerf. And now the KC set is being nerfed.

    It appears to be the consistent pattern that rather than making less effective items and set better, they simply decide to make the better performing items and sets worse.
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

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    archanarchistarchanarchist Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    tiffairik wrote: »
    i agree the gf set should have been a t2 set not a t1.... otherwise the developers should buff its t2 version, removing the 1min cd and possibly increase its crit severity party bonus... a nerf on the knight capt set that gives 60% power to allies will be very devastating to gf pop (as it is the only useful set that can make a gf acceptable in a high end party)
    yeah its geting nurfed to 15% in mod 3, as a DC u probly want HV unless a niche build
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