I've just tried to rebind some of my keys, but it's really messed up for some reason. When I change one key, it sometimes changes other keys as well.
For example, when I change the key to use my Artifact active power, it automatically changes the key for Summon Mount to the same key. This also happens with some other keys, like the potion slots. I tried to change the keys back, but that only made it worse. Now I can't use my mount or my 3rd potion slot anymore at all!
Just rebind ur keys as usual. Eventually, it may show some repeated keys, so if it happens, just relog after saving ur settings. When u log back, the repeated keys will be unbinded and u can set em as u please.
Leanan Sidhe(not "The Dresde Files" fairy!)- NW Legit Channel Moderator
Just rebind ur keys as usual. Eventually, it may show some repeated keys, so if it happens, just relog after saving ur settings. When u log back, the repeated keys will be unbinded and u can set em as u please.
Relogging doesn't seem to work. I just logged back in and they were just as messed up as before.
I'll just leave them at default for now, but I hope this gets solved in the future since it's pretty annoying.
reset to defaulfs?
That works for getting back the defaults, but I wouldn't be rebinding my keys to begin with if I was happy with the defaults.
Relogging doesn't seem to work. I just logged back in and they were just as messed up as before.
I'll just leave them at default for now, but I hope this gets solved in the future since it's pretty annoying.