So yeah, professions seem a little lackluster right now, they take a long time to get max and even then the 'rewards' for doing so are pretty bad, yeah if i max weaponsmith i could get the BiS weapons but they would give me like +5 to everything compared to my current weapons for such a high price... so yeah, pointless
I have been thinking about ways professions could be improved, make them actually useful, what about having things like profession only transmutes or BoP gear that's actually good... like you could have new armour sets with their own bonuses...
I understand why the professions are the way they are, if people could make money from them it then gold/ad sellers might abuse it but i really like the idea of having to work hard, get rare materials and build up something worthy of the time invested into the profession.
Level 20 leadership can get you as much as 19200AD per day without any resource cost (other than two purple Heros). More if you also do the Rare 1600AD tasks. Takes months (or vast AD cost) to level Leadership to 20 of course.
The crafting professions, I agree, are definitely lackluster. Not worthless, but lackluster. By and large by the time you level a crafting skill, the things you can make are either lower level than you, or no where near the quality of items you already have. They tried to fix this, but failed... There are a few exceptions - to craft Reinforced gloves, you need lvl 20 in whatever skill the glove is related too, same with the weaponsmithing and artificing items from MC and VT components. However, those are the exceptions, and the items are bound, so it's not like you ever need to use the skill again once you've done it once.
It's too bad there isn't a crafting economy like other games have, where actually making stuff for the express purpose of selling it is possible. It recalls the crafting store vendors you could hire in old Ultima Online - you had to pay the vendor, keep it stocked (all supplies were limited to whatever you put in it), etc. Then, you got the money from anything anyone bought. If the crafting items were in any way actually valuable (that is, were T1/T2 quality), this would be a great way to boost Professions... It would also make the AH obsolete, but that wouldn't make me cry much (wish they had a Runescape-style price tracking system -- that was the only good thing about that game, but I really love being able to track item prices. It made crafting and simple merchanting viable).
*Note: If you don't want the story go to the next (*) for my idea for professions
Overheard in tavern:
...can you believe the lout? I'm going to be ruined thanks to his boorish behavior! Not only did the "guard" knock of early..I found the fool drinking up the task reward instead of his own wage!
I'm ruined...RUINED I tell you! the cleric is going to report be to the High mercenary/employee was nipping into the sacrificial wine instead of guarding it..when the high priest finds out I'll NEVER get another commission! RUINED! you think your employee problems are bad? What of my apprentice? I leave him crafting a bit of clothing and whilst I go to procure some more cloth, that lazy-no-good-layabout decides to knock off for the afternoon...I was only gone 20 minutes and he's not to be found!..
...I've heard that Leatherbeak has taken to having to send a guard to guard his guard to try and keep them honest, he told me that it didn't make em any more honest but he tells me it put a bit of pep in their step and the got done a bit faster.
Yeh, Leatherbeak told me the same thing, in fact he has taken to calling the second guard a "supervisor", I wonder if we can expand on that idea and have them watch my apprentices and keep them in line, at least keep them working instead chatting up the office girls!
...Now that's a thought! "Supervisor" you say? I wonder if Leatherbeak would rent me a guard or three to smack my nephews a bit every time they start day dreaming instead of giving me a honest days work....ugh only thing worse than a layabout relative is a PAID layabout employee!
...Har Har..agreed!
Hey, what say you...maybe we should approach Lord Neverwinter with this innovation, supervisor..I like it..could make our city more effiecent at the least!
*Idea: a task que for professions, say the same timer of invocation, let you que up any task less than that timer to add up to that.
Example: Leadership, let you que up back to back tasks like guard a cleric etc. until it adds up to 24 hr or so, then when the first completes then next kicks in. Same with other professions, add up all those 10,20,30 min. tasks etc, and as long as you have the resources to do the tasks it lets you que them for 24ish hours.
Perhaps have a new profession item "supervisor" that lets you do that.
If not this idea then at least allow a varied output bar timer, if a set task gives say 1 item and 100xp, let you pull a bar to recycle through the task until your resources are eaten, allowing someone that can't be on 4 hrs can set a skill for 1,2,3 -12 hr etc. so that profession don't sit idle.
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited March 2014
If they want the professions to prosper, then players need to be able to craft stuff on par with epic gear. This this, I don't mean that we need to be able to craft T2 stuff right away, but perhaps something on par with T1 stuff AND being able to tailor what stats said piece of gear has. Furthermore, these items should be permanent tasks, and not rare ones which one can always access.
I'd also like to see things like cosmetic and (free to) transmute items added to the various crafting professions. Maybe artificing could turn profession materials into refining stones, and a jeweler profession could be added to make necklaces and rings.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
If they want the professions to prosper, then players need to be able to craft stuff on par with epic gear. This this, I don't mean that we need to be able to craft T2 stuff right away, but perhaps something on par with T1 stuff AND being able to tailor what stats said piece of gear has. Furthermore, these items should be permanent tasks, and not rare ones which one can always access..
totally agree. I'm thinking maybe something like a droppable item, from whatever dungeon you currently get T1 from, that you can use to craft these T1 equivalent. just so that if you don't get a drop from a boss, hey you got 5 dynamic leather scraps™ closer to your piece of crafted gear.
tailoring specific stats to items would be interesting and cool(you could fully make your own build with items, 100% critrate anyone?) , but I think I'd be hard to balance ie why would you run dungeon XX to get item YY when you can just make it. cool idea but I don't see it happening.
captainrubber1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited March 2014
Maybe put special crafting item in dungeon XX that you use to make item YY?
Maybe add extra stats like reinforcements on shirts/ trousers using item YY?
Maybe XX item adds extra crit, maybe ZZ item adds extra .....etc etc all from dungeon XX and AA BB CC DD etc
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited March 2014
Arguably the best weapons in the game are crafted from item drops in Malabog's Castle and Valindra's Tower. Would be nice to perhaps see crafted armor sets, though.
I would like to see players able to craft their own jewelry. That would be cool. Make it so that we can create very unique jewelry that has whatever stats we want (up to some maximum total stat limit, like the 133+133+110 limit for blue jewelry). So you could craft jewelry that exactly optimized the stats you wanted.
Well our ideas all circle around Lvl 60 epic stuff. Thats fine - but professions need to motivate lower lvl players too. At the moment they dont. That may be connected to:
- The fast lvl progression (by the time an item is crafted you gain 3 lvls) <- super annoying
- Way to low stats for sth you put that much effort in
- Way to difficult to get blue stuff for low lvls
(from a FTP perspective)
for Lvl 60 players Crafting is not satisfiieng because:
- For the money you spend on assets you can easily buy an orb/sword/symbol... thats waaay better (no chance to fail also)
- As mentioned no epic Armor quests
- its mostly Leadership which is lame
When i started playing i really was interested and thought that crafting my own weapons is acutally cool - but i got disappointed really fast. Its a real shame for the game that could be easily fixed (as i think) for example by increasing stats of crafted Items greatly (and make it BOP except for the rare quests maybe).
Example: Leadership, let you que up back to back tasks like guard a cleric etc. until it adds up to 24 hr or so, then when the first completes then next kicks in. Same with other professions, add up all those 10,20,30 min. tasks etc, and as long as you have the resources to do the tasks it lets you que them for 24ish hours.
Eh, that kind of goes against their intent of the system. The shorter tasks are more time efficient... because you have to be there, giving them (and the game) attention in order to keep them going well. The long tasks (that you start up when you're going to be away from the game for awhile) are less efficient, but they don't require the constant micromanagement. Balancing those two things is one of the basic features of the design.
totally agree. I'm thinking maybe something like a droppable item, from whatever dungeon you currently get T1 from, that you can use to craft these T1 equivalent. just so that if you don't get a drop from a boss, hey you got 5 dynamic leather scraps™ closer to your piece of crafted gear.
tailoring specific stats to items would be interesting and cool(you could fully make your own build with items, 100% critrate anyone?) , but I think I'd be hard to balance ie why would you run dungeon XX to get item YY when you can just make it. cool idea but I don't see it happening.
Other games handled this some good others not, but how about a craftable item that works sort of like a armor patch or weapon enhancement stone etc. crafter has recipes that makes a x,y or z "thing" with x,y or z stats. That then can be marketed as a applied items by other players at need, sort of a ready made transmute. As most games make these sort of things material intensive, it don't take long for the mat input exceeds the profit earning potential, so make some of the better recipes BoP to encourage people to actually level their skill in that profession.
Maybe put special crafting item in dungeon XX that you use to make item YY?
Maybe add extra stats like reinforcements on shirts/ trousers using item YY?
Maybe XX item adds extra crit, maybe ZZ item adds extra .....etc etc all from dungeon XX and AA BB CC DD etc
requiring yy, zz from a dungeon to craft only peeves crafters and breeds resentment, DON'T do that, keep crafting in crafting and raiding in raiding.
A crafter that wants to craft item XX, your way:
Gather a group of people (you may or may not like) together in one place at the same time (like herding cats). To go through a raid (that the crafter may or may not like or be geared for) with people (who may or may not be geared or experienced for). After doing that raid content (you may have despised) you have a "chance" of a loot drop, that you then have the "chance" of getting on a loot roll.
After they did all that, they get the "chance" of crafting 1 (one) item that in all probability is of subpar Epicosity, why bother? In fact in doing the raid (probably repeatedly) you will most likely encounter blue items of better leetness than your recipe! lol
A crafter crafting item XX a crafters way:
Gather base materials for item AA, craft. Get materials for item BB, craft. Add item AA and BB, craft. Level skill through subsequent crafting to the point of recipe access to item XX, Gather the base materials for XX (using those earlier recipes you learned), craft item XX.
If the devs did things right, item XX is of sufficient stats that it is desirous by other players to purchase it from you at enough AD that you can recover the costs of the materials you had to sink into crafting it.
Truly, keep crafting and raiding separate, one need not negatively impact the other, would a hard core raider really LIKE to craft 100 item ZZs to get a key to 1 raid run? Then don't make the crafter run a 100 raids to get 1 drop for recipe XX!
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
Other games handled this some good others not, but how about a craftable item that works sort of like a armor patch or weapon enhancement stone etc. crafter has recipes that makes a x,y or z "thing" with x,y or z stats. That then can be marketed as a applied items by other players at need, sort of a ready made transmute. As most games make these sort of things material intensive, it don't take long for the mat input exceeds the profit earning potential, so make some of the better recipes BoP to encourage people to actually level their skill in that profession.
It'd be interesting if the various armor professions could make a sort of "pseudo enchantment" that can be used in any armor with the appropriate slot - perhaps it only requires 1 shard and provides a smaller benefit, but doesn't require a coalescent ward and is much more accessible. A similar system could be added for weaponsmithing and artificing. So, for instance, let's say you could make a "vorpal sliver" which when placed in a weapon slot, provides a 4% increase to your crit severity or something. Maybe you could make a "soulforged sliver" which can rez you from near-death, but with only 1K HP or such. These tasks would require 1 vorpal shard and 1 soulforged shard, respectively.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
The crafting professions, I agree, are definitely lackluster. Not worthless, but lackluster. By and large by the time you level a crafting skill, the things you can make are either lower level than you, or no where near the quality of items you already have. They tried to fix this, but failed... There are a few exceptions - to craft Reinforced gloves, you need lvl 20 in whatever skill the glove is related too, same with the weaponsmithing and artificing items from MC and VT components. However, those are the exceptions, and the items are bound, so it's not like you ever need to use the skill again once you've done it once.
It's too bad there isn't a crafting economy like other games have, where actually making stuff for the express purpose of selling it is possible. It recalls the crafting store vendors you could hire in old Ultima Online - you had to pay the vendor, keep it stocked (all supplies were limited to whatever you put in it), etc. Then, you got the money from anything anyone bought. If the crafting items were in any way actually valuable (that is, were T1/T2 quality), this would be a great way to boost Professions... It would also make the AH obsolete, but that wouldn't make me cry much (wish they had a Runescape-style price tracking system -- that was the only good thing about that game, but I really love being able to track item prices. It made crafting and simple merchanting viable).
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Overheard in tavern:
...can you believe the lout? I'm going to be ruined thanks to his boorish behavior! Not only did the "guard" knock of early..I found the fool drinking up the task reward instead of his own wage!
I'm ruined...RUINED I tell you! the cleric is going to report be to the High mercenary/employee was nipping into the sacrificial wine instead of guarding it..when the high priest finds out I'll NEVER get another commission! RUINED! you think your employee problems are bad? What of my apprentice? I leave him crafting a bit of clothing and whilst I go to procure some more cloth, that lazy-no-good-layabout decides to knock off for the afternoon...I was only gone 20 minutes and he's not to be found!..
...I've heard that Leatherbeak has taken to having to send a guard to guard his guard to try and keep them honest, he told me that it didn't make em any more honest but he tells me it put a bit of pep in their step and the got done a bit faster.
Yeh, Leatherbeak told me the same thing, in fact he has taken to calling the second guard a "supervisor", I wonder if we can expand on that idea and have them watch my apprentices and keep them in line, at least keep them working instead chatting up the office girls!
...Now that's a thought! "Supervisor" you say? I wonder if Leatherbeak would rent me a guard or three to smack my nephews a bit every time they start day dreaming instead of giving me a honest days work....ugh only thing worse than a layabout relative is a PAID layabout employee!
...Har Har..agreed!
Hey, what say you...maybe we should approach Lord Neverwinter with this innovation, supervisor..I like it..could make our city more effiecent at the least!
*Idea: a task que for professions, say the same timer of invocation, let you que up any task less than that timer to add up to that.
Example: Leadership, let you que up back to back tasks like guard a cleric etc. until it adds up to 24 hr or so, then when the first completes then next kicks in. Same with other professions, add up all those 10,20,30 min. tasks etc, and as long as you have the resources to do the tasks it lets you que them for 24ish hours.
Perhaps have a new profession item "supervisor" that lets you do that.
If not this idea then at least allow a varied output bar timer, if a set task gives say 1 item and 100xp, let you pull a bar to recycle through the task until your resources are eaten, allowing someone that can't be on 4 hrs can set a skill for 1,2,3 -12 hr etc. so that profession don't sit idle.
I'd also like to see things like cosmetic and (free to) transmute items added to the various crafting professions. Maybe artificing could turn profession materials into refining stones, and a jeweler profession could be added to make necklaces and rings.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
totally agree. I'm thinking maybe something like a droppable item, from whatever dungeon you currently get T1 from, that you can use to craft these T1 equivalent. just so that if you don't get a drop from a boss, hey you got 5 dynamic leather scraps™ closer to your piece of crafted gear.
tailoring specific stats to items would be interesting and cool(you could fully make your own build with items, 100% critrate anyone?) , but I think I'd be hard to balance ie why would you run dungeon XX to get item YY when you can just make it. cool idea but I don't see it happening.
Maybe add extra stats like reinforcements on shirts/ trousers using item YY?
Maybe XX item adds extra crit, maybe ZZ item adds extra .....etc etc all from dungeon XX and AA BB CC DD etc
Obviously you want something to keep attaining for.
Getting max level in a profession in a few days is boring
T1 stuff is alright, but not on par with T2 stuff.
I think "reinforced" armor sets is a good start.
- The fast lvl progression (by the time an item is crafted you gain 3 lvls) <- super annoying
- Way to low stats for sth you put that much effort in
- Way to difficult to get blue stuff for low lvls
(from a FTP perspective)
for Lvl 60 players Crafting is not satisfiieng because:
- For the money you spend on assets you can easily buy an orb/sword/symbol... thats waaay better (no chance to fail also)
- As mentioned no epic Armor quests
- its mostly Leadership which is lame
When i started playing i really was interested and thought that crafting my own weapons is acutally cool - but i got disappointed really fast. Its a real shame for the game that could be easily fixed (as i think) for example by increasing stats of crafted Items greatly (and make it BOP except for the rare quests maybe).
But getting max level by doing an industrial quantity of pants for a month is really exciting and fun
Eh, that kind of goes against their intent of the system. The shorter tasks are more time efficient... because you have to be there, giving them (and the game) attention in order to keep them going well. The long tasks (that you start up when you're going to be away from the game for awhile) are less efficient, but they don't require the constant micromanagement. Balancing those two things is one of the basic features of the design.
Other games handled this some good others not, but how about a craftable item that works sort of like a armor patch or weapon enhancement stone etc. crafter has recipes that makes a x,y or z "thing" with x,y or z stats. That then can be marketed as a applied items by other players at need, sort of a ready made transmute. As most games make these sort of things material intensive, it don't take long for the mat input exceeds the profit earning potential, so make some of the better recipes BoP to encourage people to actually level their skill in that profession.
requiring yy, zz from a dungeon to craft only peeves crafters and breeds resentment, DON'T do that, keep crafting in crafting and raiding in raiding.
A crafter that wants to craft item XX, your way:
Gather a group of people (you may or may not like) together in one place at the same time (like herding cats). To go through a raid (that the crafter may or may not like or be geared for) with people (who may or may not be geared or experienced for). After doing that raid content (you may have despised) you have a "chance" of a loot drop, that you then have the "chance" of getting on a loot roll.
After they did all that, they get the "chance" of crafting 1 (one) item that in all probability is of subpar Epicosity, why bother? In fact in doing the raid (probably repeatedly) you will most likely encounter blue items of better leetness than your recipe! lol
A crafter crafting item XX a crafters way:
Gather base materials for item AA, craft. Get materials for item BB, craft. Add item AA and BB, craft. Level skill through subsequent crafting to the point of recipe access to item XX, Gather the base materials for XX (using those earlier recipes you learned), craft item XX.
If the devs did things right, item XX is of sufficient stats that it is desirous by other players to purchase it from you at enough AD that you can recover the costs of the materials you had to sink into crafting it.
Truly, keep crafting and raiding separate, one need not negatively impact the other, would a hard core raider really LIKE to craft 100 item ZZs to get a key to 1 raid run? Then don't make the crafter run a 100 raids to get 1 drop for recipe XX!
It'd be interesting if the various armor professions could make a sort of "pseudo enchantment" that can be used in any armor with the appropriate slot - perhaps it only requires 1 shard and provides a smaller benefit, but doesn't require a coalescent ward and is much more accessible. A similar system could be added for weaponsmithing and artificing. So, for instance, let's say you could make a "vorpal sliver" which when placed in a weapon slot, provides a 4% increase to your crit severity or something. Maybe you could make a "soulforged sliver" which can rez you from near-death, but with only 1K HP or such. These tasks would require 1 vorpal shard and 1 soulforged shard, respectively.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums