So with the new PVP gear and related updates, what is the fastest way to get glory
Not getting much glory sitting back healing and getting a few kills even when i win a match.
I tried GG, but the que wouldnt pop for PVP, then i ran the D/D event and traded G coins for glory.
If i respecced to a pvp dps build to start getting more kills, would that get me more glory?
Is there anything i am missing here that would make it easier for me to grind out more glory so i can get a good PVP jewelry set?
What is the max glory you can get from a match anyway?
I'm sure someone with more knowledge on this subject can chime in, but the glory pay outs are like this:
Winning team gets ~500 glory, losing gets less (not sure of amount) then based on rank on leader board, you get incrementally less per your ranking. This score (on the scoreboard) is not specifically about kills. grabbing a point, defending a point are the 2 highest score makers, so I'd advise getting on the points and constantly either defending one, or capturing one, as many times as possible in the game.
pvp during the scheduled pvp event times to get bonus glory. you can also purchase the "scroll of fate: glory" which gives a glory bonus. and you can also get more pvp bonuses by socketing your utility sockets with silvery enchantments.
i'd stay away from any method that seems like game mechanic abuse or any violation of the terms of service.
*edit: they fixed the "scoll" so now it says "scroll"... and they are located in the consumables section of the AH.
It just so happens the best strategy for (cleric) getting high on the leader board and the best strategy for winning and the fastest way to get glory are all the same.
This strategy is: go to solid red balloons and convert the balloons to solid blue. This is true for matches and for gauntlgrym.
I equipped 3 silvery rank 7 enchantments on my pvp gear. The utility value is a 6% glory gain increase, which means... more glory. It was cheap, bought each enchantment for 35k. I don't regret the investment. It means i earn 590 glory instead of 500 for instance.
thanks for tips. I completely forgot about the utility enchants, and never heard of the scrolls before this. Every little bit helps.
vikingbradMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
You are better off earning Glory in game.
In the match you want to be fighting on the points at all time - make those red balloons blue.
Lots of tagging enemies with Astral Seals and debuffing - you want to have most assists as you won't get many kills
Don't think using a rank 7 silver for glory gain is worth it, better off using Dark enchantments for Utliity for increased Movement and move Silvery 7 to Defense slot for Deflection.
Complete the 4 x PvP for the Daily reward and win at least 1 to get the PvP Victory daily from the Blademaster in the Trade of Blades.
Both reward good glory and Seal of Triumph from victory.
Ricky Gervatheist Lvl 60 DC on Dragon Server
Looking for a guild for PvE Dungeons to suit AEST evenings
Astral seal is not a good choice. I don't even think healing gives credit for assists, and anyway, it doesn't heal very much.
I think brand of the sun feated to debuff damage is a better idea.
vikingbradMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Astral seal is not a good choice. I don't even think healing gives credit for assists, and anyway, it doesn't heal very much.
I think brand of the sun feated to debuff damage is a better idea.
My mistake, yes BoTS for the debuff, counts as an assist.
Ricky Gervatheist Lvl 60 DC on Dragon Server
Looking for a guild for PvE Dungeons to suit AEST evenings
1-Win PVP matches, that's how you gain glory the fastest
2-There are 3 daily PVP quests you can do. PVP Domination, PVP Domination Victory, GG PVP (if your delzoun and you don't que immediately when it becomes available you will never get in) These give you 500 glory each for completing them.
3-I don't believe you actually get glory for kills/assists. The top 5 in each PVP match seem to get bonus glory so kill/assists can help with that but point capping is how you primarily get points. Also, longer matches seem to give more glory too. I'm not sure if this is because the other team acquires more match points or if it's just based on game length.
4-Take advantage of the PVP Arena even for bonus glory.
5-Socket sivlery enchants in your utility slots. 7's are cheap, I bought 3 rank 6 because I have no money, the diference in glory isn't very big.
5-I've gotten just around 1k glory for a victory where I placed top 5 during PVP Arena. Was a close game not a stomp. Most victorys gives somehwere between 500-800 glory and losses it seems I'm lucky if I get over 200
so if im getting 500+ per matches with a W, i'm looking good then.
The last few days i dont think i have even lost a match, and rarely died, so i know im doing something right. was even getting comments like wow best pvp DC healer ever. Must not be queing up against pre-mades lol. Clutch healing seems to be my new specialty.
If you want to play GG, then switch to a luskan (or make your own) guild. that way you have a better chance of running GG pvp twice and get more glory.
Farm Fardelvers Crypt for GG coins that can be used to purchse Glory tokens that give you about 250 glory a pop.
I'm sure someone with more knowledge on this subject can chime in, but the glory pay outs are like this:
Winning team gets ~500 glory, losing gets less (not sure of amount) then based on rank on leader board, you get incrementally less per your ranking. This score (on the scoreboard) is not specifically about kills. grabbing a point, defending a point are the 2 highest score makers, so I'd advise getting on the points and constantly either defending one, or capturing one, as many times as possible in the game.
i'd stay away from any method that seems like game mechanic abuse or any violation of the terms of service.
*edit: they fixed the "scoll" so now it says "scroll"... and they are located in the consumables section of the AH.
This strategy is: go to solid red balloons and convert the balloons to solid blue. This is true for matches and for gauntlgrym.
In the match you want to be fighting on the points at all time - make those red balloons blue.
Lots of tagging enemies with Astral Seals and debuffing - you want to have most assists as you won't get many kills
Don't think using a rank 7 silver for glory gain is worth it, better off using Dark enchantments for Utliity for increased Movement and move Silvery 7 to Defense slot for Deflection.
Complete the 4 x PvP for the Daily reward and win at least 1 to get the PvP Victory daily from the Blademaster in the Trade of Blades.
Both reward good glory and Seal of Triumph from victory.
Looking for a guild for PvE Dungeons to suit AEST evenings
I think brand of the sun feated to debuff damage is a better idea.
My mistake, yes BoTS for the debuff, counts as an assist.
Looking for a guild for PvE Dungeons to suit AEST evenings
2-There are 3 daily PVP quests you can do. PVP Domination, PVP Domination Victory, GG PVP (if your delzoun and you don't que immediately when it becomes available you will never get in) These give you 500 glory each for completing them.
3-I don't believe you actually get glory for kills/assists. The top 5 in each PVP match seem to get bonus glory so kill/assists can help with that but point capping is how you primarily get points. Also, longer matches seem to give more glory too. I'm not sure if this is because the other team acquires more match points or if it's just based on game length.
4-Take advantage of the PVP Arena even for bonus glory.
5-Socket sivlery enchants in your utility slots. 7's are cheap, I bought 3 rank 6 because I have no money, the diference in glory isn't very big.
5-I've gotten just around 1k glory for a victory where I placed top 5 during PVP Arena. Was a close game not a stomp. Most victorys gives somehwere between 500-800 glory and losses it seems I'm lucky if I get over 200
The last few days i dont think i have even lost a match, and rarely died, so i know im doing something right. was even getting comments like wow best pvp DC healer ever. Must not be queing up against pre-mades lol. Clutch healing seems to be my new specialty.
If you want to play GG, then switch to a luskan (or make your own) guild. that way you have a better chance of running GG pvp twice and get more glory.
Farm Fardelvers Crypt for GG coins that can be used to purchse Glory tokens that give you about 250 glory a pop.