I have noticed that I am sometimes getting credit for kills in PVP even if SF pops them back up, resulting in double kill credit for killing a single person. Is this intended or a bug?
Did you use Shocking Execution? If so, it does kill them immediately, then SF processes, meaning you can technically double kill them. The same thing happens if the person dying has the revive sickness which makes it impossible for them to be resurrected.
Did you use Shocking Execution? If so, it does kill them immediately, then SF processes, meaning you can technically double kill them. The same thing happens if the person dying has the revive sickness which makes it impossible for them to be resurrected.
Nope, it's happened with both ice knife and chill strike on my CW and IBS on my GWF. It is also happening against me, I've noticed sometimes I have 2 deaths on the scoreboard the first time I respawn.
Nope, it's happened with both ice knife and chill strike on my CW and IBS on my GWF. It is also happening against me, I've noticed sometimes I have 2 deaths on the scoreboard the first time I respawn.
Did you or they have revive sickness? If so, that causes it as well, which I put as a second way to cause it earlier. If it is neither of those, I have no idea .
Nope, it's happened with both ice knife and chill strike on my CW and IBS on my GWF. It is also happening against me, I've noticed sometimes I have 2 deaths on the scoreboard the first time I respawn.
PvP GWF - BizzyBedBug
PvE GF (salvaged)
PvE TR (salvaged)
GWF PvP/CW PvE @ http://www.twitch.tv/bizzyplusplus/
- JailBreak (in development)
Did you or they have revive sickness? If so, that causes it as well, which I put as a second way to cause it earlier. If it is neither of those, I have no idea