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pvp combat spec, questions.

teflondon75teflondon75 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited March 2014 in The Wilds
So I've decided to fully spec over for pvp while the sale is on for retraining tokens. Getting a little tired of not having boar's charge/hide and lone wolf especially. I threw this spec together, would love some feedback from anybody that cares to :)

I'm human so had three more feet points into Disciple of Dex(Does this add strait 6% more damage? or 6% OF whatever my dex bonus is?) Also, I have 5 into ghostwalker, possibly nature's blessing would be a better choice for combat. I would love the stamina regen, just not sure I'll be in ranged quite enough to trump 20% healing bonus. Hrmm. Also, question on powers/at will's. I'm thinking Boar's charge/Fox Shift/Marauder's. At will's im unsure if I'd still use Aimed shot/split or Rapid(clear the ground?)/split shot. I'd love to still have aimed but doesn't leave much for quick strikes in melee. Any suggestions would be great! thanks
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    jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    I ran the classic fox me/r and boars for a long while, if your defence is low, boars is a great boost. However, I really felt lacking in the ranged dept. Running that spec. you have no ranged encounters at all, and that hurts your diversity of attack. Eventually I upped my defence stats and switched boars out for hindering strike. 3 charges and if you fire a disruptive shot straight after the first hs. it instantly cools down, if you're running stormstep action. A triple whammy and double vines.

    Dont put points in nature path forest walk, it only effects the people you buff, not you. Put them into the crit severity 10% boost in the archery path instead.

    Lone wolf is a must btw. And in my opinion, stormstep too, I would't run anything else, not unless somehow my def. Stat went through the roof anyway, and I'm on 27% already.

    For at wills I run quick shot and aimed shot. Quick shot is great for just machine gunning a target down if they are running about waiting for their encounters to cool down or you're doing the same, and aimed shot is a must to one shot someone from fg stealth.
    No idea what my toon is now.
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    goldheartgoldheart Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The game go in one stupid direction that too little or no one player want. What we have now:
    Defense stats:
    Life Steal

    Offensive stats:
    Armor Penetration

    So in the end we have 6 defense stats and 4 offensive do you see something wrong ? I see, there is no way for Glass Cannon builds. So we have now only one way to play PVP and this way is ALL on Defense. Where is the player choice to play as he want ? Before Tenancy we had a chance to do something yes it was unbalance too but we had a way to play it now we haven't.

    I will try to go for max ArP to try this last High DPS build but I am not sure how it is will work.
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    teflondon75teflondon75 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    jonkoca wrote: »

    I ran the classic fox me/r and boars for a long while, if your defence is low, boars is a great boost. However, I really felt lacking in the ranged dept. Running that spec. you have no ranged encounters at all, and that hurts your diversity of attack. Eventually I upped my defence stats and switched boars out for hindering strike. 3 charges and if you fire a disruptive shot straight after the first hs. it instantly cools down, if you're running stormstep action. A triple whammy and double vines.

    Dont put points in nature path forest walk, it only effects the people you buff, not you. Put them into the crit severity 10% boost in the archery path instead.

    Lone wolf is a must btw. And in my opinion, stormstep too, I would't run anything else, not unless somehow my def. Stat went through the roof anyway, and I'm on 27% already.

    For at wills I run quick shot and aimed shot. Quick shot is great for just machine gunning a target down if they are running about waiting for their encounters to cool down or you're doing the same, and aimed shot is a must to one shot someone from fg stealth.

    Currently I only use constricting as a ranged encounter as is haha. I would barely miss it me thinks as it seems to do just shy of nothing these days. I REALLY don't want to run an archery build, I hate the whole pling pling mentality I see so many hunters having(not good ones of course), doing nothing but right clicking. I was not going to put points into forest walk, I was debating a T1 archery feat(I currently use Black Arrow, 10% crit sev) or Nature's blessing(20% bonus healing, including regen)

    No split shot? Hrm, not sure I could convince myself to drop split shot as I find it so useful in so many situations. As for one shotting with Aimed, I have not done that since tenacity went in @shrugs@ Don't think I've seen above 20K since actually, although I use PF and not vorpal. Love Aimed shot still :D
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    jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Yea, split shot is a hard one to give up. However, trouble is, even if you just tap it at min, it takes time, quick shot is faster, and you get 3 chances to crit instead of one. Its a toss up really.
    No idea what my toon is now.
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    twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I use Rapid to get more MoC procs in melee. The higher fire rate in Ranged also suits my playstyle better (and can make people panic now their regen can't outheal it). I use Aimed as the other At-Will, but more for the bleed in melee. The ranged one-shot is situational but nice when it happens.

    I'm running the classic MR/E, FS, BR and although I do feel the lack of a ranged encounter the prone from BR is just too useful.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
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    goldheartgoldheart Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    VS normal PUG all this work really fine and cool. But VS Premade group Aimed do 1500-2500 dmg (non-crit), Split Shot do 400+ dmg, idk how you think that this is normal. And of course this on target with 35-40k+ life GWF... Regenerations and heal are on half ? LoL OK and ? Last time my team that kick without any problem normal, medium and most times hard PUGs just can't do much vs 2 HR 2 GWF 1 DC. We lack so high from dmg
    HR with high def/deflect is really tanky... Normally I can kill most HR with one rotation or they will be on 5-10%. This one that I fight, after second rotation was ~45% life...

    And this is Grim pvp set ( I suppose) what about when they get Profound set ?
    As I said up at moment PVP go for DEF stats > DMG. What you think that will happen when 2 Premade go 5vs5 all on DEF stats with DC include ? 1 hour+ for one PVP and 0-5 deaths per player ?
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    ap326ap326 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    jancoka wrote:
    Yea, split shot is a hard one to give up. However, trouble is, even if you just tap it at min, it takes time, quick shot is faster, and you get 3 chances to crit instead of one. Its a toss up really.
    Split Shot should never be taken off the encounter bar. It is absolutely essential and does do more damage than consecutive Rapid Shots IMO.
    Here's a tip to get rid of the Split Shot animation lag: Dodge right after landing a Split Shot. That's it. In combination with Ghostwalker (feat), you should be able to do this often.
    goldheart wrote: »
    VS normal PUG all this work really fine and cool. But VS Premade group Aimed do 1500-2500 dmg (non-crit), Split Shot do 400+ dmg, idk how you think that this is normal.
    You are doing something wrong if your Aimed Shots and Split Shots are only hitting that much.
    On average with the Grim Combatant Set and a Perfect Vorpal, etc. I hit about 7-8K non-crit on Aimed Shot and about 17-18K as a critical. As for Split Shot, I barely ever see an number below 1800.

    Either you need some serious upgrades or are lacking heavily in offensive stats.
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    goldheartgoldheart Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    Ancient Trapper's Ornate Longbow

    Power 3,948
    Armor Penetration 2,564
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