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lag issues and opinions

verzavusverzavus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 22 Arc User
edited March 2014 in PvE Discussion
Let's talk about lag. I'm a PvE CW, and I was strong enough to solo epic Frozen Heart. With current lag, I cannot even kill monsters in Whispering Caverns without farming a whole bunch of injuries. My rubberbands go as far as 150 feet. My Shard of the Endless Avalanche spawns about 9 seconds after I use the move. The moment my steal time's damaging factor at the end of the spell is negated by the lag; I've lagged out of range of these mobs who I was initially hitting with my steal time. My daily powers cannot even be used. Mobs hit me with Area of Effects that are roughly 9 times the length of the cross section away from where I am standing. I'm swarmed without being able to move, use a spell or even heal with either artifact or potion. This level of lag only came in the picture since latest patch.

In addition to lags, I now have disconnects and crashes even more frequently than I already had. Sometimes my character wouldn't respond to anything; profession window's bugged out, I can't mount up, and the only thing left for me to do is to close down the game and re-open it.

Now, PvP. It used to be a 5 to 60 second queue. Now, it's news for the New York Times if I happen to get in. I'm sure many feel my pain in this matter. It's safe to say that PVP is so hard to arrange right now, it might as well have been removed from the game entirely. There's just no way of "going for a PvP match" without having at least 4 other things to occupy yourself with, were it not that lag has made most things impossible.

I cannot help but congratulate you on what you did with GWF's in PvP. Their threatening rush was indeed in dire need of a nerf. Furthermore, they certainly had lengthy prone times. The duration of the prone delivered by Frontline Surge was altered nicely. I can't say I agree with the other changes with this spell, but by no means do they outweigh the positive changes of this class.

Critical Severity should have been left untouched. It was all part of the game and people would build specs to either be tanky enough to eat those hits or to deal such devastating blows. Altering this has seriously impeded the amount of viable PvP builds. The new tenacity stat.. Well, I'm sure you've had your fair share of feedback on that, already, too.

In conclusion, I cannot PvP. I cannot PvE. The economy has taken quite a few hits with the critical severity changes so trading has become a bit trickier as well.

/e Last edited by melodywhr; Today at 04:34 AM. Reason: forum rules 3.08, 3.14
/ Not sure how I violated 3.08?
//e Seems a hobby of mods to alter my posts all the time. Might as well make me talk about unicorns if you won't let people post what they actually typed..
Post edited by verzavus on


  • hudman21hudman21 Member Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You ever had this?

    Enter an instance and by the time you load into it the party is way infront of you already progressing in the instance or, you run away from a group of mobs and you get rubberbanded back into them and mauled, or you just logged off of one of your characters and everything was fine only to log onto another character and find everything laggy and choppy?...lol.

    Are there certain settings to avoid this?
    Life is full of drains, I prefer to be a fountain
  • verzavusverzavus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    When you're slow at loading an instance that's usually your own internet flux, but that rubberbanding was explained in the first post. Asking for it another time seems excessive in the thread.

    However, I find in PvP that GWF's are slashing me with at-wills from about 150 feet range. I find that quite amusing to see hehe.
    Also my frontline surge never hits anybody in pvp. Obviously where I'm at on my screen is only read by the server about a minute after, even though my ping is still the same as always (50)?
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