Hello my fellow Forum-Dwellers!
A little call for some advice. First of all, my current CW:
The Enchantments are as follows: Head (Utility) - Radiant (gonna be Dark soon)Armor (Defensive) - DarkArms (Utility) - DarkMain Hand (Offensive) - AzureOff-Hand (Offensive) - AzureFeet (Utility) - DarkNeck (Offensive) - AzureRing I (Offensive) - RadiantRing II (Offensive) - RadiantWaist (Defensive) - RadiantShirt (Offensive) - DarkPants (Defensive) - SilverMy Feats:
My Gear-Ratings:![58gt8tuj.png](http://s1.directupload.net/images/140218/58gt8tuj.png)
Since the Forum will only allow me to upload 4 Pics at a time, my Companions are as follows:
Ioun Stone of Allure (Main)
Ring: Pyrotechnic Band, Azure Enchantment (Offensive)
Neck: Ancient Exorcists Necklace of Blessings, Radiant Enchantment (Offensive)
Icon: Icon of the Miracle Healer, Dark Enchantment (Offensive)
Wayward Wizard
Damaran Shepard
Werrat Thief
Now the big question: What can I do better? How can I swap enchantments to gain the maximum efficiency? I know, getting everything to Rank 10 (right now got R7, one Dark on my Feet is R6 and the Azure on my Companions Ring is R5) and get the PVorpal and PSoulforged is a necessity.
What Companions are the "best" for a CW? I play a vanilla CW, CoI on Tab, Steal Time, Icy Terrain and SotEA, so, yeah, the usual.
Main focus is usually AoE dps and CC, so the one Zen-Mage and the Wil-o-Whisp are a good bet, but what about the other one, becuase I'd like to keep my Damaran Shepard just because of the extra Crit Chance. The Lightfoot Thief is probably further away for me than all R10's and Perfect Vorpal and Soulforged, so yeah...
For Main and Off-Hand I'm probably going for Fabled Fomorian, but until than the Ancient Court Magister Set.
As for Rings I also got some Ancient Fugitives Ring of something, the one that gives you extra HP.
Also shooting for the PvP artifact right now, altough I'd love a Thayan book of the Dead, but, you know...
So, any recommendations will me welcomed. As for further questions: just ask them!
Raise Arp to 2000-2200; recovery to 3200-3500.
Put points from controlling action to toughness/wizard wrath.
Put points form WIS to INT or CHA
I'm not sure i'd drop the wisdowm, because you want to have at least 35% AP gain, at 38% that is pretty nice.
As for companions, you can look at my MoF thread - it would be the same for spellstorm.
Everything you need to know about CW:
1.delete sun elf and roll thiefling or human.
2.for thiefling roll 20 int 15 cha for human 20int and 13cha.
3.forget pyros, make it control rings or master slavers rings.
4.willowisp, blink dog, stone of MİGHT must be first 3 comp.
5.ur feats all wasted, read some grimahs or stox guides.use thaum well.
6.move possible dark encs (arps)to ur pet cause u cant use it in pvp.
7.make crit 1500-1800, arp 2200-2500, defense 1500, HP 26K
8.then go kill draco easily.
1.delete sun elf and roll thiefling or human.
2.for thiefling roll 20 int 15 cha for human 20int and 13cha.
3.forget pyros, make it control rings or master slavers rings.
4.willowisp, blink dog, stone of MİGHT must be first 3 comp.
5.ur feats all wasted, read some grimahs or stox guides.use thaum well.
6.move possible dark encs (arps)to ur pet cause u cant use it in pvp.
7.make crit 1500-1800, arp 2200-2500, defense 1500, HP 26K
8.then go kill draco easily.
And doubleposted, no less.
Also, Tiefling. Not Thiefling.
Don't you like the 2% AP bonus for free ?
Obviously for top-flight PvP you're chasing every edge you can get, but the lack of raven skull here suggests that PvP is not a major focus for this character.
please read or practice then make your own build and enchants , don't be a copy-past wizard!
Anywho, btt:
First some "yes'es": Yes, I wont re-roll my Char and yes I'm only going for PvP to get to the artifact.
OK, so I'm goin to work on basically upping my enchants, runestones and artifacts and change my jewlery. After that (or whilest that) I'm gonna grind the T2.5 dungeons and hope for the weapons. Than just swapping companions and than I think I'm good to go.
Btw: Current CTA I'm somehow always Nr.1 in Damage when I PUG...
The only people who should be able to compete with you for that score are well geared GWFs and other CWs.