I am a hybrid HR and like to do both PvP/PvE. Have not done lots yet on this guy but will be ramping both up quite a bit soon and am curious if SF or something different is likely my best bang for the buck over all? I'm sure two completely different sets of kit would be best and I'll work on that but for now, which armor enchant is likely best for us? thanks!
I swear by SF, always have and always will. Other than that I could see Briartwine (4% damage reflect) or Thunderhead (40% chance to stun every 60 sec) for PvP, but everything else is pretty much useless.
I am a hybrid HR and like to do both PvP/PvE. Have not done lots yet on this guy but will be ramping both up quite a bit soon and am curious if SF or something different is likely my best bang for the buck over all? I'm sure two completely different sets of kit would be best and I'll work on that but for now, which armor enchant is likely best for us? thanks!
Actually SF is just superior to anything else -period.
The only exception could be the full-tank GF wich may find somewhat useful to rank a Lifedrinker (or Bloodtheft, I dunno what's the armor and what's the weapon) up to Perfect, but for everyone else, SF is just the way to go, both in PvP and PvE. Also there's no real reason to rank it upper than Lesser, as the benefit is almost unrelevant (like 2500 hps instead of 1700, wich is like 10% of your total health instead of 7%), but it cost 4-5 millions compared to jusy 200k.
Soulforge is the superior armor enchantment right now. However, when the pvp patch comes out, the healing (lifesteal, regen, healing spell, temp hp) depression would make SF much less effective. From what I see on preview shard, it only revives people for about 2k hp and pretty much they get killed instantly after revived.
Barkshield is not so bad since it gives you a shield charge every 8 seconds and absorbs decent amount of damage.
well there's also the reduced CD, but if you're dieing more than once every three minutes (excluding PvP) then you've far more important issues to deal with
Soulforge is the superior armor enchantment right now. However, when the pvp patch comes out, the healing (lifesteal, regen, healing spell, temp hp) depression would make SF much less effective. From what I see on preview shard, it only revives people for about 2k hp and pretty much they get killed instantly after revived.
Barkshield is not so bad since it gives you a shield charge every 8 seconds and absorbs decent amount of damage.
This is why I brought up Briartwine and Thunderhead. I think we're going to see a lot more of these popping up when the new patch goes live.
Actually SF is just superior to anything else -period.
The only exception could be the full-tank GF wich may find somewhat useful to rank a Lifedrinker (or Bloodtheft, I dunno what's the armor and what's the weapon) up to Perfect, but for everyone else, SF is just the way to go, both in PvP and PvE. Also there's no real reason to rank it upper than Lesser, as the benefit is almost unrelevant (like 2500 hps instead of 1700, wich is like 10% of your total health instead of 7%), but it cost 4-5 millions compared to jusy 200k.
Barkshield is not so bad since it gives you a shield charge every 8 seconds and absorbs decent amount of damage.
This is why I brought up Briartwine and Thunderhead. I think we're going to see a lot more of these popping up when the new patch goes live.