Only about 3 hours into Neverwinter at level 5...just wondering if you guys had any tips for a newb?
Been playing Path of Exile for a year so I am used to grinding content but that is the closest I have come to a MMO so this is all kinda new to me.
Played console games mostly, Demon Souls, Dark Souls, Oblivion, Fallout, etc. so I am a RPG fan.
Anyway any advise would be greatly appreciated, thx.
Post edited by justinloase on
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited January 2014
First - Welcome aboard!
Second - Try out a few classes before you commit fully to one, just to get to know them.
Third - Learn to dodge and position yourself, so as to avoid big enemy attacks, (generally marked with a red circle, rectangle, or triangle on the ground), and to take advantage of your own AoEs.
Additional tips, (not gonna number them all):
- Regarding initial stats, I find that I have a better experience if I use a more well-rounded stat roll, instead of one that just focuses on the ones specifically for my chosen class. Make sure to see what all the stats actually do, as your primary one may not actually provide the biggest benefit - like how strength boosts a cleric's crit chance, for instance.
- At level 10 you unlock your class's unique special ability, (like shield blocking for a guardian fighter, or stealth for a trickster rogue). I usually advise people to at least get this far before deciding to stick with a character or abandon them, since this can really define or alter their play experience.
- AT level 10 you can get access to professions - most deal with crafting armor, weapons, or potions to help your character or be sold, but leadership is sort of a "meta-profession" in that it can also generate XP, various skill kits and potions, and even refining stones or astral diamonds and gold, for your character.
- At level 16 you will get a free companion to accompany on your adventures - this can also greatly impact your play experience. A cleric companion, for example, can heal you so as to keep you up and fighting, while also reducing downtime. A man at arms or shield maiden can draw enemy aggro away from you, so you can attack from afar or heal and buff them without having to deal with enemies smashing your face in. You can buy companions before level 16, from the Emporium in Protector's Enclave, (PE), for 2 gold - but you usually will be short on funds early on, unless you have another character or player help you out there.
- Bag space tends to be at a premium in Neverwinter. You get your base bag, (which IIRC has 30 slots), then you get an 18-slot bag around level 8, and another 12-slot bag around level 30. You can buy a 12-slot bag from the Zen store for 600 Zen, and a 24-slot bag for 1000 Zen - I wait until these go on sale if I want one.
- Since I brought it up - there are weekly sales in the Zen store - usually every Thursday, a handful of items are discounted for a week.
- Once you reach level 11 or so, you'll be given a mission to talk to the priestess in Protector's Enclave. She'll teach you how to invoke. You can invoke once an hour, at any rest area or by using a portable altar. The first 3 times you invoke give you astral diamonds and XP, all other instances only give a temporary buff and/or sometimes a potion or skill kit. The first time you invoke each day, you also get 1 celestial coin and one ardent coin. One of these, caps out at 7 coins, and expires if you don't invoke again within 24-29 hours. The other type lasts forever, but the items it can buy cost a lot more.
- Speaking of Astral Diamonds - as I mentioned, you can get them by invoking the first 3 times each day. You can also get them from certain leadership profession tasks. You can also get them from certain daily tasks, (gotten from Rhix, a kobold near the auction house in PE). Later on, once you reach level 60, you can get another set of daily tasks from Lord Neverember. You can also salvage epic level 60 gear, (purple icon for the items), via the salvage merchant in the central bazaar of PE. You can also sell items on the auction house, (kind of located in the lower left/southwest of PE).
Other than the above, I'd also suggest paying little attention to what's said in zone chat in PE - things can get kind of childish at times. If you need help with a quest, your best bet is to ask in the particular zone that quest takes place in, other than PE.
Once you get the hang of things, you'll likely find yourself leveling quite fast - so don't worry about buying gear just yet, and mainly use what you find. You may also find that you don't have enough identify scrolls to ID everything you get. In general, don't bother to ID everything, and only use the scrolls on items you can actually use. You can, however, buy more scrolls from the Wondrous Bazaar, which is accessed via the diamond-shaped icon at the top of the screen, after you've pressed ALT. The Zen store is the is in the same area that is 'Z' shaped. You can exchange Astral Diamonds (ADs) via the Exchange, which is the icon with both a little diamond and a 'z' for its icon.
Hope that helps and good luck!
Feel free to contact me @biostem if you need more help.
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
About the only thing I would add to Bioshrikes advice is to wait until your second or even third profession to take Leadership, as it takes forever to level. Armor is nice, as it is the only way, outside of the Auction House, to get the best Shirts and Pants in the game. If you are playing a lot of Dungeons, then Weaponsmithing will let you make the very best Weapons in the game, but you need special Dungeon components to make.
That, and you probably want to consider your first character, or even two, as more or less an extended Tutorial. In other words, don't invest to much in the way of time or money (unless you are really board and/or rich), because they are unlikely to end up the way you want.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
Also keep an eye on your level. You want to make sure you don't out level the content. If you level too quickly you will be locked out of certain quests, skirmishes, and dungeons. Be sure to speak with the NPCs that have the symbols above their heads, as they have either the quests or other information you need know. Using the maps can also be quite helpful in finding areas or people and avoiding frustration. Welcome to the game and enjoy.
Everything Biostem said is right on, and good advice. But I need to correct a minor error.
Guardians can block at any level. Block functions as their dodge ability. Their level 10 tab power is their ability to mark targets, for generating agro.
One other tip to mention is Identifying scrolls. You can purchase them from the Wondrous Bazaar for AD. You can find it in town near the market, you can also access it remotely via the 4th tool bar icon on the left side. You will generally get enough scrolls as drops however that you shouldn't need to purchase many. Provided you don't try to ID everything. Its best to just focus on ID'ing stuff that you can wear or use, and vendor the rest.
radiick507Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2014
Something most people forget when they start is to always have at least 12 skill kits of every type (minus the one you do not need based on your class) before venturing in any dungeon or new zone as they can be very handy in getting resources for your crafting professions. Some of them even have enchantments and runes that can be equipped on your companions or even yourself in the early stages of the game.
Welcome to Neverwinter - it is a fun (although sometime hideously buggy) game!
The previous posters have touched on the most important points, but I'll mention the ones that I feel to be the most vital.
There is no need to spend any real money on this game until you hit the level cap and are doing dungeons. At that stage you can decide if you like the class (and game) enough to spend real-life money on it.
is very good advice, although you want to get a ZEN mount that is usable by all the characters on your account. The other very good choice is spending money on the 24 slot 1000ZEN bag. Try to get these when they are on sale.
Once you can invoke (at level 11) do so whenever you can as it is free AD and buffs....
Learn a profession as soon as you are able to at level 10. If you are not sure which one to start with you might as well do Leadership as it gives AD and other useful items and requires no farming.
The only thing I'd amend (addendum?) would be this: Play your character at least through the Spellplague Tower (defeat big boss Wizard at the top of his tower - I'd describe it more, but I do't want to spoil the story for you, it's good one.) In other words, at least play until Sgt. Knox sends you to Blackdagger Ruins.
This is enough that you will definitely have a great feel for how your character plays. This is barely 5% of all the content to come, so don't feel bad about throwing that character out and starting over (though that can get tedious). The main point is this: common feature requests are the ability to change:
Character race. Character Class. Character gender.
It would seem these are the three biggies. So play through the Plague Tower to get a good feel. By then, unless you are absolutely happy and having loads of fun: toss it out and roll a new one. As you go through the game and level-up, your character will earn or acquire items that cannot be transferred to another character. If you aren't happy with it, then you'll hate yourself later.
And welcome to Neverwinter, happy you've found it (more players means more life, means it all last longer!)
Once you get nicely comfortable here, I suggest when exploring other games you take a peek at Star Trek Online and Champion Free-for-all - both of these are also created by Cryptic and free-to-play, and since the game engine is basically the same, they play similarly (obviously the genre of game-play is different in each case).
Wow...thanks so much guys I appreciate the time you took to give me some great advise. I am really enjoying the game so far. I have so much to learn..thx again....cheers.
Youll find the forum community a bit more friendly and eager to help then you might in zone chat.
Not that the in game community is completely unhelpful. They are just often drowned out by the trolls. Also its much easier to explain things in detail here then in a medium filled with other chatter and spam. So if you try seeking help in zone and get shot down. Dont let it turn you off.
There are better places to get info, like the forums, as you have seen. As well as a few custom channels where the community is far more accommodating.
Anything you can interact with will sparkle. If you see something sparkling, simply step close enough to it to get the interact pop up that will tell you to press F to interact
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
Anything you can interact with will sparkle. If you see something sparkling, simply step close enough to it to get the interact pop up that will tell you to press F to interact
I Sparkle! Y U no interact???
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Hit the 'F' key unless you have custom key bindings.
thanks heeps...that'll help
ladymythosMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 637Bounty Hunter
edited January 2014
Not much I can add, as it's mostly all been said. Though there are a few things:
First of all, the LFG-channel in Protector's Enclave is HAMSTER. It's full of gear-obsessed max level players, and a lot of these (even most, it seems) only want experienced people in their groups. So unless you are already at max level, I'd just ignore it. That said, the LFG-channel in the individual zones is an entirely different thing. This one is actually useful.
An easy way to get into a dungeon is the dungeon finder. Simply press K to open it up, and then click on the ones you want to join. This is also how you join PvP, or player vs player. Keep in mind you can only queue for three things at once, so you might want to queue for your favorites if you have too many choice. This isn't a big deal in the early levels, but later on, you can get a lot of things to queue for. Also keep in mind the dungeon finder can be buggy at times, but usually works if you already have a full group. This also means that if you have a full group, and if everyone is able to join (as in within level range), you don't have to go to the dungeon entrance to join.
Dungeon Delver is fun, and useful. If you look at the top right near the minimap, you'll see three things listed. These add bonuses to the game for a limited time, like adding extra things in the profession nodes (arcane, religion, dungeon etc). (The ones you use kits for.) When you see Dungeon Delve listed, it means that if you enter it while the DD is still active, the chest at the end of the dungeon will be unlocked. This is very useful, as the chest has unique dungeon-gear just for you. A lot of this is somewhat powerful too. Also, there are Skirmish Delvers (not sure about the exact name, though). This will also add more stuff at the end of the skirmish, plus it will give you more rough astral diamonds. These can be refined into real astrald diamonds on your inventory screen. (note: Astral Diamonds, or AD, are used for special items like the AH, and can even be converted to Zen. Don't want to pay real money for something on the Zen-market? You don't have to. Just convert ADs into Zen, and there you go. It does cost a lot of ADs, though.)
As for classes, I see someone mentioned you should at least play them up to lvl 10, to really see how they feel. My advice is to keep going a bit, until you've cleared the first dungeon. It's only lvl 14-ish, and gives you a pretty good idea what your class feels like in a group. No matter how fun or boring a class is solo, it can be very different in a group. And besides, if you stick to the class, chances are you'll be playing a group a lot anyway.
Finally, there's companions. As a lvl 60 rogue, lvl 50 ranger and lvl 41 guardian fighter, my experience with companions is that they don't matter much. They all help out quite nicely when playing solo, but none of them last long in a group. This is just my experience, though, so others might have entirely different opinions on this. If I knew when I started what I know now, I would have gone for a blue companion of the Zen-marked and stuck with it. They will reach lvl 25, which is high enough to be useful, and cheap enough to not be overpriced.
Though speaking of companions, you can also get a cat and, uh, stone. These are passive companions, so don't do much in combat at all. Instead, they just give you some of their own stats, making you more powerful. (and going back to the PE LEG-channel, you'll often see people asking for or announcing that they have a cat. They are talking about the companion.) As the companion is passive, it won't be attacked by the enemies, making it a free buff. Not bad.
Phew, guess I did have a few things to say after all. Oh, well.
EDIT: Aaaand of course I totally forgot the most important part. Duh... As I said, the LFG-channel in Protector's Enclave is HAMSTER, so you might want to stick to the area LFG-channel. But that said, there is one other thing you can do: Join a custom channel. I recommend the NW_Legit_Community channel. This is a global, custom channel for people who want to play the game the proper way, as in without exploiting dungeons and all that. Most people here are very friendly and helpful, so if you need help, this is the place to ask. You can find out more about it and how to join in the channel's thread:
Wow really useful advices thanks all. I just started the game last night level 7 half Elf Guardian Fighter and am very new to the mmorpg genre and am really liking the game so far however how do i join guilds ?I want to be a part of a guild that does quests,dungeons and raids together but i am confused how do i join one ?Will anyone from here let me into their guild ?Since i am very new to this genre it would be very helpful if someone would guide me in-game since the in-game community itself does not seem to be very helpful.Also i face a lot of lag (10-20 fps) in the main town of NeverWinter but other places everything is smooth(40-50 fps).Btw My username is mohit9206
Second - Try out a few classes before you commit fully to one, just to get to know them.
Third - Learn to dodge and position yourself, so as to avoid big enemy attacks, (generally marked with a red circle, rectangle, or triangle on the ground), and to take advantage of your own AoEs.
Additional tips, (not gonna number them all):
- Regarding initial stats, I find that I have a better experience if I use a more well-rounded stat roll, instead of one that just focuses on the ones specifically for my chosen class. Make sure to see what all the stats actually do, as your primary one may not actually provide the biggest benefit - like how strength boosts a cleric's crit chance, for instance.
- At level 10 you unlock your class's unique special ability, (like shield blocking for a guardian fighter, or stealth for a trickster rogue). I usually advise people to at least get this far before deciding to stick with a character or abandon them, since this can really define or alter their play experience.
- AT level 10 you can get access to professions - most deal with crafting armor, weapons, or potions to help your character or be sold, but leadership is sort of a "meta-profession" in that it can also generate XP, various skill kits and potions, and even refining stones or astral diamonds and gold, for your character.
- At level 16 you will get a free companion to accompany on your adventures - this can also greatly impact your play experience. A cleric companion, for example, can heal you so as to keep you up and fighting, while also reducing downtime. A man at arms or shield maiden can draw enemy aggro away from you, so you can attack from afar or heal and buff them without having to deal with enemies smashing your face in. You can buy companions before level 16, from the Emporium in Protector's Enclave, (PE), for 2 gold - but you usually will be short on funds early on, unless you have another character or player help you out there.
- Bag space tends to be at a premium in Neverwinter. You get your base bag, (which IIRC has 30 slots), then you get an 18-slot bag around level 8, and another 12-slot bag around level 30. You can buy a 12-slot bag from the Zen store for 600 Zen, and a 24-slot bag for 1000 Zen - I wait until these go on sale if I want one.
- Since I brought it up - there are weekly sales in the Zen store - usually every Thursday, a handful of items are discounted for a week.
- Once you reach level 11 or so, you'll be given a mission to talk to the priestess in Protector's Enclave. She'll teach you how to invoke. You can invoke once an hour, at any rest area or by using a portable altar. The first 3 times you invoke give you astral diamonds and XP, all other instances only give a temporary buff and/or sometimes a potion or skill kit. The first time you invoke each day, you also get 1 celestial coin and one ardent coin. One of these, caps out at 7 coins, and expires if you don't invoke again within 24-29 hours. The other type lasts forever, but the items it can buy cost a lot more.
- Speaking of Astral Diamonds - as I mentioned, you can get them by invoking the first 3 times each day. You can also get them from certain leadership profession tasks. You can also get them from certain daily tasks, (gotten from Rhix, a kobold near the auction house in PE). Later on, once you reach level 60, you can get another set of daily tasks from Lord Neverember. You can also salvage epic level 60 gear, (purple icon for the items), via the salvage merchant in the central bazaar of PE. You can also sell items on the auction house, (kind of located in the lower left/southwest of PE).
Other than the above, I'd also suggest paying little attention to what's said in zone chat in PE - things can get kind of childish at times. If you need help with a quest, your best bet is to ask in the particular zone that quest takes place in, other than PE.
Once you get the hang of things, you'll likely find yourself leveling quite fast - so don't worry about buying gear just yet, and mainly use what you find. You may also find that you don't have enough identify scrolls to ID everything you get. In general, don't bother to ID everything, and only use the scrolls on items you can actually use. You can, however, buy more scrolls from the Wondrous Bazaar, which is accessed via the diamond-shaped icon at the top of the screen, after you've pressed ALT. The Zen store is the is in the same area that is 'Z' shaped. You can exchange Astral Diamonds (ADs) via the Exchange, which is the icon with both a little diamond and a 'z' for its icon.
Hope that helps and good luck!
Feel free to contact me @biostem if you need more help.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
That, and you probably want to consider your first character, or even two, as more or less an extended Tutorial. In other words, don't invest to much in the way of time or money (unless you are really board and/or rich), because they are unlikely to end up the way you want.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
Guardians can block at any level. Block functions as their dodge ability. Their level 10 tab power is their ability to mark targets, for generating agro.
One other tip to mention is Identifying scrolls. You can purchase them from the Wondrous Bazaar for AD. You can find it in town near the market, you can also access it remotely via the 4th tool bar icon on the left side. You will generally get enough scrolls as drops however that you shouldn't need to purchase many. Provided you don't try to ID everything. Its best to just focus on ID'ing stuff that you can wear or use, and vendor the rest.
The previous posters have touched on the most important points, but I'll mention the ones that I feel to be the most vital.
There is no need to spend any real money on this game until you hit the level cap and are doing dungeons. At that stage you can decide if you like the class (and game) enough to spend real-life money on it.
2. is very good advice, although you want to get a ZEN mount that is usable by all the characters on your account. The other very good choice is spending money on the 24 slot 1000ZEN bag. Try to get these when they are on sale.
Once you can invoke (at level 11) do so whenever you can as it is free AD and buffs....
Learn a profession as soon as you are able to at level 10. If you are not sure which one to start with you might as well do Leadership as it gives AD and other useful items and requires no farming.
The only thing I'd amend (addendum?) would be this: Play your character at least through the Spellplague Tower (defeat big boss Wizard at the top of his tower - I'd describe it more, but I do't want to spoil the story for you, it's good one.) In other words, at least play until Sgt. Knox sends you to Blackdagger Ruins.
This is enough that you will definitely have a great feel for how your character plays. This is barely 5% of all the content to come, so don't feel bad about throwing that character out and starting over (though that can get tedious). The main point is this: common feature requests are the ability to change:
Character race. Character Class. Character gender.
It would seem these are the three biggies. So play through the Plague Tower to get a good feel. By then, unless you are absolutely happy and having loads of fun: toss it out and roll a new one. As you go through the game and level-up, your character will earn or acquire items that cannot be transferred to another character. If you aren't happy with it, then you'll hate yourself later.
And welcome to Neverwinter, happy you've found it (more players means more life, means it all last longer!)
Once you get nicely comfortable here, I suggest when exploring other games you take a peek at Star Trek Online and Champion Free-for-all - both of these are also created by Cryptic and free-to-play, and since the game engine is basically the same, they play similarly (obviously the genre of game-play is different in each case).
(extra ! for 10char)
Not that the in game community is completely unhelpful. They are just often drowned out by the trolls. Also its much easier to explain things in detail here then in a medium filled with other chatter and spam. So if you try seeking help in zone and get shot down. Dont let it turn you off.
There are better places to get info, like the forums, as you have seen. As well as a few custom channels where the community is far more accommodating.
Hit the 'F' key unless you have custom key bindings.
I Sparkle! Y U no interact???
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
thanks heeps...that'll help
First of all, the LFG-channel in Protector's Enclave is HAMSTER. It's full of gear-obsessed max level players, and a lot of these (even most, it seems) only want experienced people in their groups. So unless you are already at max level, I'd just ignore it. That said, the LFG-channel in the individual zones is an entirely different thing. This one is actually useful.
An easy way to get into a dungeon is the dungeon finder. Simply press K to open it up, and then click on the ones you want to join. This is also how you join PvP, or player vs player. Keep in mind you can only queue for three things at once, so you might want to queue for your favorites if you have too many choice. This isn't a big deal in the early levels, but later on, you can get a lot of things to queue for. Also keep in mind the dungeon finder can be buggy at times, but usually works if you already have a full group. This also means that if you have a full group, and if everyone is able to join (as in within level range), you don't have to go to the dungeon entrance to join.
Dungeon Delver is fun, and useful. If you look at the top right near the minimap, you'll see three things listed. These add bonuses to the game for a limited time, like adding extra things in the profession nodes (arcane, religion, dungeon etc). (The ones you use kits for.) When you see Dungeon Delve listed, it means that if you enter it while the DD is still active, the chest at the end of the dungeon will be unlocked. This is very useful, as the chest has unique dungeon-gear just for you. A lot of this is somewhat powerful too. Also, there are Skirmish Delvers (not sure about the exact name, though). This will also add more stuff at the end of the skirmish, plus it will give you more rough astral diamonds. These can be refined into real astrald diamonds on your inventory screen. (note: Astral Diamonds, or AD, are used for special items like the AH, and can even be converted to Zen. Don't want to pay real money for something on the Zen-market? You don't have to. Just convert ADs into Zen, and there you go. It does cost a lot of ADs, though.)
As for classes, I see someone mentioned you should at least play them up to lvl 10, to really see how they feel. My advice is to keep going a bit, until you've cleared the first dungeon. It's only lvl 14-ish, and gives you a pretty good idea what your class feels like in a group. No matter how fun or boring a class is solo, it can be very different in a group. And besides, if you stick to the class, chances are you'll be playing a group a lot anyway.
Finally, there's companions. As a lvl 60 rogue, lvl 50 ranger and lvl 41 guardian fighter, my experience with companions is that they don't matter much. They all help out quite nicely when playing solo, but none of them last long in a group. This is just my experience, though, so others might have entirely different opinions on this. If I knew when I started what I know now, I would have gone for a blue companion of the Zen-marked and stuck with it. They will reach lvl 25, which is high enough to be useful, and cheap enough to not be overpriced.
Though speaking of companions, you can also get a cat and, uh, stone. These are passive companions, so don't do much in combat at all. Instead, they just give you some of their own stats, making you more powerful. (and going back to the PE LEG-channel, you'll often see people asking for or announcing that they have a cat. They are talking about the companion.) As the companion is passive, it won't be attacked by the enemies, making it a free buff. Not bad.
Phew, guess I did have a few things to say after all. Oh, well.
EDIT: Aaaand of course I totally forgot the most important part. Duh... As I said, the LFG-channel in Protector's Enclave is HAMSTER, so you might want to stick to the area LFG-channel. But that said, there is one other thing you can do: Join a custom channel. I recommend the NW_Legit_Community channel. This is a global, custom channel for people who want to play the game the proper way, as in without exploiting dungeons and all that. Most people here are very friendly and helpful, so if you need help, this is the place to ask.!