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Sorta Hybrid Build

didyoucthatdidyoucthat Member Posts: 8 Arc User
edited January 2014 in The Wilds
Not sure if this build has been posted up yet or not but I am enjoying it quite a bit so I thought I would post it up. I threw together a video of the build so you can see it in different settings. It focuses on crit/cd reduction and using both stances quite a bit.

Build Type:
Hybrid - Some what encounter dependent on GS (13k+ should have no problems cycling your CD's)

Hybrid - Competes with CW/GWF equal and greater GS
(CW can screw your DPS if they use a ton of knock backs instead of grouping)

Play Style:
Very Aggressive up front in and out type combat. If you play like a glass cannon this build will not work for you. Damage output = healing and refreshed CD's which is a beautiful thing!

PvP Role:
Make CW's quit, Ranged HR's reroll and GF cry about their shield vanishing.

You excel in 1v1 situations because your damage is more focused but group situations benefit you as well with steel breeze and ghost.


Fox Cunning/Shift: Bread and butter high single target DPS/CD reduction skill.

Constricting Arrow/Steel Breeze: This skill is more useful than you might think. Ranged gives you a stun on a timer you can keep track of and time skills accordingly. Melee is a nice refresh on your stamina bar used with 2 targets around you it restores about half your stamina.

Hindering Shot/Strike: I use this when you come across a really geared/good DC that you just can't kill.

Marauders Escape/Rush: This will save your life in so many ways you can't even imagine. With this skill you feel pretty ballsy to do stupid stuff with high confidence of being able to escape. But don't be narrow minded with this skill both melee and ranged can be used offensively and defensively.

At wills
Rapid shot/Strike: Main filler skill decent damage.

Aimed Shot/Strike: Ranged drops people that like to camp points and melee helps kill those tanks and healers but really is useful for all classes.

Class Features:
Storm Step Action: Helps massively reduce your CD's with Disruptive Shot!

Aspect of the Lone Wolf: Mitigation is always good.

Twin Blade Storm:Works great for PvE.

Disruptive Shot: Free DPS, Interrupt on call at anytime with a really short CD, Great CD reduction.

Forest Ghost: Great escape and engage ability. Also helps you get stuff off that can be the difference of a win and loss in battle like an aim shot for 20k to the face.


Character Sheets


Post edited by didyoucthat on


  • didyoucthatdidyoucthat Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Updated it and will do more if people take interest.
  • elminsterelminster Member Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Intersting that you play it hybrid but don't put any points into boosting your melee attack with Lethal Hunter. I suppose with high crits and a vorpal it would work for now, but with mod 3 I think you're going to have a few issues especially with your melee burst. It's an interesting take though and I can totally see where you're going with it
  • didyoucthatdidyoucthat Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I will have to see how it goes in Mod 3 I may end up going back to a full melee build as I was before or play around with some points from ranged in melee. Ill be honest I do not play this game anymore very min/max I have grown apart from it not having much to do. If anyone has any insight on Prime Critical and how often it procs and if its even worth putting points in, maybe it has a high ICD? I would love to hear your feedback on it. As always thanks for any constructive criticism anyone has for me there is always room for improvement!
  • linkingirl86linkingirl86 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    hi didyoucthat,

    I liked your guide, can i add it to mmominds.com????
  • elminsterelminster Member Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Don't get me wrong I like what you've done by maximizing skill up-time. That's one of the hardest issues I'm dealing with right now since my recovery is low and I don't have prime critical to help offset that. I think with the gear you have and the effect it's clearly having you could safely pull the points from Prime Critical and Master of Archery and instead put them into Lethal Hunter to offset the loss of effectiveness on Vorpal come Mod 3. I wouldn't do it now though since it's obviously working just fine. Wait until after Mod 3 release and see what the new PvP gear has in store, then consider the change
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