Seriously... when are they going to fix shadow weaver... I have been waiting and waiting.....
Even if fixed, SW has a bit of a strange stat allocation, overstacking that crit and missing regen. If they fix the set (that is if they don't actually consider it WAI now...) I will try it again and maybe attempt to balance the stats with artifacts, dunno, but it's worth a shot. 2xHV CWs should do for a group, a 3rd SW CW would be nice.
In found that all set have strange stat allocation. All set are really Black or White?
Defence stat :
Why there's so much Deflect ?
Why there isn't any Life Steal ?
Why not having more diversified stat allocation like a lot of Def, some Regen and/Life Steal and a little of both Deflect and/or Movement ?
Attack stat :
It's Power+Recovery or Power+50% Recovery/50% Crit.
Where's the Armor Penetration ?
On the 2-pieces bonus, it not help because it's just a bunch of one stat. And generally, it's the one that the set give already a lot.
If the set give Power+Recovery, why having a Recovery bonus ? Why not having it give Crit or ArmPen ?
On the 4-pieces bonus, they can't be balanced !!
-- HW give a Def buff and debuff, it result in a better survivability and more damage for the CW and the group.
-- Magelord give a Recovery buff, it work only on one quarter of the fight. And Recovery are on Diminish Return. No defensive buff nor group help.
-- SW give a Life Steal and a Crit Severity buff. The problem is that the CW need to be "near" is target. It depend on the fight but it won't help the Wizard by-default.
So globally, HV is so much used because it debuff every target, increasing damage for the whole group and it increase you're survivability. It can't be compared to the other two that are a lot less versatile (even without bug).
My conclusion:
Stat allocation is a minor problem with other gears, pet's stat and enchant.
But the bonus should be a lot more balanced.
Why HV isn't simply a target's def reduction while SW could increase Crit severy on target and Magelord being a proc not based on remaining health ?
chemboy613Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,521Arc User
edited January 2014
You should always have one cw wearing hv. The debuff is too good.
That said, if the debuff is on, the ws set probably does more damage, and buffs your teammates. My teams, and many others, often go 2hv and 1sw.
As a MoF cw, sw is the better set for me. Without eots, crit is important to MoF build, so sw is nice
That said I keep my hv in my bags for when there is no other cw, pvp, etc...
So I'd say get both. If you are storm spell, hv is likely better, and if you are MoF, ws is likely better, but you should have the liberty to switch.
Also, if you are oppressor, I have heard of an archmage build out there.
Magelord seems like trash, and while I love the look and stats of the mc set, my act shows phantom echo doing nearly nothing. It's disappointing.
while I love the look and stats of the mc set, my act shows phantom echo doing nearly nothing.
When I ran ACT on it, the MC set proc used to deal around 4% damage from a full CN run. Compare this to the below 1% combined procs for Dread set
Basically they made a nice set (Archmage), then 2 even better ones (HV and SW), both broken in some aspects. The natural progression path would have CWs farm the MC set, yet it was hugely disappointing. There were some hopes before Module 2 release that the Dread set would finally be a worthy replacement for HV. Yet the devs somehow managed to make an even worse set than the MC one
what do you guys think about 2/2 sets?? sw and something else?
They do nothing to help the party. The sets should help you contribute to the party - debuffs, buffs etc. When all they do is increase a stat already deep in diminishing returns, all that transpires from this move is "I want to deal more deeeppss so badly...". It is kinda selfish and lame IMO.
Just do your job and help with the HV/SW debuff. If you don't have the sets yet, wear GG or Archmage temporarily until you farm HV.
No, SW works fine. Really, there's no issue with it. Buffs are applied, there is nothing like an ICD. I've been monitoring buffs and character sheets since i have it, and there's no bug. That's a silly rumour, i don't get why people keep spreading it and don't even bother testing stuff themselves.
No, SW works fine. Really, there's no issue with it. Buffs are applied, there is nothing like an ICD. I've been monitoring buffs and character sheets since i have it, and there's no bug. That's a silly rumour, i don't get why people keep spreading it and don't even bother testing stuff themselves.
That doesn't mean i recommend it to anyone. The set bonus is good, just not as good as HV for pvp/one CW parties dungeons. As others stated before, you need one in your group. Furthermore I wouldn't call SW a good starter's set. It's a very offensive set, so you need to get survivability somewhere, be it from jewelry, artifacts, or high rank lifesteal enchantments.
If you want a cheap weapon set, the Valindra's tower one is fine. It has a set bonus, some lifesteal, and high power. It's easy to get once you master the fight, since it drops from the DD chest very often.
chemboy613Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,521Arc User
edited January 2014
Lenny, you double checked and no ICD? ACT doesn't track buffs and debuffs.
That said, if there is one CW, wear HV. If there is a second CW maybe wear SW, if there is a third CW - then one should absolutely have SW.
Since crit is largely wasted in the spellstorm spec, it makes more sense for spellstorm to wear Viz b/c EotS.
SW is great for MoF set, but make sure you are getting the regen lifesteal and some deflect elsewhere.
Even if fixed, SW has a bit of a strange stat allocation, overstacking that crit and missing regen. If they fix the set (that is if they don't actually consider it WAI now...) I will try it again and maybe attempt to balance the stats with artifacts, dunno, but it's worth a shot. 2xHV CWs should do for a group, a 3rd SW CW would be nice.
agree on the fact that crit is over weighted on SW. I think there is a chance we can balance it out.
Apparently I happen to be the 3rd CW all the time since every other CW is running around in HV hehe.
This game is just too buggy.
DL set is a disappointment given I run 70 runs to get the freaking amour. The hope of dev might buff it up one day is keeping me from the urge of transmuting it.
Question about SW set bonus : it's said that it give the buff to allies near the target but by what distance ?
Did we know if it can be stack multiple time by a single spell ? (every tick of CoI)
For usage, it can work very well with a Thaum MoF using Crit Conflagration and Icy Terrain.
--> because of Crit Conflagration, he need a lot of crit (40% +)
--> because of Smolder behaviour with crit, Crit Severity is really good.
--> because of Icy Terrain, he will be near is target and will likely receive the buff.
Lenny, you double checked and no ICD? ACT doesn't track buffs and debuffs.
I used the best tools I could to double check: my mouse and my eyes. I've been able to monitor closely party buffs and my character sheet during the CTA event. Nothing like an ICD. I still need someone to volunteer to check his own character sheet and stats (can't cast and do that at the same time) but the buff is clearly visible on them, so...
Question about SW set bonus : it's said that it give the buff to allies near the target but by what distance ?
Did we know if it can be stack multiple time by a single spell ? (every tick of CoI)
For usage, it can work very well with a Thaum MoF using Crit Conflagration and Icy Terrain.
--> because of Crit Conflagration, he need a lot of crit (40% +)
--> because of Smolder behaviour with crit, Crit Severity is really good.
--> because of Icy Terrain, he will be near is target and will likely receive the buff.
The range is quite nice. I'd say sunburst or a bit more.
It procs only off the first tick of dots.
I'm currently experimenting renegade/mof/SW, because it seems to be a great synergetic build. So far it's satisfying (but some people here may think i'm easily satisfied ). I'll need more runs with ACT on to be sure about it.
Tabbed CoI and IT are indeed recommended for the rimfire bonus, to maintain smolder on, but i'm not sure rimfire is working properly right now. I'll have to check this on a mob with enough HPs (typically a boss). Chill + smolder should mean smolder is permanently on, but i'm still not sure it is.
I used the best tools I could to double check: my mouse and my eyes. I've been able to monitor closely party buffs and my character sheet during the CTA event. Nothing like an ICD. I still need someone to volunteer to check his own character sheet and stats (can't cast and do that at the same time) but the buff is clearly visible on them, so...
The range is quite nice. I'd say sunburst or a bit more.
It procs only off the first tick of dots.
I'm currently experimenting renegade/mof/SW, because it seems to be a great synergetic build. So far it's satisfying (but some people here may think i'm easily satisfied ). I'll need more runs with ACT on to be sure about it.
Tabbed CoI and IT are indeed recommended for the rimfire bonus, to maintain smolder on, but i'm not sure rimfire is working properly right now. I'll have to check this on a mob with enough HPs (typically a boss). Chill + smolder should mean smolder is permanently on, but i'm still not sure it is.
I'm running a Renegade/MoF with full Arcane focus, satisifed so far (and I hate any icy stuff) - Rimfire is bugged , there is a thread around the forums around that.
Critical Conflagration + Swath of Destruction - FTW!
Ok so after more tests, the shadow weaver set bonus has no ICD, provided you can keep at least one of the bonus active. If you have no stack of one of the set bonuses, then the ICD starts. Scorching burst adds two stacks (didn't test storm pillar, would be nice if someone did it), so you just need to be hitting stuff at least once every 6s. The ICD seems to be something like 20 or 30s, so it's not overly dramatic if you lose your set bonus anyway. Under high pressure (like a boss fight), there is no reason for the SW bonus to drop.
Question about SW set bonus : it's said that it give the buff to allies near the target but by what distance ?
Did we know if it can be stack multiple time by a single spell ? (every tick of CoI)
For usage, it can work very well with a Thaum MoF using Crit Conflagration and Icy Terrain.
--> because of Crit Conflagration, he need a lot of crit (40% +)
--> because of Smolder behaviour with crit, Crit Severity is really good.
--> because of Icy Terrain, he will be near is target and will likely receive the buff.
This is _exactly_ the build I am using. MoF is not underpowered, i routinely outdamage similarly geared stormspells at draco, though they always beat me on the clear.
Overall, i think this is very effective, provided the other CW is wearing HV. I carry around my HV set in case there isn't one.
Even if fixed, SW has a bit of a strange stat allocation, overstacking that crit and missing regen. If they fix the set (that is if they don't actually consider it WAI now...) I will try it again and maybe attempt to balance the stats with artifacts, dunno, but it's worth a shot. 2xHV CWs should do for a group, a 3rd SW CW would be nice.
Defence stat :
Why there's so much Deflect ?
Why there isn't any Life Steal ?
Why not having more diversified stat allocation like a lot of Def, some Regen and/Life Steal and a little of both Deflect and/or Movement ?
Attack stat :
It's Power+Recovery or Power+50% Recovery/50% Crit.
Where's the Armor Penetration ?
On the 2-pieces bonus, it not help because it's just a bunch of one stat. And generally, it's the one that the set give already a lot.
If the set give Power+Recovery, why having a Recovery bonus ? Why not having it give Crit or ArmPen ?
On the 4-pieces bonus, they can't be balanced !!
-- HW give a Def buff and debuff, it result in a better survivability and more damage for the CW and the group.
-- Magelord give a Recovery buff, it work only on one quarter of the fight. And Recovery are on Diminish Return. No defensive buff nor group help.
-- SW give a Life Steal and a Crit Severity buff. The problem is that the CW need to be "near" is target. It depend on the fight but it won't help the Wizard by-default.
So globally, HV is so much used because it debuff every target, increasing damage for the whole group and it increase you're survivability. It can't be compared to the other two that are a lot less versatile (even without bug).
My conclusion:
Stat allocation is a minor problem with other gears, pet's stat and enchant.
But the bonus should be a lot more balanced.
Why HV isn't simply a target's def reduction while SW could increase Crit severy on target and Magelord being a proc not based on remaining health ?
That said, if the debuff is on, the ws set probably does more damage, and buffs your teammates. My teams, and many others, often go 2hv and 1sw.
As a MoF cw, sw is the better set for me. Without eots, crit is important to MoF build, so sw is nice
That said I keep my hv in my bags for when there is no other cw, pvp, etc...
So I'd say get both. If you are storm spell, hv is likely better, and if you are MoF, ws is likely better, but you should have the liberty to switch.
Also, if you are oppressor, I have heard of an archmage build out there.
Magelord seems like trash, and while I love the look and stats of the mc set, my act shows phantom echo doing nearly nothing. It's disappointing.
Everything you need to know about CW:
When I ran ACT on it, the MC set proc used to deal around 4% damage from a full CN run. Compare this to the below 1% combined procs for Dread set
Basically they made a nice set (Archmage), then 2 even better ones (HV and SW), both broken in some aspects. The natural progression path would have CWs farm the MC set, yet it was hugely disappointing. There were some hopes before Module 2 release that the Dread set would finally be a worthy replacement for HV. Yet the devs somehow managed to make an even worse set than the MC one
Basically speechless
They do nothing to help the party. The sets should help you contribute to the party - debuffs, buffs etc. When all they do is increase a stat already deep in diminishing returns, all that transpires from this move is "I want to deal more deeeppss so badly...". It is kinda selfish and lame IMO.
Just do your job and help with the HV/SW debuff. If you don't have the sets yet, wear GG or Archmage temporarily until you farm HV.
Even if SW is fixed it is still questionable to use it.
do you have a reason? ^^ be greatly appreciated~
You don't jump from 22th floor. You don't need a reason, you just don't.
No, SW works fine. Really, there's no issue with it. Buffs are applied, there is nothing like an ICD. I've been monitoring buffs and character sheets since i have it, and there's no bug. That's a silly rumour, i don't get why people keep spreading it and don't even bother testing stuff themselves.
thank you.
which orb would you suggest for an end game?
That doesn't mean i recommend it to anyone. The set bonus is good, just not as good as HV for pvp/one CW parties dungeons. As others stated before, you need one in your group. Furthermore I wouldn't call SW a good starter's set. It's a very offensive set, so you need to get survivability somewhere, be it from jewelry, artifacts, or high rank lifesteal enchantments.
If you want a cheap weapon set, the Valindra's tower one is fine. It has a set bonus, some lifesteal, and high power. It's easy to get once you master the fight, since it drops from the DD chest very often.
That said, if there is one CW, wear HV. If there is a second CW maybe wear SW, if there is a third CW - then one should absolutely have SW.
Since crit is largely wasted in the spellstorm spec, it makes more sense for spellstorm to wear Viz b/c EotS.
SW is great for MoF set, but make sure you are getting the regen lifesteal and some deflect elsewhere.
Everything you need to know about CW:
agree on the fact that crit is over weighted on SW. I think there is a chance we can balance it out.
Apparently I happen to be the 3rd CW all the time since every other CW is running around in HV hehe.
This game is just too buggy.
DL set is a disappointment given I run 70 runs to get the freaking amour. The hope of dev might buff it up one day is keeping me from the urge of transmuting it.
Did we know if it can be stack multiple time by a single spell ? (every tick of CoI)
For usage, it can work very well with a Thaum MoF using Crit Conflagration and Icy Terrain.
--> because of Crit Conflagration, he need a lot of crit (40% +)
--> because of Smolder behaviour with crit, Crit Severity is really good.
--> because of Icy Terrain, he will be near is target and will likely receive the buff.
I used the best tools I could to double check: my mouse and my eyes. I've been able to monitor closely party buffs and my character sheet during the CTA event. Nothing like an ICD. I still need someone to volunteer to check his own character sheet and stats (can't cast and do that at the same time) but the buff is clearly visible on them, so...
The range is quite nice. I'd say sunburst or a bit more.
It procs only off the first tick of dots.
I'm currently experimenting renegade/mof/SW, because it seems to be a great synergetic build. So far it's satisfying (but some people here may think i'm easily satisfied
Tabbed CoI and IT are indeed recommended for the rimfire bonus, to maintain smolder on, but i'm not sure rimfire is working properly right now. I'll have to check this on a mob with enough HPs (typically a boss). Chill + smolder should mean smolder is permanently on, but i'm still not sure it is.
I'm running a Renegade/MoF with full Arcane focus, satisifed so far (and I hate any icy stuff) - Rimfire is bugged , there is a thread around the forums around that.
Critical Conflagration + Swath of Destruction - FTW!
This is _exactly_ the build I am using. MoF is not underpowered, i routinely outdamage similarly geared stormspells at draco, though they always beat me on the clear.
Overall, i think this is very effective, provided the other CW is wearing HV. I carry around my HV set in case there isn't one.
Everything you need to know about CW:
ICD? I dont know. Something with cooldown?