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MH or PC?

halrloprillalarhalrloprillalar Member Posts: 68 Arc User
edited January 2014 in The Temple
Not that I have all 4pc of either set yet (2 ea atm), but which set is better (for PVE, mainly)?

Stats-wise I would def. prefer miracle healer, since the lifesteal on Prophet champion is a complete waste (wooopeee for the +15 ticks from FF?). However, +25% divinity gain (and if someone could clarify if that's ALL abilities that give you divinity or just a slow divinity trickle??) and 5% more healing seems like a really good set bonus, especially if I have to run anointed armor instead of fervor or other +divinity passive because people can't control add aggro.

is the 5% of your hp heal better than the 5% total healing bonus (and a divinity boost)?
I have enough recovery that I spend about 60-75% of my time using encounter powers (unless no one is taking any damage... which is rare... but then I equip divine glow/daunting light and go to town), so the 5% total hp would be pretty sweet. On the other hand, 5% more healing from everything (i assume) as well as more frequent tabbed healing word would also be nice.

Anyone try out both sets and figure out which is better?
Post edited by halrloprillalar on


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    meiramimeirami Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Basically, the argument of which set is better boils down to what suits your playstyle and nothing else.

    If you feel like you could use extra divinity, Prophet Champion might be better. But if all you need is extra crit and some basic maintenance (depending on your constitution), then Miracle Healer's perfect. I use Miracle Healer 99% of the time, but if it looks like there's a tough boss fight coming up and I might have to spam divine Healing Word, then I've found Prophet Champion to be more reliable.
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    crescentdusk1crescentdusk1 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Healing is always a bit rough in burst dmg segments but I haven't had a reason to swap in things like Miracle or PC set. Typically I end up forced to run AS, Healing Word and Sun Burst in PuG's but I really like to have some "fun" outside of the instances as well so I run the High Prophet set instead and I'm not really having any issues healing anyone for delves either.

    As Mei stated, it's really dependent on your playstyle as well. But if you find yourself getting bored of just being a tag along healing stick I'd really have to say that the High Prophet set is a ton of fun to use as it increases dmg by 30% (apparently the descrip is just bad) as long as you can tag a target 3 times(good for bosses as it benefits party members as well).

    My gear is all f2p, don't even have an enchant above r6 yet so I'm struggling to raise the GS with it for requirements but that aside it still gets me to 40% recovery and is a really enjoyable set for when you're off on your own or with a bunch of dps e-peen players that want to see their, "Urmagawd U guys see dis 170k hit!" moments.
    Ex photo: (I have no Ar Pen yet sorry lol)
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    vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Healing is always a bit rough in burst dmg segments but I haven't had a reason to swap in things like Miracle or PC set. Typically I end up forced to run AS, Healing Word and Sun Burst in PuG's but I really like to have some "fun" outside of the instances as well so I run the High Prophet set instead and I'm not really having any issues healing anyone for delves either.

    As Mei stated, it's really dependent on your playstyle as well. But if you find yourself getting bored of just being a tag along healing stick I'd really have to say that the High Prophet set is a ton of fun to use as it increases dmg by 30% (apparently the descrip is just bad) as long as you can tag a target 3 times(good for bosses as it benefits party members as well).

    My gear is all f2p, don't even have an enchant above r6 yet so I'm struggling to raise the GS with it for requirements but that aside it still gets me to 40% recovery and is a really enjoyable set for when you're off on your own or with a bunch of dps e-peen players that want to see their, "Urmagawd U guys see dis 170k hit!" moments.
    Ex photo: (I have no Ar Pen yet sorry lol)

    Target Dummies have no mitigation, so ArP doesn't increase your damage on them.

    All enchantments are "f2p." Please don't perpetrate the fiction that money is somehow required to obtain higher quality enchantments. Dungeon runs, Leadership tasks, daily quests, and basic use of the Auction House all provide various resources to help players accomplish their gear goals. It's not instantaneous, but it isn't unreasonable to do. Sorry for the impromptu soapbox, but I see evidence of a lot of this thinking in-game and on the forums, and spreading it is disempowering to players.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
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    crescentdusk1crescentdusk1 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Ah my apologies then as well, it's just a really terribly embedded habit to contribute the higher stuff to being more p2p.

    Enchants aren't terribly hard to take care of monetary wise, I'm just slow bc I haven't been able to rank em up while I've been crafting a norm Plague Fire enchant.

    Also had a feeling there was no mitigation on them but didn't care enough to come back and edit for an example photo lol.
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    tyrtallowtyrtallow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Now that that's out that'll probably get fixed soon. A shame, I've never actually tried to abuse it though I've always liked how I could stack my HP debuffs to four.

    Anyway for HW spammers Miracle Healer is great if you have really high HP. Like ~30k once you get maxed enchans; the extra heal you get per encounter use from MH becomes significant. PC is really more of a PvP set (as advertised - there's irony in there somewhere) because a good build will only ever have divinity problems in PvP. For PvE even Faithful clerics have Divine Fortune to fall back on, and they already have all these nice buffs and great synergies anyway.

    It all comes down to your build and what you need. While playstyle matters it's not as important to choosing sets as you think - you can play like a pure healer however you want and use MH, but if your HP is only 21k then you're much better off using something else like Iliyanbruen or even Dread Legion.
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    vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    tyrtallow wrote: »
    Now that that's out that'll probably get fixed soon. A shame, I've never actually tried to abuse it though I've always liked how I could stack my HP debuffs to four.

    Anyway for HW spammers Miracle Healer is great if you have really high HP. Like ~30k once you get maxed enchans; the extra heal you get per encounter use from MH becomes significant. PC is really more of a PvP set (as advertised - there's irony in there somewhere) because a good build will only ever have divinity problems in PvP. For PvE even Faithful clerics have Divine Fortune to fall back on, and they already have all these nice buffs and great synergies anyway.

    It all comes down to your build and what you need. While playstyle matters it's not as important to choosing sets as you think - you can play like a pure healer however you want and use MH, but if your HP is only 21k then you're much better off using something else like Iliyanbruen or even Dread Legion.

    Excellent point about max HP. Sometimes I forget that a lot of DCs actually are running around with ~21k HP, which would definitely cause their mileage to vary in regard to MH's set bonus.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
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    lurujluruj Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I think that PC set is much better, especially now where you can do CN with 5 CW if they have 1k+ life steal. They dont need heal they need debuffing.
    With this set you can skip 2 feats used for building divinity in Righteous path and take more interesting feats (Linked Spirit) from Faithful. You can then run with Divine Glow (divinity)->Yellow Astral Shield (yes yellow)->Forgemaster's Flame(divinity). This give you strong debuff, damage reduction, powerfull healing from FF and Linked Spirit for 90% time also from FF. Without this 25% Divinity boost it will hard to keep up Divine Glow and FF on divinity all the time. Use also plague fire or terror for better debuffing.
    1k life steal is laughable amount of "waste". On DC you had hard cap on every meaningfull stat since Module 1 already. Not mentioning pets and companions.
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    tyrtallowtyrtallow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    luruj wrote: »
    I think that PC set is much better, especially now where you can do CN with 5 CW if they have 1k+ life steal. They dont need heal they need debuffing.
    With this set you can skip 2 feats used for building divinity in Righteous path and take more interesting feats (Linked Spirit) from Faithful. You can then run with Divine Glow (divinity)->Yellow Astral Shield (yes yellow)->Forgemaster's Flame(divinity). This give you strong debuff, damage reduction, powerful healing from FF and Linked Spirit for 90% time also from FF. Without this 25% Divinity boost it will hard to keep up Divine Glow and FF on divinity all the time. Use also plague fire or terror for better debuffing.
    1k life steal is laughable amount of "waste". On DC you had hard cap on every meaningfull stat since Module 1 already. Not mentioning pets and companions.
    Several problems with the above. You won't be able to proc Linked Spirit with those encounters (FF doesn't proc Linked Spirit). Those encounters don't generate a lot of AP (divine mode powers give a set amount of AP, regardless of the number of targets hit) so you won't be using as many dailies either. Plaguefire/Terror is best used by a CW, simply because almost all cleric powers suffer from the rule of 5. A CW can simply use a power like Icy Terrain and every mob in the vicinity will more or less be automatically debuffed (multiple times, in the case of GPF).
    You also will have divine power gain problems with that setup regardless of whether or not you are using the PC set. Divine Fortune is out since you are using 2 offensive encounters, so that basically means that the bulk of your divinity gain will be from at-wills. The implication is that if at any time you find yourself busy running around/dodging/repositioning instead of using your at-wills, then your divinity gain will suffer a massive drop. Brand of the Sun is a only a partial fix - on small groups or if the boss is alone, you'll have very poor divinity gain.

    For a party with multiple CWs who don't need healing, a more simple and elegant solution is to have the DC use a high AP gain encounter setup and then have him/her slot Searing Light.
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    jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    FF CAN proc Linked Spirit!! Don't know why u all keep saying FF is less useful than other skills. Either i get the wrong result from using FF since months ago or you all didn't test it at all.
    Btw if you mean debuffing, go high prophet set, throw daunting light and flamestrike and use divine glow and a healing power is better and faster to clear.
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    tyrtallowtyrtallow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    jazzfong wrote: »
    FF CAN proc Linked Spirit!! Don't know why u all keep saying FF is less useful than other skills. Either i get the wrong result from using FF since months ago or you all didn't test it at all.
    Btw if you mean debuffing, go high prophet set, throw daunting light and flamestrike and use divine glow and a healing power is better and faster to clear.

    Tested, it actually does now. The reason I said FF doesn't proc Linked Spirit was because it actually -did not- a month ago. Do not say "months" because I tested the skill multiple times myself over the past couple of months and just just a little over a month ago (right before they buffed it back after it was nerfed) and it didn't proc Linked Spirit. I'm sure scozzers and many others will also confirm that it didn't until recently, or that if it did it only did so briefly. You do get credit for pointing this out though, this information will be invaluable (among others) in scozzer's Healing Powers and Synergistic Feats thread.
    You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
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    jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Yeah, "months" is a bit too much, I apologize here *90 degree bow*. I admit last time after midsummer event many skills are still bugged and getting nerfed, feats not working etc... I only stick to FF since october or november and when i retested all my powers at preview before the shadowmantle patch, i only realize FF can proc linked spirit! I went into skirmish and spam FF, then i know each tick will refresh Divine Advantage. After spamming FF for an hour in skirmish, and avoided other healing powers like Astral Seal, i did find out FF also proc cleanse in the first tick! But Astral Shield test... damm... it is really not a healing spell...
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    tyrtallowtyrtallow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 747 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    It's still a very important find. Thanks to your pointing this out more DCs will probably use FF now - it's already our strongest AoE heal, add to that Linked Spirit and Foresight (checked, it can also proc Foresight now - I encourage other people to test it) and I think we may have just confirmed that FF has become one of our strongest healing powers atm.
    You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
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    jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    FF is strong heal on trash mobs but small heal on elite mobs. So it really need some thinking before you cast it. Btw discussing FF is already off topic at here...
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    lurujluruj Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    When you are low on divinity you can use Divine Glow on normal mode. Also Brand of the Sun help with divinity gain in hard moments.
    Yea FF was not working on holidays but shortly after sharandar patch i tested it and it was activating Linked Spirit.
    jazzfong wrote:
    FF is strong heal on trash mobs but small heal on elite mobs. So it really need some thinking before you cast it. Btw discussing FF is already off topic at here...
    5x5k = 25k healed HP over 5s (p.vorpal + crit + 7k+ power). If this is small heal on elite mobs i dont know what you are using for healing.
    I use PC set from moment when it was avaiable and for me this is best set. Thanks to 2 more feats you can take. When you take another set you will have problems with divinity (if you take the same feats).

    PS: Maybe you think that FF healing power depend on FF DMG ? That is not true. It always heal for the same amount. You always cast it on elite mobs so you have assurance that it will tick 5 times.
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    jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Oh really?! I heard that FF heals is 2x its damage amount from someone guide, maybe I am mistaken and thanks to clarify that.
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    plaviaplavia Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I use MH set for 2 months now
    the total set bonus is not that good, its always heal me + 1 more character.
    but this character can be a companion or a character that doesn't need healing at all (or even a companion that doesn't need healing...)
    when things gets hard, we deal with lot of adds and angry boss and every one needs healing its ok. for solo its not bad as well

    the set bonus on PC looks great and as you said its worth 10 feats points that many actually use
    but this life steal is complete waist (I assume it might be handy on hard times but no more then power)

    I guess for high GS (>13k) the PC set is much better (u can get 5% healing bonus and not use healer lore , the extra divinity is always useful)
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    vikingbradvikingbrad Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I mainly do group PvE and prefer a debuff/buff and mitigate role. While I do some healing I don't think it is the Cleric's main role. I put AShield where its needed and Sunburst near as many allies as possible. Burst healing is up to individuals using pots,

    I prefer the High Prophet set. My normal setup is Sunburst, Divine Glow and Astral Shield. Astral Seal and Sacred Flame for at-wills and their heals. It is rare that I have to switch to a full Healing setup.

    Side question: Does anyone know if the Lantern of Revalation is a group

    But whatever works for your playstyle is the best advice.
    Ricky Gervatheist Lvl 60 DC on Dragon Server
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    erezwhiteerezwhite Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Short question related to this topic,

    is there any logic (other than the obvious GS boost) to use 2 pieces of MH and DL for the major stats buff ? PVE and PVP wise.
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    jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    erezwhite wrote: »
    Short question related to this topic,

    is there any logic (other than the obvious GS boost) to use 2 pieces of MH and DL for the major stats buff ? PVE and PVP wise.

    You better not. High gs but very less to none contribution player is still appearing in pvp. Get the role you want to be and build your character according to it. I didn't hear before someone use this type of item (2p2p) do well in pvp.
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    theosymphanytheosymphany Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    vikingbrad wrote: »
    Side question: Does anyone know if the Lantern of Revalation is a group
    The lantern debuffs up to 5 mobs in your vicinity from ACT parsing.
    erezwhite wrote: »
    is there any logic (other than the obvious GS boost) to use 2 pieces of MH and DL for the major stats buff ? PVE and PVP wise.

    Given we have sets with decent bonuses (High Prophet, Miracle Healer, Prophet Champion and even Mod 1&2 sets) and the myriad of ways to get more GS compared to pre Module 1 days there is no reason for PvE to go 2p/2p anymore especially if you are above 10k GS. The set bonuses will do a lot more for you/party than the extra 450 stats ever will. Shaking the GS mentality gives you the freedom to use the set that works best for your playstyle.

    In PvP I know some mixes def/deflect/regen blue items with a T2 chest piece but that is generally for more survivability if they're going for a more tanky build.
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