This is what I said when a friend told me she was raked over the coals in zone chat because she used the skill thorn ward.
Anyway she was minding her own business when someone shouted in zone for her to "learn her class or quit and stop using that thorn ward" This person went on to rant about how.... "If 50 people use it, it lags the entire zone."
So the question to the community is: Has anyone anywhere heard anything even close to this? and if there is any truth to it then gee... I guess we needs to stop playing Wizards too cause they can put out some pretty big effects.
to me... it sounds more like.. this person and others need to stop trying to run max graphic settings on old decrepit computers...
OR its class envy
A wizzy or a hunter played well can both pull off some pretty impressive stuff.
Just sayin
Use Thorn Ward and report the griefer.
However I do advocate not using Seismic while the bug persists, actually in general play once you have Ghost and Disruptive Seismic can be largely retired. It has some limited situational use in dungeons but for solo play the other 2 are superior.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
Pheryllt - 13.8k HR
Ginko - 10.3k DC
Puzzl Bochs - lvl38 CW
This is the 4th time they've 'fixed' that bug. I just really hope it works.
This thread really is not an appropriate discussion for the forums. While no naming has occurred the thread will only result in a discussion which insults or belittles the mistake or unpopular opinion that player has. There's really nothing more to this thread.
As such the topic is closed.