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Dungeon Experience

ravenlock99ravenlock99 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
edited January 2014 in General Discussion (PC)
Why do dungeon runs give so little experience compared to single player quests? I would love to just play in group and do dungeons, but I almost feel like I am wasting my time. The amount of time it take to do a dungeon run I could do 4 or more quests and basically raise a whole level.

I know at 60 this is a pointless argument, but I think more people would do dungeons while leveling if you got much better experience.
Post edited by ravenlock99 on


  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Why do dungeon runs give so little experience compared to single player quests? I would love to just play in group and do dungeons, but I almost feel like I am wasting my time. The amount of time it take to do a dungeon run I could do 4 or more quests and basically raise a whole level.

    I know at 60 this is a pointless argument, but I think more people would do dungeons while leveling if you got much better experience.
    Experience isn't hard to get, the reason people don't do dungeons often while leveling is that the gear is quickly quickly outleveled and there is no need for it.
  • ladymythosladymythos Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 637 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    I do dungeons for the daily ADs, mostly. Skirmishes too if I bother, but the same one three times in one day? Not a chance.
  • nwknight5280nwknight5280 Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    At higher levels the increased number of completions for skirmishes and especially foundries makes this such an unattractive option. It would be so much nicer if this system was reworked a bit to make it a one time thing with reduced AD or something.
    "We cannna bring a troll to fire, but we can bring fire to the troll" - old dwarvish proverb
  • rlrobrrlrobr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Why do dungeon runs give so little experience compared to single player quests? I would love to just play in group and do dungeons, but I almost feel like I am wasting my time. The amount of time it take to do a dungeon run I could do 4 or more quests and basically raise a whole level.

    I know at 60 this is a pointless argument, but I think more people would do dungeons while leveling if you got much better experience.

    I leveled 7 characters. I played low level dungeons with my first two until I realized it is pointless: the rewards you get are really short living and the seals are worthless.

    So, here the advice I can give you: if this is your first character, play at least once each dungeon to get a feel of them and learn how to play in a group. If not, just skip it entirely and just level your char up playing quests, skirmishes and/or PvP.

    When you reach level 60 you'll have the opportunity/need to play all (or most of) dungeons again and this time the profit can be good.
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