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Auto Level 60 Token

xcessiveforce40xcessiveforce40 Member Posts: 246 Arc User
edited January 2014 in General Discussion (PC)
Here is my idea. Once a week, if you have a current level 60 character, you were given the option to level a character from 1 to 60 immediately for 2500 zen or 700k AD would you do this? Meaning once a week, you want a new build or pvp or try a new class you could purchase an Auto 60 token, and magically have a level 60 toon. I know personally i would take advantage of this. The reason I came up with this is that most have several level 60s and its just tedious experiencing the same content over and over. Once you have completed this once the legit method, why not allow folks to speed up the process?

Any thoughts?
Founder: Xcessiveforce GF, Xcessiveheals DC, XcessiveRange HR, XcessiveArcana CW, XcessiveStab TR
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    mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I can't see this happening for a very long time as it took DDO seven years to allow something similar. Leveling here is ultra-quick in any case and there was even a guide posted recently on how to level using Foundries.

    Perhaps they could instead allow this only for the preview server so people could test future builds and give feedback more easily?
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    charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    @xcessiveforce40 No absolutely not this is a horrible idea.

    @mconoscrep And do you know how many people left DDO because of it? I know many. Buying and selling xp is the worst thing a game can do and means it's time to leave when they do it.
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    cellanoid#1655 cellanoid Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    This would be an instant turn off of the game for me. I enjoy leveling alts up and I don't just want a 60 so I can grind dungeons and AD all day.
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    aettthornaettthorn Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    It may also deprive newer players of experienced players to play along with in the lower-level zones. And that is bad for any game. Either players leave because they find the game frustrating and nobody is around to answer their questions, or you get people who don't really know how to play making it to 60 and then being confused.
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    mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    @mconoscrep And do you know how many people left DDO because of it? I know many. Buying and selling xp is the worst thing a game can do and means it's time to leave when they do it.

    Which was my point.....
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    charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    mconosrep wrote: »
    Which was my point.....

    I misunderstood you then, I thought you were highlighting it as something you liked that took too long to come out.
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    yyrkoonstyphoonyyrkoonstyphoon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    now wait!!! you mean someone has found a way to run ALL the content to lvl 60 on one toon to the point that an area has become tedious? Between leadership and daily invocation, lvling is so fast that I wish there was a way to slow it down (if i choose to do so.)

    Speaking of DDO, i would rather see some sort of reincarnation feature if we are going to model some of what they have done (of course account wide banks and other account based rather than toon based upgrades, but i digress)

    I would rather see them create more lower lvl content so I do not need to run the honor-blacklake-towerdistrict-Linkletter chain to get to 20ish, when you can start to take the different paths. Adding a different quest for to get the extra bag so i do not need to run the nevergraveyard-clocktower chain would be great...
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    tornnomartornnomar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I like the idea of the bags being tied to level like the companion at 16 and the mount at 20. This would work because if you chose to foundry level you would have to drop out at certain points just to run the story to get the bags. If it were level based, you could drop out at that level, go talk to Tristopher and get the Clock Tower quest.

    Auto leveling a new toon would lead to a whole lew of people not knowing that class. I play TR's. So I roll a DC, auto level to 60, hit the AH to gear/enchant/stone up. I hit a decent gs and bam! I'm ready for dungeons and Sharandar/Dread Ring!
    In reality what I'd be ready for is the fire, and sending other members to the fire because I have no idea how to be a cleric.

    You want another character, you should have to level it.
    Branch Lead
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    frishterfrishter Member Posts: 3,522 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    now wait!!! you mean someone has found a way to run ALL the content to lvl 60 on one toon to the point that an area has become tedious? Between leadership and daily invocation, lvling is so fast that I wish there was a way to slow it down (if i choose to do so.)

    Speaking of DDO, i would rather see some sort of reincarnation feature if we are going to model some of what they have done (of course account wide banks and other account based rather than toon based upgrades, but i digress)

    I would rather see them create more lower lvl content so I do not need to run the honor-blacklake-towerdistrict-Linkletter chain to get to 20ish, when you can start to take the different paths. Adding a different quest for to get the extra bag so i do not need to run the nevergraveyard-clocktower chain would be great...

    Maybe not 1 toon, but I've got 6 and levelling is the most pointless thing after already doing it so many times. Although doing dailies on all of them, especially sharandar ones was even more repetitive. 6 toons probably wasn't my best idea, but I know how they work more and I may stop doing working on most of them after the module 2 stuff is done on them. Not sure instant xp would be a good idea though. 1 thing that I noticed with my HR though, was that there would be times when I'd be stuck. I didn't want to do the solo dungeons yet as I've already done them and can get the achievement in future and just wanted to get to the point where I could do epics, but I'd get through the content too quick that I'm underlevelled to actually have the next quest appear.
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    ladymythosladymythos Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 637 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    Auto-level? God, no... horrible idea. The leveling process is quite crucial to learn how to play the class properly. Imagine auto-leveling a class to 60, spending a ton of AD in the AH to get your gear score up to 12k, and then trying to join a dungeon? That *will* happen, trust me. The last thing you want in MC or VT is the healer asking what his skills do... I still have nightmares about the War Speech Minstrels in LotRO.

    "It cuts your healing in half!"
    "But they let me do more damage!"
    "You're a freakin' healer!"
    "So? I need to do damage too!"

    Sigh... (and trust me, I've seen far, far worse examples than this about people who don't know the first thing about their class.)
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    starcherstarcher Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I think the leveling pace is already faster than any game I've ever played, other than WoW. I gain multiple levels just from doing a few dungeon runs and pvp battles. I'm level 22 or 24 right now and have only ran the second dungeon one time. I have so many quests piled up that my log and map to different gates is confusing with all of the blue and yellow marks. Not to mention the Winter Festival making level fast just from a few quick activities
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    cdnbisoncdnbison Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I am not a fan of this idea, as I'm one of those silly "half the fun is getting there" people.

    I'm curious, though, as to how the OP plans on making all those hypothetical lvl 60 alts, without spending a significant pile of Zen for extra character slots....
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    nwknight5280nwknight5280 Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    One of the main differences, as it applies to this thread, between DDO and NWO is the amount of lower level content. There really were several areas and paths to level a toon in DDO. This is why TRing (restarting a toon from level 1 w/ a small bonus in stats) worked so well there for replayability potential. Here in NWO the options are pretty limited. For a few toons it isn’t too bad; but the tedium of doing this over several toons is not attractive. The solution of course is more lower level content. I would hope this would convince players to buy more character slots and spend some RW currency on these new toons to explore new areas while levelling.
    "We cannna bring a troll to fire, but we can bring fire to the troll" - old dwarvish proverb
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    grogthemagnifgrogthemagnif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,651 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    leveling is learning.
    tornnomar wrote: »
    I like the idea of the bags being tied to level like the companion at 16 and the mount at 20. This would work because if you chose to foundry level you would have to drop out at certain points just to run the story to get the bags. If it were level based, you could drop out at that level, go talk to Tristopher and get the Clock Tower quest.

    Auto leveling a new toon would lead to a whole lew of people not knowing that class. I play TR's. So I roll a DC, auto level to 60, hit the AH to gear/enchant/stone up. I hit a decent gs and bam! I'm ready for dungeons and Sharandar/Dread Ring!
    In reality what I'd be ready for is the fire, and sending other members to the fire because I have no idea how to be a cleric.

    You want another character, you should have to level it.
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    melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    if you take note of what is offered in the zen shop, you won't find anything like this suggestion in there. it's one thing to provide an xp boost but to allow people to pay to skip leveling altogether... it's completely moving away from the concept of free to play. people already fly through content so fast, they complain that there's very little to hold their attention at end-game.

    there's no doubt a wide variety of play styles where some are happy with end game, some aren't so happy and some are miserable. but providing a way to skip leveling for zen just goes against the concept of d&d as well as f2p MMOs in general.
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    sasheriasasheria Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    melodywhr wrote: »
    if you take note of what is offered in the zen shop, you won't find anything like this suggestion in there. it's one thing to provide an xp boost but to allow people to pay to skip leveling altogether... it's completely moving away from the concept of free to play. people already fly through content so fast, they complain that there's very little to hold their attention at end-game.

    there's no doubt a wide variety of play styles where some are happy with end game, some aren't so happy and some are miserable. but providing a way to skip leveling for zen just goes against the concept of d&d as well as f2p MMOs in general.

    XP boost is one thing but auto level is a whole different story.
    XP boost means that you STILL have to play the game but get extra exp to level faster.
    Auto level is like buying power. Buying power is always a bad idea in the long run of the game. When you can instantly create another character for PvP vs another player who can't buy one, then you get people to stop PvP. Same with PvE.
    To grow old is inevitable, to grow up is optional.
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