4th column: Shadowtouched: 4 ticks of 250 damage, does scale with debuffs, but appears to have a 1 minute and 15 second cool down.
5th column:
Augmented Thayan Bastion: This shield can proc multiple times (assuming you are hit at about the same time.) It seems to absorb 1 hit, even if the hit is less than 500 damage. The damage output appears to be weakened by the enemy damage resistance without factoring your armor pen. It can proc other boons like shadowtouch. Cooldown of 1 minute.
Rampaging Madness: Every hit seems to add multiple stacks, and some encounters add more than others. Very quick to build 50 stacks, it is not one per second. They do fall off after a while if not built to 50, maybe a minute? I didn't time this. They do reset after 10 seconds or so after you have the 50 stacks. Seems to also proc ticks off elemental empowerment, shadowtouched, and elven ferocity. Currently if I go to a group of mobs and cast nothing but CoI, I can have 50 stacks. Also you can stop when you have 50 stacks, and save the buff, apparently it's the next hit that activates the madness.
Endless Consumption: Seems to have no cooldown, does what it says with 3x lifesteal, and seems to proc between 40-50% of the time.
Burning Guidance: Tried just for fun to see if lifesteal, regen, pots, or waters artifact could trigger this but it did not happen. On DC this procs a lot. Has a high chance to proc off every heal tick for every target it seems. With just a couple people it was almost constantly proccing. Damage is low, but there is no CD.
Edit: updated burning after testing on DC
Post edited by stoxforum1 on
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2014
Thanks. Seems a rather tough choice between Madness and Consumption. Gonna have to choose tomorrow.
nwnghostMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2014
When you say every hit applies multiple stacks, does every hit that you refer to deal damage from multiple sources? I.e magic missile with PF = 2 damage thus 2 stacks (or 3 with storm spell)
What about control powers like Steal Time before the damage portion? (assuming no procs from storm spell or enchants)
Overall this feels inconsistent. 5th tier has provided merely gimmicks and now two of them are really good. We're talking about a decent uptime of Madness (+1.2k GS 1.8k Conq GF?) and +80% Lifesteal (10% to 18% for instance given the proposed 40% procrate).
When you say every hit applies multiple stacks, does every hit that you refer to deal damage from multiple sources? I.e magic missile with PF = 2 damage thus 2 stacks (or 3 with storm spell)
What about control powers like Steal Time before the damage portion? (assuming no procs from storm spell or enchants)
I don't have a plague fire to test this, but on my TR bilethorn ticks did add to it. On CW, every tick from boons such as shadow, every tick of elemental empowerment, every hit from storm spell add to it. For instance I just used a chill strike on 3 target dummies, and because of elemental empowerment and maybe a storm spell proc, I got 26 stacks of madness.
thanks for testing this, just 1 day away for me to get it.
Think i will go consumption with every char from the look of the results.
Well feel free to do some more testing as I'm sure you will. Some things I'm curious about that I want to try but I'm about to head out for the night:
thayan bastion: since i had hits for less than 500 damage take this away, maybe it will absorb more than 500. Like will it eat an entire IS from a TR? Also, does it prevent you from being cc'ed when it procs, as in maybe the cc hit the shield instead of you.
rampaging madness: now I know for biletorn I got 2 stacks for every hit on auto attacks, but I don't think I was getting stacks from the bleed affect part of bilethorn, just the initial hit, so maybe someone with plague fire can try this out if they get a chance and see if that is the case.
endless consumption: I was going to do some longer tests and more comparison of crits/etc to try to nail down a more precise number for how often this procs.
I don't have a plague fire to test this, but on my TR bilethorn ticks did add to it. On CW, every tick from boons such as shadow, every tick of elemental empowerment, every hit from storm spell add to it. For instance I just used a chill strike on 3 target dummies, and because of elemental empowerment and maybe a storm spell proc, I got 26 stacks of madness.
Chill Strike hitting 3 targets = 3 stacks + 3 from empowerment + 1 from Stom Spell = 7. How did you get 26? Or was that after 1 Chill and letting it all tick till it wore off?
Chill Strike hitting 3 targets = 3 stacks + 3 from empowerment + 1 from Stom Spell = 7. How did you get 26? Or was that after 1 Chill and letting it all tick till it wore off?
Yeah, all the ticks from elemental empowerment added a stack.
nwnghostMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2014
Sounds like Rampaging Madness is a permanent 600 Power, 300 LS/Regen until they fix it to only grant 1 stack per second
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Well I took Madness and intend to enjoy it while it lasts. I hope they change the tooltip, not the boon
Madness is SICK! with coi and a small pack of mobs I am at 30 stacks without anything else. A large pack would probably reach 50.
remorselordMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 102Arc User
edited January 2014
I took the consumption and it's just as good as madness if not better. It seems that you get 3x as much health gain rather than the lifesteal stat. So if I did a 14k critical hit, I would normally get 2k HP back from that. With consumption I got 7k HP back from damage. The biggest downside to it is it procs on all damage no matter how large or small it is which is sometimes not very useful. If you constantly do high damage hits than consumption is awesome.
What about control powers like Steal Time before the damage portion? (assuming no procs from storm spell or enchants)
According to the tooltip Madness is bugged then?
Overall this feels inconsistent. 5th tier has provided merely gimmicks and now two of them are really good. We're talking about a decent uptime of Madness (+1.2k GS 1.8k Conq GF?) and +80% Lifesteal (10% to 18% for instance given the proposed 40% procrate).
I suspect that won't last long.
I don't have a plague fire to test this, but on my TR bilethorn ticks did add to it. On CW, every tick from boons such as shadow, every tick of elemental empowerment, every hit from storm spell add to it. For instance I just used a chill strike on 3 target dummies, and because of elemental empowerment and maybe a storm spell proc, I got 26 stacks of madness.
Think i will go consumption with every char from the look of the results.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
Well feel free to do some more testing as I'm sure you will. Some things I'm curious about that I want to try but I'm about to head out for the night:
thayan bastion: since i had hits for less than 500 damage take this away, maybe it will absorb more than 500. Like will it eat an entire IS from a TR? Also, does it prevent you from being cc'ed when it procs, as in maybe the cc hit the shield instead of you.
rampaging madness: now I know for biletorn I got 2 stacks for every hit on auto attacks, but I don't think I was getting stacks from the bleed affect part of bilethorn, just the initial hit, so maybe someone with plague fire can try this out if they get a chance and see if that is the case.
endless consumption: I was going to do some longer tests and more comparison of crits/etc to try to nail down a more precise number for how often this procs.
Chill Strike hitting 3 targets = 3 stacks + 3 from empowerment + 1 from Stom Spell = 7. How did you get 26? Or was that after 1 Chill and letting it all tick till it wore off?
Yeah, all the ticks from elemental empowerment added a stack.
Well I took Madness and intend to enjoy it while it lasts. I hope they change the tooltip, not the boon
Madness is SICK! with coi and a small pack of mobs I am at 30 stacks without anything else. A large pack would probably reach 50.
Video Review: http://www.twitch.tv/zovya/c/2671017
Consumption in a already Immortal GWF would be nice.