I am playing a GF, and recently I noticed while hitting a target dummy with cleave that I don't do as much damage as the tooltip of cleave says. Other at-wills and encounters also deal less damage than their tooltip says. Anyone got an idea why that is, or if I can fix it, how to do it?
I made a post about this back in October, but no one seemed to look at it. I will summarize my old post here. If you have Wrathful Warrior, that's the reason your tooltips are off.
Wrathful Warrior (feat in the Conqueror tree) increases the damage the tooltips on all GF abilites show, but does not actually increase damage until temp hit points are up.
Do as i say **** it! lol Why do they have to do what you say? They are the developers its their game and my GF isn't broken; so I don't understand.
Thats like praying to god for a corvette and then expecting to get it and when you don't; you become an atheist....
Tooltips are usually wrong and vague anyway because it doesn't take all the considerations into account.
Everyone who doesn't enjoy their class or don't understand the mechanics says its broke and needs to be fixed I'm not gonna sit here and say its entirely fixed; Yeah some stuff is still not working but it does usually work if you know how its used.
Honestly, they have been pumping out so much content they haven't had the chance to go over the little bugs like tool tips. We want content? We want bugs gone? Then were gonna have to wait until they have enough breathing room to actually get to the bugs gone; after they have enough time to do it when they have most of the content in that they want to put out. I mean they could just give us nothing lol.
Did some ninja patch add a bit of DEF to the dummies? But then, the other classes would have noticed it too, not just the GFs.
Is that so?
I'm rather sure my testing was valid. If you would like to see my old post (I don't like reviving long-gone threads, but it was a long post and I don't feel like retyping it) then click here. If anyone goes there, please don't respond it to.
As a quick sum up (again) of that post: I tested the same build with and without Wrathful Warrior on the dummies, and the damage was the same. However, my tooltips on the char with WW said I should be doing 15% more damage. Also, I later tested damage with temp hp, and the char with WW was doing more. So it looks like a simple tooltip problem.
If you look at an unfeated GF without any ability scores, boons or companions or gear (except weapon), you will find that Cleave's tooltip does not match damage done. You should find that you do not only more average damage than stated in the tooltip but that the maximum damage appears to double dip with the Power stat (i.e. scales up in damage like any other player power but also scales up independently as well), creating a slightly increasing variation in Cleave damage done.
In the OP's case, the lower damage than stated on tooltip is almost certainly due to a feat and likely as explained by pingconchere from the 15% tooltip bonus of Wrathful Warrior since that matches well with the, admittedly tiny sample, damage shown in their combat log.
May it be intended or not, it happens to all class. Your dmg output from skill and at-will are not within the tooltip shown range, I test it on dummy and make sure no feat or enchant are taken into account. But they are not randomly scattered, they still fall into a fairly close range so no it wouldn't effect your test on different builds and stuff.
Do more test yourself then we talk.
I know, it was a pretty tiny sample I think I admitted that in the original post, but the numbers did not vary wildly, so I just stuck with my sample. I have done more testing since then (bigger sample) and have received the same results. I would usually try to back any claims I make with more evidence, but I don't usually have a lot of free time to test out such things, and I don't have a parser/program to record the numbers. I should probably get one.
To be honest, it's hard to follow many tooltips of many classes, like how Benefit of Foresight and Restoration Mastery for the clerics use the exact same structure and diction, but do completely different things. But, this is a thread for the GF.